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Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

BLOODSAINT was awarded the badge 'Legio Mini Me'

4 hours ago, Lord_Ikka said:

Question- what is the color of the Legio's robes?

I would think that as far as robe color goes, you could either match to the knee pad (red, black or white) or match to your chapter. 

I lean towards red robes myself though! ;)


57 minutes ago, Brother Tyler said:

We have never strictly defined the robe colors of the Legio.


1 minute ago, BLOODSAINT said:

I would think that as far as robe color goes, you could either match to the knee pad (red, black or white) or match to your chapter. 

I lean towards red robes myself though! ;)

I will probably do red in that case.

Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

Inquisitor_Lensoven was awarded the badge 'B&C Reforged Participant'

Sorry don’t have a forum battle brother, but the Arkapeli 1st are getting updated from their civil war colors to their Indomitus Crusade camo.


Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

Brother Casman was awarded the badge 'Legio Mini Me'


Venerable Brother Casman flicked his chainsword down to clear the gore from the whirring teeth, the servos of his new bionic arm whining faintly.


He readied his bolt pistol, jostling the bolter slung over his shoulder. His pauldron carried the Terminator Honours he had earned as a battle brother of the Blood Ravens 


Vox clicks indicated that his Legion Fraters were ready to press the assault.


"Forward! We bring the Emperor's Light!"


Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

Lord_Ikka was awarded the badge 'Legio Mini Me'

Brother-Sergeant Ikka of the Legio Bolter and Chainsword 





Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

Chaplain Raeven was awarded the badge 'Legio Mini Me'

Finished up my entry. Here's Lieutenant Raeven, a Consecrator seconded to the Legio B&C.

After cutting down the looting gang of traitors, a single heretic managed to escape Raevens' initial barrage of consecrating bolts. The heretic started running along the road while the newly promoted lieutenant pulls out his sidearm 'Whatever ill gotten luck you recieved for your damned Gods, it just ran out.' and sqeezed the trigger. At the end of the road, right before reaching safety, the heretics' head turned into red mist.


Since the Contest is all about personal improvement, I pushed myself to add alot of freehand on the pad, which I've never done before, and pushed my checkerpattern painting over the top. Hope you enjoy the results as much as I enjoyed painted him!

"After" only.

Only one picture is necessary, but you are free to submit as many more as you want (probably to show different angles or to focus on details).

You are free to paint a new miniature or re-paint an old miniature if you'd like.

Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

firestorm40k was awarded the badge 'Legio Mini Me'

I've uploaded my entry for the contest - Veteran Brother Firmaetus Heth of the Fire Storm Chapter. As his comrades were destroyed during the 13th Black Crusade, he represents the last of his Chapter. 

The miniature is actually a test I did for the up-scaled Firstborn Kill Team I made last year (link) , for me this miniature represents rebirth in a number of ways:

How, since my return to the hobby, the range of technical and contrast paints has rebirthed my enjoyment of painting miniatures (in the last 2 years I've painted three armies, something I never thought I'd be doing again when I stepped away from the hobby feeling burnt out a few years ago).  I painted this miniature mainly using Contrast and technical paints, I managed to do it in 4 days (speed painting by my standard!). 

And it represents a rebirth of sorts for Firstborn Marine miniatures - by extending their legs, they scale better to the new version of Chaos Marines and don't look so tiny alongside Primaris. 

Thanks to the admins for their work to keep this forum going, and for running this competition! :thumbsup:




Edited by firestorm40k
Typoes - internet's spotty where I'm on holiday so I didn't notice them!
Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

Sinsinatus was awarded the badge 'Legio Mini Me'

So, found this thread yesterday and thought “what a great idea “. I’ve been trying to work out the recipe for my Blood Angel legionaries and needed a break. So, I had an experimental “Sig-Marine” on the great gray pile for a while now. This was the perfect excuse to use him for something.

Primed black yesterday afternoon before the rain. Ran to the local GW shop for a fresh pot of Corvus Black. Blocked in the primary colors and textured the base last night. This morning was texturing, highlighting, transfers, and weathering  Less than six hours all in. The Legio symbol could use some work and the Blood Angel transfer has a bubble. But, respectable for an impulse project. Hope that you all enjoy it. 

Brother Sinsinatus (he’s no angel)


Edited by Sinsinatus
Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

Lord Abaia was awarded the badge 'Legio Mini Me'

This is the first time I've ever painted a primaris space marine (or a loyalist at all for that matter). I decided to really go nuts and try as much freehanding as possible. I went for the Legio B&C badge, the Doom Eagles badge (with the help of a tiny little skull from the old CSM transfer sheet) and some freehanded checkers. In the spirit of change and improvement, my Legio avatar will recently have been seconded to the Legio in a position that mirrors the change in my life of beginning work on my chemistry PhD.


It is common knowledge that the Emperor's angels of death are proof against all manners of toxin and disease. Few know that this protection is incomplete. The rare compounds potent enough to bring down a space marine are carefully protected secrets. After centuries of waging war, each chapter's apothecarion is host to a library of drukhari poisons, tyranid venoms, and unnatural toxins from chaos tainted plague weapons. These samples are invaluable in developing antidotes and stimms to enhance the ability of the chapter to face these myriad threats.

Brother-Sergeant Abaia was trained in the alchemical arts in the Doom Eagles' apothecarion. However rather than taking up the narthecium and attaining the rank of apothecary he was seconded to the Legio Bolter and Chainsword. As a member of the Light of the Emperor Great Company, Abaia works as part of a secure channel to facilitate the exchange of classified alchemical data among chapters with the intent of coordinating a more unified defense against the innumerable enemies of the Imperium of Mankind.



Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

brother Vorn_GarDos was awarded the badge 'Legio Mini Me'

Here is my submission. I use the model when i play kt games. It was fun to paint this model.





Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

Rusted Boltgun was awarded the badge 'Legio Mini Me'

Brother Ikhael has joined the Legio Bolter and Chainsword from the Dragon Lords chapter.

Impetuous and somewhat foolhardy by Astartes standards, his armour is scarred to the point of looking badly maintained and he has gained augmetics following a particularly nasty encounter with a Xenos blade.

He hopes (as do his erstwhile chapter brothers) to learn from the tactics and behaviours of his brothers in his new Legio, to become a more effective Astartes. 





Edited by Rusted Boltgun
Extra photo
Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

Grotsmasha was awarded the badge 'Legio Mini Me'

Squeezing in last minute.....





and as a bonus, I did a shield too,

shield base v1.png

Absolutely superb entries everyone! Sadly I got overwhelmed with life beyond the server to deny my chance to complete a mini, but rest assured an improved version of Cambrius will appear some time in the future.


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