TechCaptain Posted March 29, 2023 Share Posted March 29, 2023 (edited) Kazimir Kazimir groans as his movement into an aiming kneeling position with his pistol took a small toll on his improved body. He can still feel the damage from the one sniper shot that made it through his armor and found home inside him. He needed time to heal but it was not time to relax his guard. The enemy was merely regrouping in his mind. The enemy would not be defeated until they were all dead or captured. The one that was limping away at his best speed was too far to catch up to, so Kazimir did not bother to. Instead, Kazimir lined up his shot to shoot the man with his pistol. Every man down is one less to come back for revenge. Versus Beta 4 BS 32 +10(Range) – 10(Fog) = 32 (would he get aiming for this? or more shots in this time?) D100: 31, Hit, 0DoS Location 13, Right Arm Damage 1d10 (6) + 2 = 8 Kazimir is just mangling that guy's right side. Edited March 29, 2023 by TechCaptain Trokair and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted March 29, 2023 Author Share Posted March 29, 2023 (edited) Helene Beta2 Agility Test to see if he can avoid the grapple AG35 D100: 24, Pass, 1DoS Turning his back had perhaps been a mistake as he felt the grip on his shoulder. Half spinning to try and duck out of the grip he saw his chance, unclipping the straps to his armour he let it drop as he twisted out of your grasp and continued running. In parting he called back, “If you are true of faith then cleanse this blessed soil of the inhuman and thyself.” Varn The flack armour the dead man wore was well made but old, perhaps PDF surplus. However it was ill fitted, he clearly had not been used to it. The cloths were hardy simple fair, much as you would find anywhere. As you turn the body to take a closer look beads clutter to the ground and roll away, on his arm you spot the remains of a rosary. A Autopistol is still holstered on his belt, with a spare magazine, there is a knife sheath, but the knife itself is missing, perhaps lost during the engagement with Helene’s chainsword. He has no coin or other personal belongings. Kazimir Beta4 – Running targets have a -20 to hit, so unfortunately you shot misses. A half action aim seems fine for this Semi structure time, but it is only +10 so wont be enough to make it a hit. Retreating into the fog it was hard to tell if the las beam had struck true or not, alas regardless the figure continued its limping retreat. Edited March 29, 2023 by Trokair TechCaptain and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted March 29, 2023 Share Posted March 29, 2023 Ravia "They seem to be retreating," Ravia calls out as she slowly moves from the Goliath, panning her carbine around warily. "Let us regroup, first, and discover if they are truly leaving. Then we can recover any useful items Varn." TechCaptain and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted March 30, 2023 Share Posted March 30, 2023 Aria Setting up an overwatch position Aria scanned the treeline waiting for instructions. The attackers had been well armed and far too willing to exchange fire to be simple thieves, any survivors would likely regroup and remain a threat to this vehicle and others. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted March 30, 2023 Share Posted March 30, 2023 Kazimir Kazimir with his usual mechanical noises lifts his heavy sword out of the wreckage with little effort. Taking the time to carefully lift as not to cause any additional damage to possible usable components. With an eye on his surroundings, he makes the trek back to the David. While he is walking, he checks his armor and himself for the damage his optical interface is telling him he has. He knows he is going to need some down time for his systems to complete diagnostics and repairs. Besides he needs Rivia's help in citing the appropriate prayers over his circuits. As much as he would like to take that time. Immediate concerns are gathering resources and moving to a more defensive position. Then they would need to get repairs on the David. Continuing the mission would have to wait until these needs are met in his mind. By his count there is between 4 - 8 survivors and at least 4 dead. Two of the Dead will have very little to recover from due to explosions. The rest will have weapons and ammo that could be used at need. The charge pack for his pistol should get recharged even though he only used a couple shots. Aria should be commended for her excellent marksmanship. Lastly, as he approached the David, he thought Helene should be commended for excellent bladework on the other Wolfquad. He could probably learn a thing or two from that. STR 50 v Roll 42, Success Trokair and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted March 31, 2023 Author Share Posted March 31, 2023 (edited) It takes a while after the ambushers have retreated before you all feel that it is truly over, you haven’t seen nor heard anything worrisome for half an hour, and the usual orchestra of the forest had returned. While the fog had not completely cleared the sun was steadily burning it away, the horizons was still hazed and it now clung to shade and low points but compared to before it did loom over you. David front is blacked from the explosion and there are gouges where it had either hit the quad or the quad had struck back. Some minor dents, scrapes and chips showed where the small arms fire of the ambushers had struck, and the canvas canopy over the back part sported some fresh bullet sized ventilation holes. While a little worse for wear, and sticky with blood one Wolfquad was still functional, and even the keys where still present. The other Wolfquad however was scrap, Kazimir’s sword had done a number not only on the rider but also on the quads frame, and its retrieval had not been gentle either, despite Kazimirs best effort. Fuel had been slowly leaking from the tank and one tire was deflated, none of you had yet taken a closer look if there was anything salvageable. Do you want to continue on this road towards Ropgard and the PDF station in the mountain? Or head back to the crossroad and from there back to Port Havamn or take the coastal road to Estgord and/or Trumheim? Is there anything else anybody wants to do at the ambush site? Updated world Map Spoiler Wolfquad - Details Spoiler Type: Ground Vehicle Tactical Speed: 15 m Cruising Speed: 100 kph Manoeuvrability: +15 Structural Integrity: 10 Size: Hulking if occupied by two/full cargo, otherwise not Armour: Front 11, Side 11, Rear 11 Crew: Driver + up to 1 Passenger or cargo Edited March 31, 2023 by Trokair Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted March 31, 2023 Share Posted March 31, 2023 Ravia Ravia went to the damaged Wolfquad, working to see if anything was salvageable. While she did this, the others would be gathering up any enemy weapons and gear that was left behind. They would be working quickly, to get the equipment and move to a more secure area to repair and recuperate. Spoiler Tech-Use Test (salvage useable items from Wolfquad) Target - 38 Roll - 44 Result = Failure, no DoF Kazimir's massive blade had done too much damage to the vehicle to salvage anything other than scrap bits in a reasonable time. Trokair and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted March 31, 2023 Author Share Posted March 31, 2023 You get 1 Spare Wolfquad tire (you can stor it in David, or in the passanger/cargo space of the other Wolfquad) and 1d5 'spare parts' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted March 31, 2023 Share Posted March 31, 2023 Ravia After stashing what she could gain from the damaged Wolfquad onto the hale one (1 spare tire and 2 (roll-3) spare parts), Ravia went over to the others and helped strip the dead bandits of gear. "The question we face now is whether to continue on to the PDF outpost or go back and try to get assistance from the Expedition overseers? Any thoughts?" Ravia addressed her question to the entire team, wanting to know their opinions before they made a choice. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted March 31, 2023 Share Posted March 31, 2023 Kazimir Kazimir lumbered back to the Quad he had wrecked looking a bit sheepish at the damage he had wrought to the Omnissiah's holy works. However, he soothed himself the fact it had been in possession of the enemy and thus would rather oblivion than servitude to one destined for Heresy. Speaking small prayers to the Omnissiah, Kazimir began the grim work of retrieving and searching the dead for burial and information. Any weapons or tools for the expedition would be a boon. Soon after searching he would hold himself up in David's driver's seat and began reciting one of the Rites of his new blood. The more powerful right would have to wait until he was in a safer camp, he just wanted to be in good enough condition to drive without distraction. "I suggest we move out soon and head out to the PDF station. The bandits knew this route well. Speaks they are probably local to the last town. PDF as they are, are probably the best bet for repairs."Tech-use (16) Autosanguine Heal 2/day roll (09) (okay best roll yet so one success.) Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BadgersinHills Posted March 31, 2023 Share Posted March 31, 2023 Ariel stood, recovering from the shock and the fatigue from the battle, turning to the rest of her group to say, "We should go to the PDF outpost and then contact the expedition overseers if we need to. Good work, you all, by the way." She didn't expect her first battle in years to be against some bandits in some backwater, but the rush of adrenaline during it had been there all the same. Trokair and TechCaptain 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted April 4, 2023 Author Share Posted April 4, 2023 The fog had been truly banished now as you follow the winding rod up into the mountains. The forest lay behind you, replaced by windswept grassland, overrun in places by bracken, ferns or heather. From time to time you pass stonewalled fields, mostly empty but some encompassed had grazing herds. Varn and Helene will recognise this as hardier, more weather hardened cousins of those found elsewhere on Norombearg. While Kazimir and Ariel trade driving stints between them, resting up in-between to recuperate a little. Likewise Varn and Aria kept a carful lookout for any pursuers. They had salvaged what they could of the broken quad and then moved the wreckage to the side road. The bodies likewise had been dragged of the road, but none had been willing to stick around to dig graves for the Bandits. In the end a search of the bandits had revealed little, hardy cloth, old flack armour that was ill fitting and equally old weapons. No personal effects of any kind, though the charred remains of the initial bandit with the RPG launcher had had the remains of a book, pages burned to cinders, falling apart to ash as one of you picked it up to take a closer look. The captured quad was towed behind David, but tied in such a way that Helene could quickly cut the rope should they need to lighten their load. Evening was not far off, and only the steady elevation you gained all day allowed you still to have direct line, behind you the valleys where already drenched in evening shade. A aged sign proclaimed that you had arrived at Ropgard. A messily collection of building that barley formed a village, sheltered at the meeting point of the two ridged that grew into peaks in the main spine of the mountain range. Ropgard was a mix of farmsteads, no doubt the owners of some of the herds you had seen, and a few business that lived of the PDF base you could see a little further up the hill, another half an hour perhaps given the winding roads. Do you want to seek shelter in Ropgard or go up to the PDF base? Machine God and BadgersinHills 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 (edited) Varn: Varn had holstered the Bandit's autopistol mag and the belt he'd added to his own. He wasn't quite sure about the flak armour, so he left if with the other lot of salvage. "If we go der Base, Boss Helene? You fink that we be safe? Or we find the other travellers that we lost. Bandits could be Peedy-Eff!" Varn sharpened his knife... Edited April 4, 2023 by Machine God typo Trokair and BadgersinHills 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 (edited) Aria Aria looked up from the collection of salvaged weapons and ammunition having carefully checking each in turn for use or trade. "Anti-armour rounds and heavy weaponry, whatever their origin they are clearly equipped to hunt the expedition groups." She motioned towards the remnants of the RPG, "and trained." Any indication on the armour or weapons of origin? Makers stamps or the like? Edited April 4, 2023 by A.T. Trokair and BadgersinHills 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted April 4, 2023 Author Share Posted April 4, 2023 Technically the RPG launcher was blown up, but I know what Aria means. As Varn already discovered the flack armour is well made but old, perhaps PDF surplus. There are no obvious markers of provenance or allegiance. The Autopistols are likewise old but serviceable, serial numbers filled off. TechCaptain and BadgersinHills 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted April 4, 2023 Share Posted April 4, 2023 Ravia "Moving quickly to the PDF base might be best- if they are unfriendly we should know sooner rather than later, and sheltering with the village doesn't seem the greatest option for defense if another attack is forthcoming." BadgersinHills, Machine God, TechCaptain and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted April 5, 2023 Author Share Posted April 5, 2023 (edited) The road up to the base was obvious, and you followed it with care. One or two people glanced at your passage but it is otherwise unremarked. As you rounded the last corner you could take in the full scope of the base, perfectly positioned as a defensive stronghold. Steep cliffs merged seamlessly into the outer walls. Coming from below there was only one way in, the road you where in, and the fort had multiple angles of oversight of it. The gatehouse itself was recessed; any enemy foolish enough to approach it would be caught in a kill box. The gate however was open, and one guard stood to attention, though you can see he had been semi relaxed before he spotted you and snapped to alertness. He called to someone and another PDF trooper emerged from inside the guardhouse. Slowing down further, Kazimir carefully drew to a halt. The guard had stepped to one side and was approaching when he suddenly readied his weapon and shouted back to his companion at the gate. He had just spotted the fresh battle damage and recognised it as such instead of just old wounds. Focusing back on David he raised his voice. “Turn of your engine, step out of the vehicle and present Identification.” Edited April 6, 2023 by Trokair Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted April 9, 2023 Author Share Posted April 9, 2023 (edited) Further guards approached at a run from inside the fort, weapons drawn and alert. A shout from above and a metal on plascrete scrape alerted to you to more guards, and hatches being opened for heavier weapons to be deployed. The PDF soldiers were clearly on edge. The First guard was about to shout again for you to comply when the first of you carefully stepped out of Goliath, hands held up as a demonstration that you intended no harm. More of you quickly followed. “We are seeking shelter for the night, Bandits ambushed us on the road and we have injured companions.” “Get the Duty Sergeant.” The Guard called back to the others in the gate. While they waited for the Sergeant the Guard noted down each of your names and that you were with the Expedition. From there it went much as you would expect, some more questions from the Sergeant, a long wait for someone to get in touch with the Authorities in Keringrat to verify your identity and status as an Expedition team. From there you were aloud entry into the fort and directed to a side building. Several guards had been specifically detailed to both escort you, but also keep an eye on you; none of you can go anywhere unescorted. The Fort Commander will interview you one at the time about the Bandit ambush. For ease the interviews will be off screen and convey exactly what happened, unless you want to particularly have the interview on an individual basis. Also if there are any details you don’t want to tell the Commander let me know. “Our medic is out on patrol, but there is a first aid station that you may use, the troopers will escort you there if you require it. There is also a basic machine shop where you can repair damage to your vehicle.” The Duty Sergeant informs you as he shows you the unused auxiliary barrack where you had been directed to park David. Any of you, aside from Kazimir, may use the First Aid station to heal 1d5 wounds, Narrate as you want. For ease of reference current damage taken is: Ariel = 6, Varn =4, Aria =1, Helene =1. Ravia is uninjured and Kazimir is at 5 damage (after having already used the Autosanguine). Kazimir can attempt to use the Prosanguine as detailed here, or wait for the 24 full hours to elapse for the Autosanguine to heal the next two damage. This is the end of Session One, so all Fate points are restored and each player gets 250 XP. As per previous discussion, if Ravia picks up Armourer she can use the machine shop and the previously processed material to carry out the weapon modifications. Each modification will require an extended Challenging (+0) Tech-Use test until you have at least 2 DoS total (cumulative), narrate accordingly. You can test as many times in a row as needed, but each DoF will cancel a DoS. If at any point there are 3 or more DoF the modification will not work and the acquired materials are all used up (but the weapon is otherwise unharmed) 5 or more DoF at any point will result in some bespoke consequences. David may also be repaired with a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use Test, you will get +10 to this as David has the Reliable traite. Each successful test will restore 1 structural integrity (currently 18 out of 20). Anybody can assist Ravia in this task (for +5 per person) for one test; this will be such things as brining tools, cleaning components and such if you want to narrate your assistance. Edited April 10, 2023 by Trokair BadgersinHills 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted April 9, 2023 Share Posted April 9, 2023 Aria Aria kept her answers short and to the point, whether or not the guards here had a hand in the attack they had reason to be on edge and she had little desire to bring more attention than needed. The wound suffered earlier was little more than a bruise through the protective flak cloak but could have been far worse give the firepower of the ambush. The wisest strategy here was to attend to the transport away from the locals but their new passenger was still a relative unknown. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted April 10, 2023 Share Posted April 10, 2023 (edited) Ravia Ravia spoke the guards' sergeant and commander quickly, eager to fix and create what she could with the post's machine tools. Working on the damaged Goliath was a soothing experience- the chassis was well-known to be easily repairable and took well to the Omnissiah's blessings. The modifications to two of the weapons were much more difficult. Tiny lenses and proper calibration for the red-dot sight took multiple attempts to seat properly and the exterminator attachment to Helene's chainsword almost exploded at one point. Compared to them, the Goliath repair and the mono-edge blading of Kazimir's sword were clean and simple. Spoiler Goliath RepairTarget - 58 (48 + 10) with 2 successful Tests neededTest 1 Roll - 23Test 1 Result - PassTest 2 Roll - 60Test 2 Result - Fail ** If someone wants to aid Ravia here, it would change the fail to a Pass and get the Goliath up to full .** Weapons Modifications Red-dot sight (Ravia)Target - 48 with 2 cumulative DoS neededRoll 1 - 63 Result - Fail, 1 DoF (-2 total)Roll 2 - 45Result - Pass, no DoS (-1 total)Roll 3 - 46Result - Pass, no DoS (0 total)Roll 4 - 67 Result - Fail, 1 DoF (-2 total)Roll 5 - 38Result - Pass, 1 DoS (0 total)Roll 6 - 58Result - Fail, 1 DoF (-1 total)Roll 7 - 17Result - Pass, 3 DoS (2 total, modification made) Exterminator add-on (Helene)Target - 48 with 2 cumulative DoS neededRoll 1 - 48Result - Pass, no DoS (1 total)Roll 2 - 68Result - Fail, 2 DoF (-2 total)Roll 3 - 36Result - Pass, 1 DoS (0 total)Roll 4 - 25Result - Pass, 2 DoS (3 total, modification made) Greatsword mono-fied (Kazimir)Target - 48 with 2 cumulative DoS neededRoll 1 - 06Result - Pass, 4 DoS (4 total, modification made) Overall result - all weapons mods made, Goliath has 19/20 structural integrity. Edited April 10, 2023 by Lord_Ikka Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted April 10, 2023 Share Posted April 10, 2023 (edited) Kazimir Kazimir stuck with his Goliath when Rivia the Techpriest wanted to get it into a garage for repairs. As a Hiver and a Driver designated, he knew the simple incantations of assistance and maintenance for the vehicles in his charge. His help was minimal beyond the stuff that required brute strength and muscle, but this was the second time that he had watched this particular Goliath get repaired and had assisted even in his limited fashion. Close attention was paid to what a real Techpriest like Rivia did and what the old man Kastn did, learnt by learning from his betters in this area. He was careful though to only do what he was guided to do in the holy name of the Omnissiah. Tech-use (16) Assist with David Repairs (24) Fail, but maybe he was some help and not too much of a hindrance. Unlike some guard units, the Cogger Hive Guard had close relations to the disciples of the Omnissiah for they provided the blessed training machines and there were also the whispers that House Therrica of Cogger who provided most of the officer material were all in bed with Forge World Mjorn. His own heritage as a factory worker made it where he was exposed daily for machines before, he joined the guard. Little by little as he regained his sense of self, memories of his life on Cogger returned and with it understanding of his position as a layman to the Omnissiah and the Ecclesiarchy. Back to his actions of the day however, he had helped repair the front end of David, especially cleaning the scorch marks, sewing the holes in the tarps, pounding flat metal pieces that would be worked into the grill and hood all while humming the hymns he learned as a child. Then when Rivia moved onto upgrading the Expeditions armory, he stayed back as protocol dictated but his ears searched for the hymns of improvement that enjoined the Machine Spirits, the cants of sharpening that was used on his blade that made it so much sharper than it was. Some of the actions he observed were beyond his simple understanding, but he filed it away like he filed away operation plans and map reading for he knew one day it might be useful if assigned away from a Techpriest. He knew that he was somewhat a failure at the technical aspects of what Rivia was doing and felt that he may have been an annoyance to her or hindered her when it came to the concentration needed for her work on their weapons, but he was curious. Tech-use (16) Assist with Red Dot attachment (36) 2 DoF Fail, but maybe he was some help and not too much of a hindrance. Tech-use (16) Assist with Exterminator attachment (57) 4 DoF Fail, but maybe he was some help and not too much of a hindrance. Tech-use (16) Assist with Monoblade attachment. (49) 3 DoF Well, that Failed but luckily, she didn't need my help there. He had asked what questions he could and fetched what tools she needed when he understood what that tool was. The rites of the sighting and the arcane nature of the attachment on the religious one's own blade were quite a bit too complex compared to the sharpening of the edges of his big sword. When she was done with those tasks, he had requested gently her help with the chants for his own internal machines to start the healing process within him. The damage wasn't bad, but he wanted to be in tip top shape in case there was more trouble. In a Meditation like pose, he concentrated on the grey goo that was his new blood. He listened to the whirl of machinery as it was pushed through his body, and he felt where his heart had been enhanced. With thoughts so focused he mentally flicked the switches needed to increase the speed of the process within him. Tech-use (16) Prosanguine Heal 1d5(4)/day roll (15) At least that passed. Edited April 13, 2023 by TechCaptain Trokair and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted April 11, 2023 Share Posted April 11, 2023 (edited) Varn: After the Bandits had departed and he thought that it was relatively safe, he went out scouting. His leg hurt and he needed to find the herbs, there wasn't much Grog left. Varn had memmed the lej taught to him by the tribe healer. The roots and bulbs to look for. INT 37 +0 (Navigation Surface) = 37. Result: 22, Pass 1DoS.INT 37 +0 (Medicae) = 37, Result: 18, Pass 1DoS His search provided him with promising ingredients. The pain began to increase so stayed in the back of David as they headed off to the Peedy-Eff base. He had already boiled water from the urn, cleaned his wound and applied a healing paste to his wound. He had instructed the team to ignore any cries of pain from him whilst he was in the back, that he was curing. He tried to keep his wounded leg elevated. At the PDF base, Varn gave his name and showed the picture of David that he had been given. He acted the dumb native to the Others, but he did accept the use of the first-aid station. He also helped in the herb garden. Lose D5 Wounds, Result: 8/2 = 4 Wounds Edited April 12, 2023 by Machine God typo Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted April 21, 2023 Author Share Posted April 21, 2023 Day 6 – Fresh Mountain Air Awaking to the call of a new day, and the changing of the guard, you find that unlike the previous day the sky is wide and empty. No trees or fog to dim the light as the sun as it rose over the horizon. A quick glance at your chronometer shows it is barley past five in the morning. Your rest had been adequate, the beds old but functional. PDF troopers had stood guard at all entrances during the night, keeping a careful eye on all of you. Despite the length of your interviews the previous evening into the events at the ambush, and the confirmation of your identity and purpose had not lessened any mistrust that the garrison had towards you. The Commander stopped by just as a few of you where taking a quick breakfast, his demand simple and clear, leave and be on your way. You had been granted shelter for the night, but you had no business remaining here. A few minutes later, no doubt at the Commanders behest, an elderly trooper approached you. “Scout Adosan reporting, if you wish to cross the high pass and descend the western slopes then I will be your guide, there are no true roads that way, just small paths, easy to lose your way.” The original travel intention as I understand it is to try and cross the Mountains here, so Scout Adosan will guide you for a bit if you want to go that way. If instead you want to stay on the east side of the mountains there is the other road you saw on your way into Rорgard the evening before, this road will take you up to Trumheim. Ravia Spoiler As you take your seat in David’s cabin and awaken the goliath’s spirit to bring up the navigational data and sensor you see that there is a message waiting for you in the satellite uplink. +++ Data-missive, recipient adept Ravia Phi-Ro +++ +++Security Pavonis, Arch-Magos Ilmarnin seal lock verified.+++ +++ Report of ambush acknowledged, data verified and cooperated with local imperial authority. There has been an increase in bandit activity in the outlaying regions. Governor’s Law Enforcement Department claim that this was also the fate of East Team V and VI. Analytical data savant posit that designation ‘Bandit activity’ is cover for shadowed political manoeuvring by hired mercenaries by external local interest parties that lost out in the Expedition formation or internal local parties which to hinder rivals within the Expedition. There has always been too much politicking in this endeavour. Alternative posit, other parties wish to profit from the Archmagos’s work by taking out Expedition elements to discover potential Archeotech location and secure them before we can. Authorisation to go dark if circumstance required pre-emptively granted, all non-faithful personal can be eliminated to secure operational security if required. The Omnissiah will be done. +++ It is up to you how much of this you share with the rest of the team; the communication is from one of the Archmagos's adjutants, and is outside of the chain of command as it exist within the Expedition. Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted April 22, 2023 Share Posted April 22, 2023 Varn: As they were having breakfast and getting ready to leave on David they were met by Big Boss Peedy Eff, who was grumbling. He watched but let Ravia talk. He watched another approach. A local scout called Adosan. Sed he could guide them through the mountains. "Hello I is Varn, tracker." Varn said the same thing in his tribal language and then switched back to Low Gothic. "Have you ever heard that tongue before?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted April 22, 2023 Author Share Posted April 22, 2023 “So that would make you my counterpart, the wayfinder of the troop.” "Have you ever heard that tongue before?" “Old Lycian?” Adosan was lost in thought for a moment. “No, not quite.” Shrugging he added “I’d hazard not then, or a long time ago perhaps.” Machine God and BadgersinHills 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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