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On 12/19/2023 at 11:26 AM, dollar452435 said:

Alpharius gives 3 deep strikes to dreads. Therefore, it may be with terms in deepstrike. Scouts can hold the enemy from afar or occupy objectives.


He also gives infiltrate which is far superior as you dont have the majority of your army off the table in T1 to leave the rest to get killed. Lascannon dreads are also good from many ranges so don't really need infil or DS. I'd split into 2x3 talons and give the huscarls infiltrate or something anyway, with Alpharius. Lacking the master of signals I would't risk deepstriking at all with this army. 


Your meta is basically the AoD box plus a primarch. I'd look at 10 man lascannon HSS squad to shake things up. Any meta where you feel you need 6 dreads to stand a chance is horrible, and sorry you have to be in that! 

Edited by Xenith
On 1/2/2024 at 9:27 AM, Xenith said:


He also gives infiltrate which is far superior as you dont have the majority of your army off the table in T1 to leave the rest to get killed. Lascannon dreads are also good from many ranges so don't really need infil or DS. I'd split into 2x3 talons and give the huscarls infiltrate or something anyway, with Alpharius. Lacking the master of signals I would't risk deepstriking at all with this army. 


Your meta is basically the AoD box plus a primarch. I'd look at 10 man lascannon HSS squad to shake things up. Any meta where you feel you need 6 dreads to stand a chance is horrible, and sorry you have to be in that! 

We played 2v2, When you have BA DS with 40 dawnbreakers, some dreadnoughts, assault marines, angel and LS with AL DS 3 leviathans, 3 dreadnoughts and alphairus with suzerain along with some assault marines, I can assure you, it wrecks face of anyone. Have MoS camp somewhere in the back so he can see some part of the board, suzerain with alpharius will land T2 and kongo line to allow rest of the stuff better placement. This combined with BA DS bomb makes short work of literally anything. Everything will charge turn it lands, with a bit of luck even pinn some stuff, and you have meltas from levis/dreadnoughts to blow transports and tanks and :cuss: stuff that was inside afterwards.

5 hours ago, dollar452435 said:

Thank you for your reaction. I'm amazed and surprised. Yes, our rosters are going to WAAC. In that case, how do you make rosters? How do you prepare for the games?

Basically, play FotA. Lascannon and Fist+Grav is the best anti-Dread loadout out there, however going Meltacannon+Combibolter might save you enough points to get an extra unit. Bonus points if you're WB, because you have the best Dreads or if you have rewards of treason to steal one. Add a full Lascannon HSS for that one Heavy Support slot. Try not to play against custodes if possible.

  • 4 months later...

This is a bit old but I cringed seeing that list and the tournament meta. Is this normal or a one time thing you guys are doing? We basically go the other direction in our meta along with home rules to further reduce the pain. 1 dread per 1k, 1 shooting reaction per unit per turn, lascannon heavy support squads are looked down on, more than one Scorpius is considered oppressive and primarchs by prior agreement only. I really want to try out SN's additional rules to limit armor tanking and putting Explodes results on the vehicle hit table to doing d3 damage instead.


Im working on a workable paint scheme for an AL force as a side project during the upcoming vow so I dont get burned out on whatever force I am working on. I currently have three different vows in my queue along with individual brettonian knights. No list in mind yet at this point, just painting some dudes here and there to mix things up. I already have my drop pod and Terror Assault Night Lords forces built, an armored assault and Escaton imperative Dark Angels forces, any of the major RoWs I feel like using for Iron Warriors finished pretty much, so I am not sure where I would go with Alpha Legion right now. 


Edit: Just thinking, could I put Dynat in a stolen unit of Suzerain with an apothecary? Trying to figure out a good place to stick him, right now my force has no vehicles.

Edited by Galron

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