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@Astartes Consul He doesn't gain the rule relating to joining Automata I don't think, so just has to tag along behind them...


I was thinking about emailing FW to see about letting an Iron Father fufill the role of Forgelord and sharing rules, perhaps. Would make sense for the Brethren of Iron RoW. Also if the flamer included in the array can be swapped for grav...

54 minutes ago, Pearson73 said:

@Astartes Consul He doesn't gain the rule relating to joining Automata I don't think, so just has to tag along behind them...


I was thinking about emailing FW to see about letting an Iron Father fufill the role of Forgelord and sharing rules, perhaps. Would make sense for the Brethren of Iron RoW. Also if the flamer included in the array can be swapped for grav...


Yeah, the wording in the Machinator Array is a bit ambiguous in that it 'also contains a Meltagun and Flamer' rather than listing them as additional weapons/wargear.


Also, I actually tracked down my rule book just now and the Independent Character special rule just mentioned not being able to join Automata with the Monstrous rule, which I don't think Castellax have. But I'm literally playing my first game with Iron Hands this week so I could well be wrong here.

On 7/31/2023 at 9:34 PM, Astartes Consul said:


Yeah, the wording in the Machinator Array is a bit ambiguous in that it 'also contains a Meltagun and Flamer' rather than listing them as additional weapons/wargear.


Also, I actually tracked down my rule book just now and the Independent Character special rule just mentioned not being able to join Automata with the Monstrous rule, which I don't think Castellax have. But I'm literally playing my first game with Iron Hands this week so I could well be wrong here.


  • 1 year later...

Surprised there’s been no conversation in this thread for a while! 

I'm currently writing a list to try and include Shadrak Meduson. I was thinking of leaning into his main strength which is his warlord trait, so an assault heavy IH list might work, perhaps even PoL. Might be easier to coordinate an assault with less units on the table. Although PoL is not the most fluffy list for him to be in and assault is not an IH strength (I think they work best in midrange firefights). 

Any thoughts or experience using Shadrak? Is he worth his high points cost?



On 11/16/2024 at 9:00 AM, Cadmus Tyro said:

Surprised there’s been no conversation in this thread for a while! 

I'm currently writing a list to try and include Shadrak Meduson. I was thinking of leaning into his main strength which is his warlord trait, so an assault heavy IH list might work, perhaps even PoL. Might be easier to coordinate an assault with less units on the table. Although PoL is not the most fluffy list for him to be in and assault is not an IH strength (I think they work best in midrange firefights). 

Any thoughts or experience using Shadrak? Is he worth his high points cost?



The Iron Hands trait is actually pretty good at getting your units into a fight alive. I would run lots of Despoilers with Apothecaries to take advantage.

As for Meduson I think he's actually pretty good. With his Servoarm he gets 6 Attacks at ST8 AP2, and he can tank any ST10 or lower shooting for his Squad due to battle-hardened and the legion trait.

Hatred is one of the best Combat buffs you can get because it affects the hit-roll (so it helps when hitting infantry with fists/Hammers etc.) and works even when charged or on disordered Charges. Furious Charge is a lot less interesting but it might help the aforementioned Despoilers.

1 hour ago, Razorblade said:

The Iron Hands trait is actually pretty good at getting your units into a fight alive. I would run lots of Despoilers with Apothecaries to take advantage.

As for Meduson I think he's actually pretty good. With his Servoarm he gets 6 Attacks at ST8 AP2, and he can tank any ST10 or lower shooting for his Squad due to battle-hardened and the legion trait.

Hatred is one of the best Combat buffs you can get because it affects the hit-roll (so it helps when hitting infantry with fists/Hammers etc.) and works even when charged or on disordered Charges. Furious Charge is a lot less interesting but it might help the aforementioned Despoilers.

I think the key to using his trait well, is co-ordinating an assault. I wonder if footsloggers might make that more difficult to achieve. A mechanised list might allow you to dictate when and where combat happens, supported by dreadnoughts.


Unfortunately his servo arm only grants one additional Str 8 AP2 attack, the rest will be as per the gladius rules (str5 AP3/BR5+). Although, unless I’m missing something, does the servo arm give him +1 attack for two CC weapons as well? 


2 hours ago, Cadmus Tyro said:

Unfortunately his servo arm only grants one additional Str 8 AP2 attack, the rest will be as per the gladius rules (str5 AP3/BR5+). Although, unless I’m missing something, does the servo arm give him +1 attack for two CC weapons as well? 


I believe it was in one of the FAQs that they stated (when someone was inquiring about it) that a modell is allowed to make all of its attacks with a Servo-Arm / Machinator Array, as opposed to just one or two additional attacks, like it used to be in HH 1.0 (or pre-FAQ).

Not entirely sure which FAQ that was in though.

Also, I think the ruling is pretty stupid, but alas.

Edited by Unknown Legionnaire
3 hours ago, Unknown Legionnaire said:


I believe it was in one of the FAQs that they stated (when someone was inquiring about it) that a modell is allowed to make all of its attacks with a Servo-Arm / Machinator Array, as opposed to just one or two additional attacks, like it used to be in HH 1.0 (or pre-FAQ).

Not entirely sure which FAQ that was in though.

Also, I think the ruling is pretty stupid, but alas.

Interesting, another example of the FAQ increasing ambiguity and worsening the game….


The FAQ is the mechanicum FAQ, so RAW it doesn’t apply to Liber Astartes. At least, that’s my interpretation. 


2 hours ago, Cadmus Tyro said:

Interesting, another example of the FAQ increasing ambiguity and worsening the game….


The FAQ is the mechanicum FAQ, so RAW it doesn’t apply to Liber Astartes. At least, that’s my interpretation. 



Ah, so it was the Mechanicum FAQ

Was seriously beginning to doubt my ability to read when I couldn't find it in time 


And yeah, I agree on the part where it is ambigious and helps to min-max

They probably made that ruling to 'improve' on the 'Prehensile Data-Spike' or encourage people to use the 'Arcuitor Magisterium'. Maybe they had a modell planed for it, who knows.


In any case it's silly IMHO

  • 1 month later...

So I'll be inheriting a NOS 30K Iron Hands army sometime in the near future; plenty of infantry that I can reinforce with all my old Firstborn Dreadnoughts and tanks.  I've been familiarizing myself with the AOD ruleset and the IH-specific units & wargear and I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into 30K after all these years.


So with a couple years under the belt, what's working for the Iron Tenth?  Gorgons with fist & claw?  COBI Immortals with silly FNPs?  Massed graviton fire?  I'm interested to hear!

I do love my Immortals in CoBI, they're crazy tough though they're a bit slow footslogging up the board, which makes me wonder a bit if volkite was the best choice for their guns.

I'm going to build up a Destroyer squad for the rite too, they'll be great fun with hatred.


Leviathan dreadnoughts are ridiculous with our legion trait (though again, they're slow) and it can be nice with legion automata through the Praevian or Forgelord.

  • 1 month later...

Support squads: how to run them? Do you use them? Which loadout would be recommended?
I'm thinking on a unit in my 3000 points list in Rhino, either full Plasma or full Rotor Cannon for the fun. As my army is fully mechanised I didn't want them to left behind. 

Are you running a rite of war? I've often thought that upgrading a flamer squad to the special grav guns (shredders) could be absolutely brutal, especially paired with the mobility of an outflanking Rhino.


Otherwise I think plasma is a good bet.

5 hours ago, Pearson73 said:

Are you running a rite of war? I've often thought that upgrading a flamer squad to the special grav guns (shredders) could be absolutely brutal, especially paired with the mobility of an outflanking Rhino.


Otherwise I think plasma is a good bet.


Head of the Gorgon or CoBI, depending on the allowance of Primarchs :biggrin:

I have 20 Immortals and 20 Tacticals with two Land Raiders and two Rhinos as the backbone of the army. I thought maybe I can give a (full?) Support Squad a shot.

Question I - Do you need anti-infantry firepower Y/N ? 


If yes, Rotor Cannon squad.


If no, then ...


Question II - Will you be using the support squad exclusively in the 'Head of the Gorgon'  Y/N ?


If yes then make it all Grav Shredders plus a Rhino transport.


If no, then I'd personally go for Meltaguns, plus a transport to deliver them.


Question III - Do you need more scoring in your list ?


If yes, then ask yourself, do I have room for a Herald Consul ?


If no, how do you feel about a Warmonger Consul to mix things up a little ?



Last but not least, just as Pearson73 mentioned, Plasma Guns is sort of the all-comers optoin if you're being indecisive. 


The issue with shredders for a support squad is that they limit you to only using them in a HoG list. The short range can be a problem for triggering withdrawal reactions, so it requires a little coordination with other elements. 

But they will make short work of dreadnoughts if you do get them to target. I’ve used a full ten man squad and found it to be overkill, plan to run them in two squads of five in rhinos next time. 


I generally find shredders hidden in Immortal squad to be more effective. Deterring dreadnought charges is quite helpful. Add a grav mortitat if you don’t mind losing friends…..



I think my army lacks mostly anti-infantry firepower. I have lots of Lascannons in the form of Land Raiders, Spartan, Predator Tanks, even some Meltaguns here-and there (Immortals, Contemptor), and a Plasma-Deredeo, but I fear the I have limited options against anything that isn't tracked :facepalm:

If it's anti-infantry that you're after, could volkite calivers work? High strength, range and rate of fire will lay down wounds fast! But if you're keeping them mobile as initially suggested, then I think I would still suggest plasma.

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