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A Tale of Dust - XVth Legio (and friends)

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That was incredibly satisfying to do! 50 marines washed, scrubbed and varnished, ready for gluing. I think these will really be split between both the XIVth and XVth.


First up though I need to get the core of my TS finished before I start to go too crazy!


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Ha thanks @Pearson73! I’ve decided to hold fire on the DG temporarily, as I’d like to get some core stuff sorted for my Thousand Sons first. That said, I have just painted up another HQ as I was feeling inspired! Speaking of…


Here’s my Consul Legion Champion, Centurion Baniti of the Thousand Sons, Order of the Scorpion and Cult Pavoni Adept.

Working on some background fluff for my Order, but really happy with the way the army is slowly shaping up. Finishing the next 5 Sekhmet (finally), and then gonna blast through building a 20-man Tactical squad from the pile of Mk II minis.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Making good use of the old insomnia and getting the first 5 mk II Tactical marines sorted. They’re pretty much done now, just waiting for the bases to dry so I can paint them then get onto the next thing to do for the XVth. Better photos in daylight to come.


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Was really unhappy with my prior paint job on this, realised the red I was using was incredibly dull and veering towards a scheme befitting the XVIIth. Anyhoo, a cost of Scale 75 Inktense Red later and I’m much happier! Just need to reapply some light highlights to the red now. You can see the difference between my Legion Champion and the Prsetor still sporting the older red.


fortunately I hadn’t painted too much at this point so it’s a case of going back and reapplying that red to the others I’d painted too.




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Thanks y’all! :)


Well I’ve just about crawled off my sickbed to finish the first 5 Tactical marines. Updated them to be the newer red, and now these are done I’m gonna change the rest of the few minis I’d painted accordingly.








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As much as I really like how your scheme looks, I don't think the white bolters are working (at least for me). I'd suggest black or even the gold that you've replaced the traditional white areas with. Keep the white for the accent colours like the symbols and helmet crests; when used on the large bolter area it starts to compete with the black and gold, and kind of pulls the focus.


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great progress - beautiful models and I really like the bases.

I also really like the white bolters- I think it sells them as Thousand Sons, especially since you have the surprise black - which works better than I would have expected. The white bolters  look better at a distance through - the close ups might just suffer from a bit of reflection.

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@SkimaskMohawk I totally get what you mean, though I have to say, I will be keeping the white bolters. Mostly because I like the look of them but also I had changed my red scheme because I was worried the scheme was looking too much like a different legion, and the white bolters at least tie it to the XVth. What I might do is use more Tigrus bolters instead as I can add some gold to them easily and it breaks the white up. That and they're not as large as the more blocky Phobos bolters.


@LameBeard You've got it, it's not helped by my lighting situation, the reflection of the light is making the white look a wee bit more stark than it actually is. Phototgraphy - the bane of my existence haha.

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Aww thanks y’all!

Well the heatwave in the UK has completely stalled things atm, so havnt been able to do too much. Been working on my Scorpion themed command squad between 12am and 3am whilst it’s not been *too* hot! 

Done the oil wash stage on the marines, ready to reapply the layers and highlights once it cools down. Here’s a quick sneak of the post-oil, pre-paint stage.


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29 minutes ago, Marshall Mittens said:

Amazing looking banner. Crazy how the weather has been over there for you all. I gather most UK homes do not have AC, so its much worse. Are there any gaming shops with AC you could paint in when you have the time?

Many thanks!!! Yeah it’s been insane here. Even at 25 degrees, my paint was drying up on my plate, and it’s been 35 degrees here. Really need to invest in a wet palette!


Unfortunately I also have a very needy 10 month old puppy that I wouldn’t want to leave on his own, especially in this heat!

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