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Huh... moments


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I was painting some Assault Intercessors tonight and as I got to the last one I had a huh moment. It was when I was painting the bolt pistol holster and had to go between the figure's legs and move my paintbrush upwards to reach. I thought to myself "Huh- why am I painting this area? Who besides me would even know it wasn't painted, even if they picked up the mini?" And this was the tenth figure I had painted tonight and roughly the twenty-something overall that I've done the same way. Just kind of amusing to me, because no one aside from me would ever know that there was a little bit of green basecoat on a leather holster instead of brown, because the way the model is set up you almost have to hold it upside down to see it. Anyone else have any sort of moments that they've thought something like that?

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The first time I ever painted an imperial knight I followed Duncan’s video (back when he was still at GW) and used his method for the eyes. I spent ages on them and was really pleased with the effect I had achieved. Then I put the faceplate on and discovered you can barely see the eyes through it anyway!

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9 hours ago, Lord_Ikka said:

I was painting some Assault Intercessors tonight and as I got to the last one I had a huh moment. It was when I was painting the bolt pistol holster and had to go between the figure's legs and move my paintbrush upwards to reach. I thought to myself "Huh- why am I painting this area? Who besides me would even know it wasn't painted, even if they picked up the mini?" And this was the tenth figure I had painted tonight and roughly the twenty-something overall that I've done the same way. Just kind of amusing to me, because no one aside from me would ever know that there was a little bit of green basecoat on a leather holster instead of brown, because the way the model is set up you almost have to hold it upside down to see it. Anyone else have any sort of moments that they've thought something like that?

I think the same thing every time.

I also then get very aware of the fact I’m painting a dude’s butt and crotch after that thought lol.

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You never know how a model might end up being positioned. 

If you play a good bit, you know your models will end up in some odd places. Up high on a building, on uneven terrain, Rhino surfing :wink:.

If those unpainted parts get seen, then the secret is out. :laugh:

I try to paint the whole model. Or the parts I can reach with a brush. I trust the heavy washes to cover the rest :biggrin:

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I'll paint the whole model bar the underside of a tank and the occasional parts you can't see, since you can see the whole of an infantry model generally. 

I won't put my effort into the crutch though, put it that way.

Edited by Captain Idaho
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I try to get all the hidden nooks and crannies of my models if possible. I paint my Skitarii in a truly nightmarish amount of sub-assemblies. I agonised over gluing my Kataphron Servitors to their base and then painting them or detailing the bases and then finding the models wouldn't stick to the bases properly. In the end I left grooves for the tank treads to fit in and tried to blend them in once fitted to the bases. The only exception to this is the Skorpius tanks. If GW can't be bothered to sculpt the bottom of the tank, why should I paint it? :laugh:

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I've always wanted a hinged door rhino so that I could paint interiors that actually matter.

My ramps are always hinged- that's easy. I'm talking about the top double door (hard) and the side doors (very hard). There was a WD article about how to do it years ago: if anyone knows the issue number, I'd like to see if it's in the WH+ Vault- it's not a rules article, so it will be intact if they go that far back.

Incidentally, I want to hinge the doors on the KT Rogue Trader escape pods so I can paint their interiors as a trial for a rhino. Thing is, if I mess it up, the escape pod is hard to replace. If these pods are part of the new KT Space Hulk box, I am so in! In fact, just imagine if ALL the scenery from RT is compatible? It would be pretty awesome to have a head start on the terrain collection... The bigger the Hulk... 

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