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2 hours ago, Xin Ceithan said:

…then again, you get to steal files from HR, I guess :devil:


Well, you are a source-er-rer....


I think the result makes more sense than we realise - Iorek is superstitious and keeps to himself, so would not really take an interest in 'fun HR days at work' whilst as you say, Space Wolves are very rare in the Corsairs.


51 minutes ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Ha- Abraxus did some work with the Corsairs as well...


Did he? Well I've never seen him around! :angel:


INF Test for lul/later:

D100: 12


Wow. Just wow.

1 hour ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Ha- Abraxus did some work with the Corsairs as well...

Let‘s check…
Infamy Test : 33 - fail

unless Abraxus is really much more infamous than we realised.


No, that file wasn‘t in the same folder apparently. 

Or maybe Khyran was just too distracted  by the partying Space Wolf at that time :biggrin:

14 hours ago, Xin Ceithan said:

unless Abraxus is really much more infamous than we realised.

Kind of the opposite- Abraxus may not be on good terms with his Legion, but he still follows their principles in regards to stealth.

Okay I am caught up a bit on the OOC proceedings here.


@Xin Ceithan: your character will not recognize the ex-Space Wolf/Red Corsair, but Huron counts many, many fallen or corrupted Astartes amongst the ranks of his forces.


@Mazer Rackham: Your character (when he realizes it or Khyran announces himself) will be surprised to find a member of Huron's cabal of sorcerer's here, particularly Khyran Ar'zuul, whom you understand is an ex-Librarian who fought alongside Blackheart during the Badab War and is known to wield a blade of dread power. You don't know much else about him beyond that.


In essence, your Infamy rolls were to test to see if the other character will have heard of you.




There is a small matter with claiming/doling out loot that I'd like to address now, particularly with regard to how Infamy works (in the case of the recent melee in the Gutted Cardinal, this does not apply, but it may come up in the future):


1. We're all friendly with one another here in the OOC, but there will possibly be times when your characters may find themselves in competition with one another for equipment, loot and other flash bitz.

2. In order to arbitrate disputes amongst characters, we can have a sidebar here in the OOC to try to work things out, but there is a mechanical aspect that must be satisfied in-games as well, whether via an opposed Infamy Test or good RP or a combination thereof.

3. Per the Infamy rules, if one character acquires a good or service on behalf of another character, the receiving character must make an infamy test of his/her own with no modifiers. Success means they may receive the good or service without penalty, but should they fail, it means their character is acknowledging some level of subservience to the other in the eyes of the Dark Gods, and they will further suffer a reduction of their Infamy score by 1. (See Black Crusade Core Rules, p. 307).


Now things *could* have played out differently in the scenario we just saw, wherein perhaps Iorek chose to claim the sword for his own as was his right, even if he had little to no use for the weapon outside of using it as a future bartering/trading token with a warlord or arms dealer. In this case, were Sakal to demand the blade of Iorek, I would have perhaps required an opposed Infamy roll. As it stands I'm going to leave it alone because the RP of the situation didn't seem to remotely merit it. I hope that's fairly clear.


TL;DR version: in Black Crusade your characters aren't exactly able to get away with just giving stuff away to one another.

Edited by Necronaut

Sorry for the current placeholder mess…as I hinted over in Serpent  the Holidays are the Emergency Services’ yearly equivalent of the Battle of Britain :ermm:


So I’ll see what I can do to reign in the backlog but it’s probably going to be rough week. 


FYI I was thinking the Corsairs might use a version of “banging your fist on chest plate “ salute with the fist/ hand then opening to a claw on the outward move / salute, as well as using the phrase “By his Claw” - as it’s both mocking traditional Imperial gestures and easily spans the range between respect and disdain for Huron ong the Corsairs themselves? 

Hey guys, a quick update: I've been unable to sit down to write with family visiting from out of town and a wedding to attend today. I should have some free time on Saturday or Sunday to put ink to paper as it were.

40 minutes ago, Necronaut said:

Hey guys, a quick update: I've been unable to sit down to write with family visiting from out of town and a wedding to attend today. I should have some free time on Saturday or Sunday to put ink to paper as it were.

No worries, and enjoy the family time and event today. 

No worries mate. We know and we can wait for your attention. 

Like we always wait appreciately for a Xin Ceithan post, knowing that he's very busy (driving his ambulance or up to his elbows in blood and guts) at this time of year. 





  • 3 weeks later...



It is with a great deal of disappointment and frustration with myself that I'm going to put this game on indefinite hiatus. My personal life is frankly too chaotic for me to make regular updates in the capacity of a GM at the standard which I expect for myself on the board here, and I have found myself incapable of giving each of you adequate screen time and attention that you each deserve. I don't see this changing anytime soon, and so I am going to have to be a bit selfish and step back from trying to run a full-blown sandbox-lite game. Maybe it was naïve of me to think I was up to the task in the first place, but with my general obsessiveness about how I structure and write my posts the meager work that I have managed to put out is frankly too much for me, and I have come to dread making any further progress. 


I sincerely wanted this to work. I love Black Crusade as a game setting and Chaos more generally, and I really loved and enjoyed each of the characters you created and poured your creative juices into for this game. But I am not the man for the job, and likely will never be with my hectic career and growing family. 


I hope you will forgive me for my selfishness in continuing to post in some capacity as a contributing player to games on the board, but administering a properly executed game which is fun, coherent and regularly updated is just beyond me. Character posts are an absolute breeze by comparison. Hats off to the GMs here putting in yeoman's work day after day. I have failed miserably to maintain the very modest weekly update schedule I originally proposed/promised and it is unfair to everyone to continue the charade. 


Moderators, please lock the IC thread. We can leave this thread open for complaints and pillorying (of me). If there is someone here insane enough to want to take my campaign notes and cobble something together for their own ends, drop me a DM and you can have at it. 


I feel awful and I know I have let you players/creators down. Thank you all for your contributions and enthusiasm. 





Edited by Necronaut

Undoubtedly disappointing, because it's a great setting you created in Desolace with so much potential for a fun game. So, before I say anything else, well done!


However, from the things you've said to me previously, I understand that you are a very busy guy, with lots of family and work responsibilities. Those come first. That's not you failing, that's just life, so please don't beat yourself up so much!


I think that if you know you can't do it right now, it is the smart and right move to just say so and put it on hold, rather than trying to string it along - which just results in players’ hopes being raised and dropped, leading to apathy about the game (which would be a shame, because as I said before, it's got great bones!)


I'll lock the IC thread, but who knows? Maybe at some point you'll feel you've got a little more time and energy to give to it, and we can kick it off again?



Anyway, in summary, no hard feelings from me whatsoever, and whatever games you do choose to take part in, and whatever characters you create in them, I will continue to look forward to reading your posts. They are always superbly written and add to whichever game you are playing in, and to the PBP forum in general!





Edited by Lysimachus

Thank you Necro for all you have done, and as Lys said we all understand, and family does comes first.



You did not let us down, you provided a good game so far, and you are being honest with us now, which is all we could ever ask.

@Necronaut I can only echo what has already been said - BC is a hard enough game to run and manage at the best of times, so I think you did a marvellous job, and volunteering to be a GM can be a daunting prospect, so my compliments to you for having a good crack at the cat-herding whip!


Speaking of which, don't beat yourself up. Putting your life and family first is the smart thing, the right thing, to do. Nothing to apologise for at all.


Well done for your input, and thanks for throwing together a very interesting sandbox to explore and set fire to!


Don't be a stranger to the forum.

RL comes first, always. Don't worry about the game, you've got nothing to apologize for. We'll see you around the PBP forum.



Thank you for all the hard work and time you put into this. Thank you for all the fun your efforts provided us lot already and up to this point simply  by opening this up and getting it on the road. Or not so simply - GM’ing is a lot of work at the best of times and BC isn’t the easiest game to run in the first place. and then there’s life….

So please don’t be too hard on yourself. There is no failure here, especially on your part. You build a solid foundation and got an enthusiastic response. Then life happened. Don’t think of this as  failure. Think of it of the Network cancelling a popular  series mid-season for reasons beyond the reach of anyone directly involved. 

And It’s ok to be disappointed. Especially since  we can all share in that, I dare to say. 
We all wanted this to work and doesn’t work out - at this time at least. So let’s remember the fun we already had and be disappointed together for having to stop here. But please do not believe you disappointed  us in any  way. 

You made this possible. 



Hey, Silent Architect still needs a tech adept, right? :laugh:


Edit: scrap that, I'd missed Mazer's post update that said Xin is doing one. Still, I'm sure there are plenty of crew slots that could do with being filled...? 

Edited by Lysimachus

GMing and all the work involved is never an easy thing to find time for, especially play by post where months and years roll by and circumstances change. Thanks for letting us know.

Do not. 


Do Not.


Do Not beat yourself up about it!!!!


We are all you Friends here, we understand


You've made much more of an effort than I have, I could never GM here. It is enough for me to write zany and wacky characters in my Fiends Games (I am not going to fix the spelling mistake!)


Chill Winston!


Breathe, Relax!




@Necronaut - Now that you have shelved your BC game


It's your Initiative against the Death Guard!



Too soon?:biggrin:




Edited by Machine God
Some typo's but Not that one!

Thanks for the kind words and your support, everyone. This really was not an easy decision, and I very much want to return to this game and setting in due time.

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