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The Aett: Vith Legion Tactica


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5 hours ago, Alan said:

I believe warmonger is no longer an option for this edition, looks like Raider is our only option...

Please go to warhammer.com and download the two PDF they released for the HH so far. There you find the Warmonger.

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  • 1 month later...
13 hours ago, Etruscan said:

Is anyone running other infantry squads outside of Grey Slayers/Stalkers? I'm curious to hear potential (and fluffy) load outs for Veteran Tacticals, Seekers, and Support squads to name a few.


I also run an Assault Squad, with the ability to run and charge, they are rediculously fast, especially if you let them outflank. Thats on average a 23" Charge (12"+ 4" + 7") threat. I Did run Veteran Tacticals in HH1.0 and even though they got Buffed, i tend to run them as Stalkers, since they fit more in my playstyle and are one of, if not THE best allround scoring unit in the Game.

But i will get me a SW Seeker Squad. =]

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4 hours ago, MichaelCarmine said:

I also run an Assault Squad, with the ability to run and charge, they are rediculously fast, especially if you let them outflank. Thats on average a 23" Charge (12"+ 4" + 7") threat. I Did run Veteran Tacticals in HH1.0 and even though they got Buffed, i tend to run them as Stalkers, since they fit more in my playstyle and are one of, if not THE best allround scoring unit in the Game.

But i will get me a SW Seeker Squad. =]

Thanks for the reply. An Assault squad feels a natural fit for the Space Wolves, do you run them with the standard load out?

How do you think you will equip your Seeker squad?

I built a small Recon squad for fun, kitting them out with a couple of shotguns and some melee weapons as a sort of scouting/backline harassment unit, thinking that sniper rifles weren't particularly fluffy. I'm more of a modeller than a gamer so lean heavily towards the lore rather than the optimal gaming builds. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm I've played a couple of games now, not really with a good list as I am still building models/waiting for them to arrive (new land raider is on preorder, but will likely only arrive when I am on holiday).

But I am wondering for those who use Grey Slayers. I have used a squad of Grey Stalkers, and love them as a unit that can fill any role (jump out of rhino, shoot with bolters and plasma, close in with chainswords and power sword on the boss to deal with any survivors on the next turn). But I have been thinking of using my other 10 man unit still to be built as Slayers. Because I kind of like having all different infantry units for some reason. But my question is, would it be better to have Slayers with shields, bolters, or a mix? I am leaning towards bolters because relentless is nice, and it gives them something to do when jumping out a rhino or getting missplaced on an outflank. I am going to be making them with 2 power axes and a thunder hammer to go anti heavy unit hunting as in my games I suffered a little when trying to kill a lot of 2+ models (local meta has a lot of them rather than the hordes of 3+ I was originally thinking).

Or should I not bother and make another Stalker pack?

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  • 1 month later...

Gonna be facing down Death guard using the reaping, lots of heavy weapons, toxin bombs, and a master of signals.  Need some advice on what to take.  My initial thoughts:

10 Deathsworn in a Spartan

5 varagyr in a land raider

2 x 15 man blobs of slayers 

3 contemptors (2 shooty, 1 melee)

Heavy weapon squads of my own.


Anyone fought a force like this recently?

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/9/2022 at 8:00 PM, Commander_Moustache said:

Or should I not bother and make another Stalker pack?

I will play Slayers with shields and some Power Spears fornthe distinct Viking look. 

Boltguns are for Stalkers because they can have additional special ranged weapons.


On 11/18/2022 at 9:04 PM, Jarl of Wulfen said:

Gonna be facing down Death guard using the reaping, lots of heavy weapons, toxin bombs, and a master of signals.  Need some advice on what to take.  My initial thoughts:

10 Deathsworn in a Spartan

5 varagyr in a land raider

2 x 15 man blobs of slayers 

3 contemptors (2 shooty, 1 melee)

Heavy weapon squads of my own.


Anyone fought a force like this recently?

So how did it go? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently planning a 10man CommandSquad on Spathas for a Jarl on Bike.

Didn't really have them on the radar for Wolves but with +1 WS on the charge for cavalry...

they're fast, get a 5+ shroud (because ofcourse you "run" them in the first turn), cannot be pinned, get +3 on the charge and are in CC round 2, if not 1.

Theyre not cheap, but damn, they'll look sexy!

Still deciding what bikes to use, since i don't like the FW ones and i'm not gonna "fit" 10 mk3 legs to look loke they sit on the 40k version... any suggestions? xD


With WS6 and the amount of attacks, i can even see them being able to beat Phalanx warders! And only being about twice the points! :D xD

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, xxxjtmxxx said:

maybe thunderwolf kav as proxy for them? should be really cool

Yeah, thanks for the tip, but i don't really like the Idea of the Thunderwolf Cavalry, even in 40k.

Astartes riding wolves instead of bikes feels kinda comicey, like something you'd see in a TikTok video.


Don't get me wrong, i do like wolves in a Vlka Fenryka list, like they were in 1st edition. But their 2nd edition implementation is a bad joke and feels like a slap in the face.

They don't have LA, so if you take them as a retinue for your Jarl, he looses the LA (Space Wolves) bonuses...

They are also infantry now, so they can't even keep up with a Jarl on a bike/with a jetpack...

Not to mention their, uncalled for, nerfed stats...

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5 hours ago, MichaelCarmine said:

Yeah, thanks for the tip, but i don't really like the Idea of the Thunderwolf Cavalry, even in 40k.

Astartes riding wolves instead of bikes feels kinda comicey, like something you'd see in a TikTok video.


Don't get me wrong, i do like wolves in a Vlka Fenryka list, like they were in 1st edition. But their 2nd edition implementation is a bad joke and feels like a slap in the face.

They don't have LA, so if you take them as a retinue for your Jarl, he looses the LA (Space Wolves) bonuses...

They are also infantry now, so they can't even keep up with a Jarl on a bike/with a jetpack...

Not to mention their, uncalled for, nerfed stats...

A buddy of mine build a badass looking NL Praetor out of a Van Carstein. He uses three maidens (I guess he took them from the old Asdrubal Vect vessel) as his wounds. Whenever he looses one he takes of one maiden.


I'd argue that this could be a neat way to use wolves as well. 

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6 hours ago, Gorgoff said:

A buddy of mine build a badass looking NL Praetor out of a Van Carstein. He uses three maidens (I guess he took them from the old Asdrubal Vect vessel) as his wounds. Whenever he looses one he takes of one maiden.


I'd argue that this could be a neat way to use wolves as well. 

That, i do already ^^ but thanks =]

Just wish, they'd have kept their rules from 1st.

I can't imagine, that two  T4 1W 5+  Models would've been that much of a problem to overcome... 

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  • 1 month later...

I'm wanting another allied detachment option for my Raven Guard, and since I used to play Space Wolves in 40k I'm thinking they'd be a good addition to my 30k forces.  The Grey Slayers being Line AND so fast and good in melee is very appealing.  I can't really see a good reason to take Grey Stalkers over Grey Slayers as the latter comes standard w the axes and combat shields but otherwise look the same to me on paper.  Am I missing something about the Stalkers? 


I'd probably put a Speaker of the Dead w 20 Slayers, w a bunch of power lances in a Spartan, and that could go with my Recon Company.  Or I guess for a Spartan I could get another 20 Slayers too.... hard to win games without Line units.  Maybe an Apothecarion detachment and a Rune Consul instead as the HQ?  Haven't used a psyker yet in 30k, that could be cool, and I could use an old Njal Stormcaller model :D


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3 hours ago, The Scorpion said:

The stalkers can take non-combi special weapons, I believe

They can have for each 5 dudes one soecial weapon like Plasma Gun or Rotor cannon and have chainswords instead of fenris axes and shields.

The argument now is that you can give the whole Sqaud boltguns for 1 point each and have a very good unit sporting some special weapons and that chaiswords are better than Fenris axes. The main sellig point are the special weapons though. 


I think Slayers are the better option for cheap-ish assault units because you don't have the temptation to buy expansive extra guns for them. :biggrin: Just move, run and charge while Stalkers are better suited to move on objectives and shoot all the way. 


And I think that the humble tactical and despoiler squad could be usefull in a Vlka Fenryka army as well because they bring really cheap bodies to the army. 15 Despoilers with three power lances and a little bit extras on the Sarge are around 180-ish points and have the same damage output like Stalkers. Or a cheap tactical squad for backfield duties. Same price more or less for 15 dudes with boltguns. 

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I think Stalkers definitely have a niche, I like the look of them in my Drop Pod Assault theory list however I think I have gone overboard and should probably focus on more bodies.



I went Bolters, 2 Special Weapons (mix of Plasma and Rotor Cannons) four Power Weapons then the Huscarl with a Special Close Combat Weapon of some design.


245-265 per ten men so a little too toy heavy methinks. Also a real shame Drop Pods didn't get the increased carrying capacity for Apothecary shenanigans.



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Hmmm, seems like I remember seeeing chainswords have Shred, and forgot about it. If so, Despoilers might great as compulsory Troops then.  Good point vs Fenrisian Axes, though I like the Slayers for combat shields for a bit of extra durability and Counter Attack.

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On 2/21/2023 at 9:36 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

Hmmm, seems like I remember seeeing chainswords have Shred, and forgot about it. If so, Despoilers might great as compulsory Troops then.  Good point vs Fenrisian Axes, though I like the Slayers for combat shields for a bit of extra durability and Counter Attack.

Counter Attack makes it possible to play them more aggressively I think. It's not that big a deal to get charged (depending on the opponent of course) for them. Despoilers on the other hand need the charge. 


Speaking of charging. 

I thought about Scouts today. I guess they could be nice for Vlka Fenryka because we give them the option to run and charge from flanking. 

Ten dudes with MB without any other options are 155 points and possible could destroy almost any vehicle the turn they arrive even if (or when) they ate reactions. 

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Hmmm, gonna maybe magnetize some arms for these guys when the time comes.  Really wanna try the heavy chainswords, but Despoilers with those are trash without the charge of course.  Difficult bits-bash job though for 2 handed anything...maybe bolter arms would work better for the hands being near each other.  But are heavy chainswords wider and longer, or just longer?  The Sisters of Battle ones don't seem all that much bigger, but Gabriel Seth's seems to be bigger than a normal chainsword.  Maybe that's not a worthwhile project. Power mauls are +2 str and AP3 just no Shred.


Scouts seem pretty useful, and your idea for MBs really makes a lot of sense.  I could probably find those cheap too!  Need some more for my IH anyways.  I was thinking maybe some shotguns actually as aren't they Concussive?  Which I think helps with combat too.  So Concuss, charge in to absorb Overwatch, then charge in w the real Marines and Tartaros guys.

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5 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

Hmmm, gonna maybe magnetize some arms for these guys when the time comes.  Really wanna try the heavy chainswords, but Despoilers with those are trash without the charge of course.  Difficult bits-bash job though for 2 handed anything...maybe bolter arms would work better for the hands being near each other.  But are heavy chainswords wider and longer, or just longer? 


The kit comes with arms so no problem. 

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Nice!  That looks like a heavy chainsword.  I'm definitely making at least 10 of them.  Got 3 boxes of Bloodclaws, which will provide for 2x20 Despoilers/Grey Slayers/Stalkers plus Apothecaries....then their chainswords/pistols will go onto my 2x20 Assault Squads with Chaos Raptor jump packs (not sure if I'll leave the little teeth on there or not, Wolves have teeth right?).  For whatever reason the seller didn't include my Tartaros Terminators....I think I'm gonna want those for the Rout.  In the meantime I can ally in my RG Deliverers.  



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  • 2 weeks later...

The Wolf factory.....SOOO much sprue-bit trimming, scraping, glueing.  20 Assault Squad, 20 Grey Slayers, 20 Despoilers for the Lines.  Then I gotta do my Command Squad, Destroyer Assault Squad, Tartaros Squad, Apothecaries, and the HQs (probably a Speaker of the Dead, Chaplain, and Praetor).


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