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Refreshes for the big chapters coming

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14 minutes ago, Arkangilos said:

I thought Honor Guard were universal, but the models releases were UM. Like I’m not saying UM shouldn’t have their own special models, but not special units with their own rules. 


I thought about mentioning the Tyrannic War Veterans, but personally I don’t think they should be UM only at this point. I mean I’m not opposed, it’s just at this point they don’t have much of a lore reason to be UM only like they did when they came out.

the honour guard datasheet is only in the UM supplement, while all chapters have an "Honour Guard" in the lore only the UM actually have the unit (models and datasheet). at one point there was a generic honor guard datasheet that the other chapters could use but no models so it went away.

the Tyrannic War Veterans unit is unique to them but its also very bad lol. but quality of the unit isnt the metric for if its exclusive to a chapter or not.

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10 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:

As for my Imperial Fists, I'm really not quite sure. Perhaps Marines with Shields? Or a unique Terminator unit? The Black Templars have a lot of units that would have been associated with the Imperial Fists in 30k.



An IF unit where half of them have shields as a front line, and half have heavy weapons and sit behind them would be great. Perhaps have a rule where while the unit has more shield marines than HW ones, it gets a 5++ save or something. 

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a lot of the chapter unique units could be accomplished with just taking an existing kit adding an upgrade sprue and datasheet then calling it a new unit. not everything has to be a uniquely sculpted kit right out of the gate, they could work to fill up the game with less investment and production time if they wished. They did this twice with Death Company Intercessors and Hounds of Morkai but since they were not unique kits people hated on them, i dont think that would happen with the attention starved chapters.

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I play Imperial Fists, Templars and Dark Angels. Fists are codex compliant, I don't need them to have special units, that's more of a 30k thing. 


For Dark Angels I'm mostly hoping for an update to the Veterans kit, Ezekiel (we did a lot of damage together in 6th and 7th) and creepy zealous Asmodai but primaris Black Knights would be amazing too. 

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I wonder if this will also include new Deathwatch Veterans. The announcement video showed what looks to be Primaris Sternguard, which historically carried similar rules to what eventually became Deathwatch Kill Team Vets, but those are relatively new Firstborn sculpts, all things considered. I won't say no to new Deathwatch anything, obviously.


I mean, new units for any chapter means modeling opportunities for the long vigil anyway :biggrin:



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1 hour ago, Stupidity said:

At the current rate of release, everyone on this forum will be dead before all the chapters are flushed out with unique units. 

What we need is a quick fix. Unique units done through painting and sprues, like Veteran Intercessors.  

Every detachment (Chapter) could easily have its own unique unit this way. 


What you described is literally the opposite of unique units. They’re just standard units with upgrade sprues and a fancy name.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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1 hour ago, Orange Knight said:


I'm an Imperial Fist player with a very neglected army, but I disagree with this strongly. 


The Ultramarines deserve unique units and characters as much as any chapter.

They have their Honour Guard, and they could also have Tyrannic War Veterans, or some units inspired by the Horus Heresy Legion. The Black Templar saw every single unit and character they had cross the Rubicon, and then gain some new ones. No other chapter had received such support.


I think the Raven Guard deserve some jump pack infantry and snipers.

The White Scars deserve unique Outriders and a Khan on Bike.


As for my Imperial Fists, I'm really not quite sure. Perhaps Marines with Shields? Or a unique Terminator unit? The Black Templars have a lot of units that would have been associated with the Imperial Fists in 30k.

Lysander is someone that should definitely receive a model. As should Pedro Kantor. The poor Crimson Fists are the only codex chapter without a new model since 8th began.




I definitely could see a heavy intercessor w/ shields as a IF unique unit.

sgt could then have a powerfist or thunder hammer as an upgrade to give them some melee punch.

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23 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

What you described is literally the opposite of unique units. They’re just standard units with upgrade sprues and a fancy name.


Obviously they would have unique rules. Also, you can do a lot with a sprue, like give Intercessors shields, Reivers power axes or add a new gun barrel to a bolter. 

I'm not saying this is some kind of replacement for completely unique units, just that it would be great for those chapters that will need to wait decades before GW gets around to them. 

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3 hours ago, Arkangilos said:

I agree with all but the ultramarines.


It isn’t anything against the UM, but they are literally the paragons of the Codex, so they shouldn’t have any unique units like the others that aren’t. 

So those Vitrix Honour Guard aren't a thing? Or those Tyranic War Veterans?


There is no reason why each first founding chapter shouldnt have unique units. It can easily be written into the lore if people need ie the great rift has forced chapters to fight using their strengths etc. It also includes all first founding so gives players options rather than some chapters being left in the dust.


30k has the right idea imo. 

Edited by Subtleknife
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28 minutes ago, Stupidity said:


Obviously they would have unique rules. Also, you can do a lot with a sprue, like give Intercessors shields, Reivers power axes or add a new gun barrel to a bolter. 

I'm not saying this is some kind of replacement for completely unique units, just that it would be great for those chapters that will need to wait decades before GW gets around to them. 

I'm on board. I think everyone definitely wants to see that old unique units all get upscaled (Sanguinary Guard, Deathwing, etc) but when it comes to new unique Primaris, a few upgrade sprues could make a world of difference. Look at the Kill Team Legionnaires sprue. Remake the Hounds of Morkai with a unique sprue, Iron Hand Aggressors with grav weapons, Dark Angel Hellblasters with neo-volkite rifles, etc

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2 hours ago, ShibeKing said:

Hopefully the SW upgrades aren't mega wolfy. I don't play the Wolves, but even I feel bad for them at this point. Don't know if some of our fur friendly frater can handle another kick to the groin.

Some pelts on a few shoulderpads and some dangly wolfy bits on a sprue would go a long way. I am not a fan of all the other stuff that clutters up the current range

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1 hour ago, Stupidity said:


Obviously they would have unique rules. Also, you can do a lot with a sprue, like give Intercessors shields, Reivers power axes or add a new gun barrel to a bolter. 

I'm not saying this is some kind of replacement for completely unique units, just that it would be great for those chapters that will need to wait decades before GW gets around to them. 

oh man a new gun barrel! everyone is going to rush out to buy that.

what you just described is a half assed mid point between a normal kit w/ upgrade sprue and a truly unique kit, that would satisfy very few people and likely be major flop for GW.

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2 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

oh man a new gun barrel! everyone is going to rush out to buy that.

what you just described is a half assed mid point between a normal kit w/ upgrade sprue and a truly unique kit, that would satisfy very few people and likely be major flop for GW.

Depends on the unit. For sanguinary guard I’d want a unique kit, for death company I could get behind a good upgrade kit that works with multiple other units

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2 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

oh man a new gun barrel! everyone is going to rush out to buy that.

what you just described is a half assed mid point between a normal kit w/ upgrade sprue and a truly unique kit, that would satisfy very few people and likely be major flop for GW.

I geuss you don't pay attention to the amount of money 3rd parties make selling stl's and physical bits for just that. It's not insignifigant. More upgrade sprues to add character and represent relics are definitely coming and they def do upgrade sets for other games and I think the only reason they don't for 40k is that corporate mindset that 40k is thier "flagship" franchise so it has to be for the lowest common denominator leading to all the dumb rules choices they made for 8th and 9th with only in box options being available wich of course started to break when the Primaris upgrade sets came out. 


It's really not that hard to imagine GW doing like single small sprue upgrades with chapter specific options and bits as a cheap way to keep bringing new stuff to the table. Win win for them they take a Primaris box set that's already covered it's cost and slap in a single half size sprue and bam you have Death Company with Thunder hammers and power weapons again and most of the cost of production is profit. If the unit is good people will buy it.

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3 hours ago, Subtleknife said:

So those Vitrix Honour Guard aren't a thing? Or those Tyranic War Veterans?


There is no reason why each first founding chapter shouldnt have unique units. It can easily be written into the lore if people need ie the great rift has forced chapters to fight using their strengths etc. It also includes all first founding so gives players options rather than some chapters being left in the dust.

Bro, I literally addressed that. 

Honor Guard is a codex compliant unit, and as someone else said, used to be applicable to EVERY codex chapter, but the UM were the only ones with the models. 

Tyrannic War Veterans are exactly that: Veterans of the Tyrannic war. Guess what, at this point, far more than the UM are Tyrannic war veterans, and it doesn’t make sense that THE codex chapter has them if it isn’t a Codex thing (special unit wise). 

So I maintain my position: The Ultramarines should not have any special units that no one else can get, because special units are deviations from the codex that they are so compliant with. 

Instead they should get some other rule, have more flexibility, and such. I’m not even opposed to having named units (like the Vitrix Honor Guard) who have unique load outs. The thing is that isn’t a special unit, that is a unique codex standard. A sort of “hero” unit, so to speak. A “character” squad. 


Edited by Arkangilos
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4 hours ago, DutyBeforeAll said:

Need a new Lysander ( might as well make him chapter master at this point) and a new Pedro Kantor, hopefully in Gravis.

I hope they announce Pedro sooner than later if they’re gonna do him.  I’m planning to make him from the Tor Garadon model that came with the bastion strike force.

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Maybe I should clarify what I mean by special units:


I would consider the Sanguinary Guard, the Vitrix Honor Guard, etc. to *not* be special units. I would consider them to be codex compliant honor guard of the “named” variety. All chapters should be able to get honor guard, with various options and such based on their history. 

Tyrannic War Veterans should be applicable to all chapters considering the lore behind them, and even then they aren’t a “special” unit, but a “named” unit of renown.


When I think of special units, I mean something that breaks the codex compliance: Death Company, Ravenwing, etc.

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