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Farsight (+Arks of Omen/Boarding Patrol)

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The Arks of Omen series continues with the fourth book Farsight, in which the legendary T’au renegade faces disaster during the vicious War of Dakka. 



WarCom article.






Edited by Lord Marshal
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Damn, I am actually wanting to buy a Tau model... what has the world come to?


Jokes aside, its a gorgeous sculpt. Really am tempted to buy it on its own as a painting project and shelf piece. Might be inclined to expand to a full force if future Tau releases have this flavor...

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4 minutes ago, m_r_parker said:

So they're recalling doubling down with the feudal Japan / Samurai theme with this new model. Perhaps the cherry blossom trees are a little too much here.

It's a good sculpt, but what i'm now doing is comparing this to the Crisis Suits, and boy are they now showing their age...

Hopefully means they get an update!

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