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10th Ed Tyranids releases Rumours


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So from Valrak's thread in NRBA we have the rumoured new things for nids, coming with 10th edition:


  • New Hormagaunts
  • Vemon Crawler type Nid unit.
  • New Screamer Killer Karnifex.
  • New Lictors
  • Winged Warrior.
  • New Biovores 
  • Plastic Spore Mines and Chunky
  • Norm Emissary (Beefed up Zoan Throat)



Some of these are clearly in the pipeline, some are more dubious, but Valrak seems to have a decent accuracy for rumours over the last couple of years. 


No idea what the 


We also had the following suggestions for a 10th ed set last year:

  • 10th Ed starters feature Blood Angels and Tyranids:
  • jump death company; captain; sanguinary priest


  • broodlord, zoanthrope macrofex, hypergants,
  • 10th ed releases: Upgrade sprue Tyranids: -Macrofex Old Eye (macrofex size) Hypergant swarms (105mm base) -New genestealers -New hormaguants



Existing resin/metal models that need replacing:

  • Biovore
  • pyrovore
  • lictor
  • Deathleaper
  • Spore mines
  • Red terror



So the items that are common to both rumours, or are rumoured and have a finecast kit that needs replacing are (more likely) are:

  • A larger carnifex, that might be old one eye, or a screamer killer, or make both.
  • New hormagaunts
  • Some new Zoanthrope thing - might be a character/base model like Doom of Malantai/Norn Emissary
  • Biovore/Pyrovore kit
  • Lictor/Deathleaper
  • Sporemines


Only featured in one set of rumours (less likely) are:

  • Hypergants
  • New Stealers
  • Vemon Crawler type Nid unit.
  • Winged Warrior.


So the above rumour would corroborate the removal of the last finecast kits, if we got a biovore/pyrovore, then lictor deathleaper hybrid kits. 


These are all pretty exciting on their own, I might switch back to nids as my main for 10th! 




Edited by Xenith
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I think any updates will be more hi-res versions of older models instead of redesigns - I seen in your thread you were enjoying the termagane sculpts, and they are really nice still, but have some crazy mould lines and the split down the face.  I think they would just fix these issues, and maybe add more weapons! 

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On 3/9/2023 at 7:19 AM, Xenith said:

I think any updates will be more hi-res versions of older models instead of redesigns - I seen in your thread you were enjoying the termagane sculpts, and they are really nice still, but have some crazy mould lines and the split down the face.  I think they would just fix these issues, and maybe add more weapons! 

I just got done building the 36 termagants from the combat patrol, and yah, the mold lines are horrendous. The split down the face was also a, "why did it have to be like this?" moment for me. Along with the fact that each sprue only had 4 gaunts on it, I am left wanting for a new kit, if only to be easier to work with.

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  • 2 weeks later...




On 3/23/2023 at 7:37 PM, Reigart said:

Well! A lot of those predicted by Valrak’s source seemed to have been in the cinematic!


Absolutely! With the new video released, I've gone back and highlighted rumours that appeared in the vid in green, those that might have done, or share a bit with something in the vid in orange, and didn't appear in the vid in red. 


On 3/9/2023 at 10:04 AM, Xenith said:

So the items that are common to both rumours, or are rumoured and have a finecast kit that needs replacing are (more likely) are:

  • A larger carnifex, that might be old one eye, or a screamer killer, or make both.
  • New hormagaunts
  • Some new Zoanthrope thing - might be a character/base model like Doom of Malantai/Norn Emissary
  • Biovore/Pyrovore
  • Lictor/Deathleaper
  • Sporemines


Only featured in one set of rumours (less likely) are:

  • Hypergants
  • New Stealers
  • Vemon Crawler type Nid unit. - Maybe the tentacle face things?
  • Winged Warrior.
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Saw this... brilliant if intended...




will likely make seperate threads at some point for each for unit discussion but for now:


So the items that are common to both rumours, or are rumoured and have a finecast kit that needs replacing are (more likely) are:

  • A larger carnifex, that might be old one eye, or a screamer killer, or make both. -imho wont be much bigger dont think will replace current kit but be for the new unit diversions ie screamer plus a character or something else(psy screamer? exploding one? purely ideas based on nothing mind
  • New hormagaunts def but am curious if these will be smaller so they dont get too much like stealers if big. seem to have nice curved blade limbs that are different to old over reachers
  • Some new Zoanthrope thing -  i need to reread my codex but its making me think of some story in it(no not doom) the way things are i do wonder will this be a double kit that can make this or
  • Biovore/Pyrovore yash
  • Lictor/Deathleaper
  • Sporemines


Only featured in one set of rumours (less likely) are:

  • Hypergants
  • New Stealers
  • Vemon Crawler type Nid unit. - Maybe the tentacle face things?
  • Winged Warrior.- shrike and if as pictured above great. could end up being a dual kit that replaces warriors mind... even a winged prime may be great



Edited by Brother nathan
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That is a very cool and clever hint, assuming GW thought that deeply!


One thing I'm wondering is if the guns for termagants will finally be on an even field such that there's no "wrong" choice for armaments. It seems like every edition there's either an option that's much better than the others and leaves other choices kinda pointless (devourers and fleshborers seem to take turns in this slot) or one gun that's completely and utterly worthless even in casual games (seemingly permanently occupied by the poor old spinefist). Even if there is a slightly better option I'd love for all three guns to have some niche or synergy with certain playstyles. Especially spinefists; I love how they look and think they fit the bill perfectly for weird, alien firearms but the last edition they were any good on gaunts was 4th, largely by virtue of being absolutely dirt cheap to field en masse. And that was 6 editions ago!


Also I kinda wish we'd get heavy/special weapons for gaunts of some kind. Perhaps evolve the long forgotten spike rifle up a size class into a smaller but still powerful version of the impaler cannon (good against light vehicles and heavy infantry) and bring back the strangleweb, but actually make it good (maybe as a "debuff" weapon that is less focused on direct damage and more on tying up/slowing down enemy units, making them easy prey for other Tyranids).

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Given GW’s inability to make three decent gaunt weapons, I’m leery about asking for more options. 

I wholeheartedly agree that they need to make a better attempt at balancing their guns.  But at this point…loathe as I am to say it I wonder if simply removing the options and just giving them one gun might make things easier.

I was trying to think of how they could make the three guns distinct and useful.




Spinefists: 12”, S4, AP-1, Pistol 2  Good for close up, a gaunt toting two sawn-off shotguns.

Devourer:  18”, S3, Assault 2, AP 0. 

Fleshborer: 24”, Assault, S4, AP 0 Good for longer range.

Edited by Zoatibix
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weve already seen the new stats for their weapons but then again these coule be the standard option in the starter and more/ heavy... could... be in a seperate boix... doubt. think gaunts should be a horde all the same and not doint the heavy lifting but leave that for others. i like the looks of the new stats. seems more even.(assuming spine fists can shoot in cc)  and iv changed the weapons of my gaunts multiple times since 3rd ed... 


Edited by Brother nathan
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On 3/28/2023 at 10:05 AM, Brother nathan said:



:jawdrop: Great find, I think that's confirmed it for me! And don't worry, we'll get the Tyranids Unit of the Week topic going again to discuss all the new units once the rules hit and we manage to get some games in. 


I might preserve the 8/9th ed version and start from scratch again with all the new units. 



Unfortunately the weapons don't look too much more balanced, but it might come down to buffs and strat support, like if something only buffs fleshborers for example. With the above sheet youre either:


1 shot at 18", hitting on 4+, wounding marines on a 3+, so 18 gaunts sooting = 1 dead marine 

2 shots at 18, hitting on 4+, wounding on 4+, so 12 gaunts shooting = 1 dead marine

2 shots at 12" or in combat, hitting on 4+, wounding on 5+, so 18 gaunts shooting = 1 dead marine


The devourer being the best choice, however it has no special rules while the fleshborer is ASSAULT and the fists are TWIN LINKED. 

If TWIN LINKED means can reroll failed hits, then we get to 12 gaunts shooting = one dead marine. 

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  • 1 month later...

So gonna start the rumours based on todays forgeworld announcement... several big bugs getting cancelled looks like we could be getting a plastic diama? Also mentioned before... possible plastic upgrade kit for fexes to stonecrushers? Multi kit for neurotyrant to make malceptor?

Also with new cc base rules our gants and stealers need new models

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I doubted the rumour before but hopefully this means an update to the Swarmlord, since right now he looks too similar to a normal Hive Tyrant but using 4 boneswords/bonesabres instead of a bunch of different weapons.

Edited by Jscarlos18
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