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Boc's All Chaos, All the Time (Warpsmith, BoN 2, Nurglings complete)


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Not much progress to report on the leviathan or the Terminators. Base layer on all of them, the green shade applied. Started to do some trim but then...I bought a few assembled armigers from another local player. And let the spikey bits be added! Think I'm done with the chaincannon and chaintalon model, lot of work yet to do on skullface.





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Thanks for the feedback! Tiny bit of progress first with the leviathan and Terminators, all green is applied (2x layers for termies, not sure yet if it's dark enough to match my old justaerin super dark green) 


Leviathan has had a lot of work but not much that's noticeable. I've found that vehicles progress seems like "nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, oh I'm done"





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Next up is some minimal progress on the War Dog Executioner. The autocannons looked way too vanilla, and I had a few leftover ectoplasma cannons from the forgefiend I did last year.


Unfortunately, it's not hollow, and I'm lazy, so I sawed the "head" off to see how it looked. I really like it, but am entirely not sure how I could join the existing guard to the head without some nurgly-looking green stuff, which I hate doing. Any ideas or bits to look at?





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We'll take a break in my Chaos Knight love affair with a return to our regularly scheduled programming



First part of this month's vow is done! There are some touch ups left, like the splash effect behind the running foot needs to get painted once the blood pool dries, spray coat of munitorum varnish, the usual, but I'm just excited to finish and post 








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Great work! The weathering looks very realistic! Since I just got that dread model from Forgeworld, I think I will try something similar weathering-wise, but not sure mine will get anywhere near yours (I have only started out with working with pigment and sponges and it is still early days- all the better to see these finished models to take inspiration).

And as usual, your bases are fantastic.

This is how you imagine the dropsite massacre to have looked!

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Aye that's some nice weathering on the Leviathan!


As for the cannon join on the Armiger, I guess the simplest route is to sculpt some nasty fleshy stuff. Alternatively, you could use some card/plasticard to make some sort of smooth covering that tapers down to meet the original cannon? Another idea could be to cover the joint with trophies and skulls, etc.

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I've only done the sponge weathering on my last few vehicle models @Valkia the Bloody I'm sure you'll pick it up quickly. Pretty fast and easy, which go well with my laziness lol


Someone on Discord suggested a heat sink for the joint, which I liked for simplicity and I think it'd mesh well enough since I'm not much of a sculptor. 


I did manage to get some work done on the Terminators and finished up a combi melta, combi plasma, and a combi disintigrator that was definitely not a random eldar weapon I had laying around lol








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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, after snowboarding and visiting my family for about a week, on our way back (me+wife+2 kids) we hit snow and ice storms! Hooray! 


Of course the airline didn't announce any delays until we were all loaded on the plane. So we sat on the tarmac for 4 hours until we finally took off. I reserved a rental car under the assumption we'd miss our connecting flight in Chicago. Luckily the airline rescheduled us for a later flight, so I canceled the reservation right before takeoff.


Landed in Chicago, all flights had been canceled to where I needed to go. No more rental cars available, next flight out not until Friday morning. So we had to keep the kids entertained without a car andwithout the adults having changes of clothes (kids carry ons luckily had theirs, ours were full of the crap to keep them from going nuts). So I burnt 2 more vacation days due to weather, and finally got home and changed out of my extremely funky clothes today, took a long nap, barricaded myself in my office and got some painting done. So, long story less long, finished the 5 termies I wanted to do lol.




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Made a good bit of progress on thr Knight Abominant, finished all the offwhite surfaces before working on the red trim. The couple of gray sections will be turned green to match the Sons of Horus everywhere else, and to shoe the "spread" of contagion over the original House colors. At least that's how it is in my head. How does the white look? Think each took like 4 or 5 layers to finally look about the way I wanted, building from the gray base coat to a Grey seer layer to Corax white, before I inevitably dirty it back down when I'm finishing up. 


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Not as much progress as hoped today (I took a loooooong nap), but got about a third of the volkite done and mostly finished up the left half of the top armor. 


I'd gotten a white oil to try to do the glow effect based off a video tutorial, but admittedly the video was for Plasma so I was guessing a bit with the volkite colors. Pic quality isn't great since reorganizing my paint space has kind of eliminated the spot I normally did it, but I'll figure something out.


Hoping tomorrow to finish the other half of the top armor, the back half of the volkite, and maybe work on the smoke stacks.



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