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[DH1e] The Damocles Contingency (OOC)

Mazer Rackham

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@GM: Sorry boss if I've misread, you said 'picter footage from the Sanctum'?


...but then you talk about the fight, which there wasn't much of one at the Sanctum, did you mean at the market?


So if that makes a difference as to how long she has been aware of us and If I've misunderstood, I'll change my post so that I'm not revealing too much so quickly?


Edit: never mind, seen your reply, if she's happy, I'm happy! :biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

@GM: Sorry boss if I've misread, you said 'picter footage from the Sanctum'?


...but then you talk about the fight, which there wasn't much of one at the Sanctum, did you mean at the market?


So if that makes a difference as to how long she has been aware of us and If I've misunderstood, I'll change my post so that I'm not revealing too much so quickly?

 No you're bob on, it's picter footage from the sanctum, it's on a replay loop.


Perhaps I should change it to 'siege' since that's a bit more accurate.

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Hmm. Might have leaned a little heavy there, but at least we got the information. Maybe I'll just let Reynard do the talking from now on. Though it does makes sense for someone like Nicios with an Intelligence of 43 but a Fellowship of 24 to not really get social cues or niceties.

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I thought you'd played to character well. A good foil to Reynard, hence I thought the information would be a reward for that directness instead of punishing by sending you away with nothing.


Besides, conflict drives narrative, and nobody died :)


EDIT: As an addendum, I was umm'ing and ahh'ing about how to play the character, so your RP actually crystalised who she was.

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Am I right in thinking that we have already eaten during Day 2, but possibly not rested yet? (We paid for our rooms, but I think the thugs turned up before anyone could actually sleep?)


If we have 2 hours (ish), Reynard will use 1 and a bit to take a shower and get his sleep session for the Day. The remainder... undecided. Everything has been burnt or shot to bits, so there presumably isn't a lot of shopping to be done? I was considering replacing the bottle of rotgut with another, or just buying two Fire bombs (smaller bottles of booze?) for the same price... either way, maybe they'd sell them at the Grox?

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Actually,  I was thinking... Reynard's Willpower is a pretty abysmal 25 (which is fitting enough, as he's kinda self-centred and might have a tendency to run rather than fight anything nasty!) but if the Magisters are scary psykers as we suspect, he's not in the best position to take them on?


Would it be worth him going to see the gunsmith and/or datacrypter, while Nicios (presumably, as it's exactly his thing!) deals with the 'sages'?

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26 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

Completely up to you. :cool:



Sorry GM, I should have clarified I was asking the other players what they thought. I know you won't give anything away, canny devil that you are! :thumbsup::tongue:

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Just to answer AT's query in the IC, there are beds available in the boarding house (still) that will provide decent rest, and you've already paid for these IIRC. Provisions can be obtained from the market (sealed supplies to go) or from the Grox, or Dug's Skullery in different qualities (Common in the Grox, Good at Dug's).


Intermix sleeping with IC chat as you will, this is a small decompression period for the players to catch their breath and plan. Bardas can awake at any point and count as having sufficient rest, as we are in Narrative Time.


As per my IC post about Rivet City, you may of course investigate this at your discretion, but only the Magos Krupp lives, and he is in significant disrepair. The lift controls for the platform used by Scourge and Stitches to travel uphive is a shower of sparks and broken metal.

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4 hours ago, Trokair said:

That said I am with A.T. that Bardas should help see to Rivit city once he is awake and mobile again. Also at that point he will become aware of the little night time encounter and could then inform the others. 


Yep, 100% agree on checking that out again before we go anywhere else, crazy not to. Perhaps Bardas can even assist Krupp in some way?


And very interesting about the visitor... must be connected with the one we met before reaching the Sanctum, and with the message we can now say both were definitely working for the bad guys (rather than any other interested party!)

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13 hours ago, Lord_Ikka said:



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Rest for Day 2

Cannot perform Healing on Bardas yet, unless it has been six hours since the firefight. If it has, will try Healing (rolls 6, 8- heals 4 health, no phenomena). 




think it has been a total of three hours (give or take), but I will gladly take the heal if it has been longer.  

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