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A Tale of Dust - XVth Legio (and friends)

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6 hours ago, Pearson73 said:

That banner works so well for the XVth, nice job! I too feel for you in this heat, luckily it's just been the odd day of it over here. 

Can't mention a ten month old puppy without showing...

Ask and ye shall receive! Here’s Thor :)


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Currently in the process of reapplying layers to the Command Squad after the oil wash. Slapped a quick Inktense Red coat on the red armour, now to brighten up the golds and blacks.


Should say the red isn’t *quite* as bright as the lighting makes it out to be but it’s not far off. Much happier with this red than the flat matte I had going before.



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This is much more akin to the actual red (why is it such a hard colour to photograph? Le sigh). Here’s the 3rd member of the command squad (the banner bearer is in there as a 4th).


Ink has been added to them all now, just in the process of reapplying the highlights to the red, gold and black, then they’re done (basing aside which I’m working in at present too).





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Progress is a wee bit slow at present as I’m in the midst of moving house and massively downsizing. Currently just redoing the red armour on the marines I’ve painted so far. So much happier with the new scheme, it’s just a bit of a pain to photograph well!

Here’s my Terminator Praetor with a fancy updated look, alongside the older scheme for comparison.






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Well a week till the move so trying to get as much done hobby-wise as possible! In the process of redoing the red on the Sekhmet I’d done before, but in the meantime I finally finished my Command Squad! Very happy with how they’ve turned out. Was going to add a bit more black on the armour but with the deviations already from the extra Scorpion goodness I wanted to retain more of the traditional red.

Now if I can not get distracted by Knights of the Old Republic on my Switch lol, I’m gonna get onto building up 5 Khenetai and a TS Contemptor. 









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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, all settled in and my hobby room has been set up. My friend who gave me the Thousand Sons has done the same with some Mech, and was having a think about them

Loving my XVth Legion but they are taking something of an age to paint with the new process so decided to do something with the Mech and various Tanks I have lying spare. I think essentially the army will become a Shattered Legions force comprising of 3 Legions, but in the meantime I want something that’s a lot less time consuming to paint alongside the Thousand Sons. Decided against the Death Guard in the end, wanted something that could work with my minis so far as opposed to an enemy force. I love the relationship between Perturabo and Magnus, and his Primarch book is probably my favourite sooo…here’s the first mini for my Iron Warriors. A Warsmith that I can also use as Kyr Vhalen from the Legacies PDF. Nothing too fancy, just knocked up from spares from my bits box, happy with it though. Now To crack out the Leadbelcher spray!




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I can definitely relate to certain aspects of a scheme just ramping up the completion time. The gold is a big one for me, and its made me hesitant to finish certain models that have a lot of it. I've switched to models without it, but it looks like the red is what's increasing your paint time dramatically. Maybe there's a way to streamline the process a bit?

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  • 3 weeks later...

After what feels like forever, I’m finally back on the hobby wagon. The house move was particularly hellish, having spent the last X weeks cleaning, redecorating, spending all my disposable income on boring real life stuff like sofas and such lol.


Anyhoo, I had pledged to do…something else, but I thought sod it and made a start on 5 Khenetai. The squad leader is pretty much done, just need to tidy up some highlights and base him. The other 4 just need the red edge highlights doing and they’ll be in a similar state. After that, I’ll either do a Contemptor Dreadnought or a Numerologist and his Life Wards. Decided against doing the Iron Warriors for the moment, I’m happy with my Thousand Sons as they are, I just need to speed up my painting somewhat. I’ll get to the IVth at some point but the Warsmith is now going to be a Numerologist.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally, FINALLY finished the Khenetai Blade Occult squad after over a month. The joys of moving house and holidays! Okay actually a couple of small things to touch up but otherwise they’re done, woo hoo.


Next up is the first of several Contemptor Dreadnoughts, already varnished and ready for an oil wash.










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Decided to forgo getting any sleep whatsoever tonight and carry on with my Contemptor. He’s mostly done now, just need to reapply a couple highlights and then decide what I’m doing with his base. Will do some better photos in actual daylight, It’s not *quite* as orangey red as the picture makes it out to be, but it’s a nice vivid red at least. Quite like the touch of the eye on the chest plate in place of the Scarab as he is a former member of the Athanean Cult.


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Thanks all, I promise I will do a family shot soon! Well, it was supposed to be a productive weekend working on some tactical marines but I also had this chap sitting on my desk for ages. It was a surprisingly quick paint job (thank you black robes), so here’s the latest addition; Hathor Maat, Captain of the Third Fellowship, Magister Templi of the Cult Pavoni. It’s my homage to the old artwork from the CCG though I decided against the blue robes to keep him in line with the rest of the force. Right now I really MUST get some tacticals started!








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I love the eye on the Contemptor's chest eagle: did you sculpt that? It looks much better than the original scarab!


The Sorcerer latest character looks great and I'm pleasantly suprised by how well the 40k bits and pieces fit in with the 30k Thousand Sons aesthetic.


Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing your next update!

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31 minutes ago, Dosjetka said:

I love the eye on the Contemptor's chest eagle: did you sculpt that? It looks much better than the original scarab!


The Sorcerer latest character looks great and I'm pleasantly suprised by how well the 40k bits and pieces fit in with the 30k Thousand Sons aesthetic.


Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing your next update!

Thanks very much! I’m trying to recall where the eye part came from for the Contemptor chest plate…I’m sure it’s chopped up from a 40k TS lit but I’ll have to check!


Aye, I was rather impressed myself, splash of red instead of blue and they look the part. It’s all 40k plastic, bar the DA helmet and the collar I think is from an Empire Wizard.

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Well, I’ve finally started working on some Troops! At last…they’re using a mix of 40K and 30k parts. They look a lot more ornate than I’d prefer but they fit with the look of Hathor Maat, so clearly they worked alongside the Emperor’s Children too!




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At long last; I’ve finally painted some more troops! Or rather specifically I wanted to make sure it looked okay before doing loads, so did the Sergeant for my Veteran/Tactic Squad first. Pretty happy with him, boltgun aside (was hard to paint white over the red basecoat; this is why I don’t normally glue guns on either till after I’ve finished the mini, doh!). Still, happy with the mix of bits and overall look.


Now, onto finishing the layers on the next 4 Veterans/Tacticals.








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  • 5 months later...

Soooo it’s been a while! Had to have a mental health break for a spell, had a lot going on and wasn’t really in the right frame of mind for Heresy. After a a few months out, I felt it was the right time to pick up the brush and carry on where I’d left off so I dug out all my hoarded stuff and got back to it.


I’ve finished off the first 5 men of my Veteran Tactical Squad, utilising a mix of 40k and 30k plastics, plus some good old Forge World resin mixed in. Happy enough with these, now onto the next 5!







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Quite wonderful to see you back! I hope all things are improving in such ways that they are able.


The look to your Thousand Sons is, of course, stellar. You manage to evoke a very gritty and "in the world" aesthetic with your painting while also having a very bright and clear palette which only improves the overall work. A lot of paintjobs out there, my included, tend to err on the side of too dark. Especially when working with the "grimdark" aesthetic.


Hopefully we'll see plenty more soon!

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