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[DH1e] The Damocles Contingency (OOC)

Mazer Rackham

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Sorry to hear that, mate.

Without intending to step on the GM's toes, I was already wondering if we should send someone back to the Vault with the vial Falk found, for further analysis? Maybe it would sort of make sense to be Stitches, as the medical guy?

We could even send Scourge to protect him? Keeps both characters busy, but off-stage? Then, if and when you guys can manage it, they can just turn back up?


(Just a thought, tell me to shut up if I'm not helping, GM! :laugh:)

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1 hour ago, Lysimachus said:

Sorry to hear that, mate.

Without intending to step on the GM's toes, I was already wondering if we should send someone back to the Vault with the vial Falk found, for further analysis? Maybe it would sort of make sense to be Stitches, as the medical guy?

We could even send Scourge to protect him? Keeps both characters busy, but off-stage? Then, if and when you guys can manage it, they can just turn back up?

(Just a thought, tell me to shut up if I'm not helping, GM! :laugh:)

I do have some trapdoors, but they've been stepped over. :ph34r:


@Beren Sorry to hear you're busy, but glad it's more productive than the borefest here! :tongue: We'll sort Stitches and Scourge out somehow. Lysi's idea is a good one, so we'll go half-way with it, we'll pop the characters up to Voyager...


What they take with them will be decided on by the team, not the GM.

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On 10/11/2022 at 4:00 PM, Beren said:

Okay, everybody's probably noticed that I've been barely active with Stitches for a while now. Since Uni's started back up for me I haven't had much time or motivation to contribute to the game, and it's probably not fair to leave the rest of you hanging with only sporadic interjections. As much as I'm fond of Stitches and his antics, I'm going to have to say that I'm at the very least on hiatus from the game.


Best of luck with Uni, stay sane and learn.


On 10/11/2022 at 7:36 PM, Mazer Rackham said:

It's no rush. :)

Well now it’s Wednesday evening and I had no time to make progress, this week is trying to turn into one of those weeks, again. Will try but don’t hold your breath on my account.   


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Chapter 3 and YOU.

Alright boys and girls, on that cliff-hanger, we need to deal with a couple of things before we move on: (And they said you can't herd cats).

  • Board downtime
  • XP


You know the drill - it's going to be off for half an hour on Thurs, but we're going to use the whole day as a natural break. Play will resume with Part Three, hopefully on Sunday 16th of October. This will give our players who are bogged down with real life, a buffer.



Chapter 2 was long and full of heroics. You all receive 300xp for your participation thus far. If this causes Rank Increase, you of course benefit from the +1 Wound as per the Special Campaign Rules.


As always at the end of every part, I invite feedback and comments.

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Personally I'm really enjoying it! Great settings and scenes, excellent plot! I'm looking forward to getting into more of the meat of the storyline - talking to people who can actually answer our questions, etc - but of course we're only at the end of Day 1, so that's to be expected. :thumbsup:

(I know I post quickly/frequently, so I also appreciate you filling stuff in and keeping things interesting for me! Also, I hope I'm not taking over or annoying the other players by getting too into it!)



My only disappointment so far is the miserly amount of XP earned after all we've just been through in our first 24 hours...





I kid, I kid! :laugh::laugh::laugh:


I think it's just that I've just been reading the Rogue Trader rulebook and seen that you can transfer DH characters at around 5k XP… do you think we'll hit that point by the end of Damocles? Assuming he survives (fingers crossed :tongue:) I think Reynard would enjoy 'borrowing' a ship and going adventuring…? :pirate:


Edit: maybe my perspective is also skewed by playing Deathwatch?





For right now, I think Reynard will put 250 into a Per Advance (28 to 33 feels like a decent jump, especially with +10 Awareness?) and save the other 50 for later. That will put him at 1450 spent in total, so not enough for another Solid Constitution yet.

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Really having fun so far, despite my misgivings on how effective I've been using psychic powers (+1 for the train station, -10 for the explosion....) :biggrin:


I think I will have Nicios spend some XP. I believe with the 300 from this section and the earlier 200 he didn't spend; he is up to 500 unspent. Going to be fairly boring here, mainly stat upgrades:
- 250 Willpower Advance (Intermediate)

-100 Intelligence Advance (Simple)

-100 Tech-Use

So he will have 1450 XP spent and 50 XP unspent. 


I have a feeling that the next little bit might be action-packed, so covering my bases with the psychic tests and helping the team out with making sure more than just Bardas can open a door...


Edit- I updated my sheet to reflect the 8 Thrones given to Reynald, but don't know how much the auspex (which I assume Bardas is carrying?) cost.

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19 minutes ago, Lord_Ikka said:

I updated my sheet to reflect the 8 Thrones given to Reynald, but don't know how much the auspex (which I assume Bardas is carrying?) cost.


Thanks! :thumbsup: I only took Reynard's 8 off his sheet, so whether you've each paid for your b+b is between you and the GM... :tongue:


As to the auspex, if it's expensive I'm happy to contribute towards the cost? It's definitely an item that benefits the whole group!



Also, side question for GM: I noticed the 'fixed' Rank progression in DH Ascension. I think on the Chargen sheets I used the standard DH numbers, should they be altered to the newer one? (I don't think it makes any difference until we get to Rank 4 or 5, but just curious...?)

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Enjoying the game as well so far, despite my dices ‘assistants’ in making things ’interesting’.


Still need to catch up on story post from earlier this week, but if Bardas is to go and buy an auspex I seem to recall we each got a money pouch after the briefing, that should help.


Mazer, how much will Bardas heal up in the transition from day 1 to day 2?


Lys, Deathwatch has defintly spoilled all of us a bit with equipment, stats, skills, XP etc. Been doing some extra reading up in DH (and RT as of this week) in prepration for Archeotech and it is reminder just how good marines are. 

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25 minutes ago, Trokair said:

Lys, Deathwatch has defintly spoilled all of us a bit with equipment, stats, skills, XP etc. Been doing some extra reading up in DH (and RT as of this week) in prepration for Archeotech and it is reminder just how good marines are. 


You're not wrong. I was just looking up the DH XP stuff, and I have to retract my previous comment, Mazer is actually being very generous! Average XP earn for a typical playing session is only 200!


I still find that a bit stingy - a whole 4 hour (ish) gaming session, and all you get is 200XP? I think GW made an error there - how often do players ever get to the higher levels? (By playing through, I mean. I know sometimes people start games at a higher level)


But that's an issue with GW, not with our generous GM! :biggrin:

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4 hours ago, Lysimachus said:

Also, side question for GM: I noticed the 'fixed' Rank progression in DH Ascension. I think on the Chargen sheets I used the standard DH numbers, should they be altered to the newer one? (I don't think it makes any difference until we get to Rank 4 or 5, but just curious...?)


We'll cross that bridge  if you survive it  when we come to it. :)


2 hours ago, Trokair said:

Mazer, how much will Bardas heal up in the transition from day 1 to day 2?


Usually when you're out of the "gonna die in 5" zone, you heal naturally at 1 Wound per day. Since Stitches is on autopilot, I will allow you to roll a Medicae test, to see f he helps you out. (Int Test at INT 40 + 10 Medicae = Total 50) You can roll/post it in the OOC. A pass will result in +4 Wounds healed.


1 hour ago, Trokair said:

See Mazer is being generous, 50% more XP :tongue:


Generous, you say? Yes, yes - you could call it that....:ph34r:


On the subject of Marines vs Acolytes, trust me, if you were a human in a DW/BC game if the Marines have to test on physical stats, humans can't even attempt it.


Further observations from a long-time RPG'er:




On FFG/GW, technically the first edition of DH was produced by Black Industries, which was the RPG offshoot of Black Library, so you're both right.


I appreciate all the feedback guys, hope that I can put more good things in store for you, although MG, I don't think there will be any more 'lessons' in High Gothic. :happy:

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2 hours ago, Lysimachus said:

I still find that a bit stingy - a whole 4 hour (ish) gaming session, and all you get is 200XP? I think GW made an error there - how often do players ever get to the higher levels? (By playing through, I mean. I know sometimes people start games at a higher level)


It works out to about a year of playing the game once per week to go from a raw level 0 character to a maxed-out character reaching for the ascension book in DH

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2 hours ago, A.T. said:


It works out to about a year of playing the game once per week to go from a raw level 0 character to a maxed-out character reaching for the ascension book in DH


I figured it must be something like this. But it just feels really unrealistic that any group would be able to get together to play that often? I could see maybe once a month (but perhaps even less, every six weeks or every few months?*) which would put it up to at least 4 years! I just struggle to imagine a whole group maintaining interest over that kind of time period...?


*I know PBP is a bit different, but in Damocles so far we've played 2 Gaming Sessions in two and a bit months, so that seems to be a similar sort of timescale?

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2 hours ago, Lysimachus said:


I figured it must be something like this. But it just feels really unrealistic that any group would be able to get together to play that often? I could see maybe once a month (but perhaps even less, every six weeks or every few months?*) which would put it up to at least 4 years! I just struggle to imagine a whole group maintaining interest over that kind of time period...?


*I know PBP is a bit different, but in Damocles so far we've played 2 Gaming Sessions in two and a bit months, so that seems to be a similar sort of timescale?

Yes, but 'Back in The Day' weekly play was the norm, even twice a week.

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I guess so... if you were managing 2 4-hour sessions in a week and maintaining that for a decent period of time, I salute your group's devotion to the game! :biggrin:


In other news, changed my mind on the Per Advance. With Stitches not around we don't have anyone with Medicae! So Reynard will take that for 200 (his Int is 37 so not terrible...) and spend the other 100 on Security!

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2 hours ago, Lysimachus said:

I guess so... if you were managing 2 4-hour sessions in a week and maintaining that for a decent period of time, I salute your group's devotion to the game! :biggrin:


In other news, changed my mind on the Per Advance. With Stitches not around we don't have anyone with Medicae! So Reynard will take that for 200 (his Int is 37 so not terrible...) and spend the other 100 on Security!

Bardas has Medicae, but do you want an Omnissian to tend your wounds?

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