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10th ed Nids Rules thread

Brother Nathan

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thats a title from the early editions its long lost since the tyrannofex arrived. From my limited play with them they arnt that survivable but so long as cost is done right its fair enough. bit of a vacume without seeing what all general units are like cost wise. the dread can one shot it but hten the screamer can one shot the dread... 

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I didn’t say the SK is a terrible model that will never be taken, I’m just comparing it to the other stat cards we have seen so far. 

If the Brutalis and SK had swapped T and Wounds values, I feel that would be more appropriate. One has to rush across the battlefield enduring strong ranged attacks while the other is a gun platform that can still probably shoot in melee. Both have the same movement statistics, strangely.


Which brings us to ‘oh, but points’…and I don’t find that a satisfying answer. Points be damned, a Marine flyer shouldn’t be faster or as manoeuvrable as an Asuryani one, for example.


I have also seen folks say that monsters shouldn’t be as tough as vehicles. In a game of two players big tough stompy things should get to be be tough stompy things, regardless of faction. Unless we’re just going to admit that Marines are the heroes and Xenos just NPCs.


Sure, a light scout like a War Walker shouldn’t be as hard to kill as a Dreadnought or a Wraithlord but that Wraithlord is hopefully going to be as least as hard to kill as said lumpen and unlovely metal box.


I don’t want my big stompy battering ram to be cheaper…I want it to be



My apologies for the rant but after an edition where I had players running aggressors with Selfless healers hurumpfing at my GSC banner putting d6 models back in a unit, or carping about heavily tooled up and buffed melee units barely managing to kill a minimum sized squad of those Phobos marine chaps, I’ve gotten a bit frustrated.

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The reroll ing to wound for stealers could be very useful as with a lot of attacks they can try bothering even very tough things.


I haven’t been able to get my head around Battleshock / Objective control yet so no sure about that. 

Swarmlord seems to be a side grade. Lost three wounds but gained two points of Toughness. However, as a Warrior Hero of Legend his Sabres still look rather anemic next to World Eaters that I recently started running up against. He seems more a buffer but decent melee at the moment.


Rupture Cannon…damage became more swingy, lost a shot but Strength went up. If we see a lot of very tough vehicles …might be useful. But I am terrible with damage rolls. :confused:

Endless Swarm is effectively twice as good though. 

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Swarmlord... will have to see where it compares to tyrants. Least the psy power looks decent...


The biggest change is stealers are 2w now? Rerolls and stats make up for claws and such but 2 w? Suppose that makes them a bit more though id rather a better save


Rupture cannon going to str18 makes me think big change to damage tables. Seems a general nerf to it though so be interesting to see what other changes there are or we could struggle with how tough tanks have gotten

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Lost a shot, but now hitting on a 2+ if it remains still seems a decent trade - I forget if it had to remain still this edition? In 8th at least it got double shots if remaining still. It'll be wounding most stuff on a 2+, 2d6 is interesting, but average 7 is ok, I guess it was d6+4 in 9th, so it's essentially losing a point of D.


Swarmy looks decent, lots of bonuses but need to see what else 10th offers. lots of attacks and twin linked seems like he'll chew through vehicles. 

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Really? I get that with the Neurogaunts- basically gives us back our old synapse range but at pts and cash cost. Also, if they aren’t really, really cheap in points…won’t I be better just taking more actual synapse or regular whatever they are extending to?


Maybe useful to tie back to other broods holding home objectives? Or hide synapse out of sight while these guys boost range to forward or flanking enemies?


Sometimes they will be useful to block movement…other times they will get in our way.

Oddly they are LD 8. What happens to a Synapse creatures Synapse if they get Battleshocked? 

Barbgaunts look obnoxious. In an NPE way. If they can split fire, merely having to hit an enemy to significantly slow them down, while having a good number of shots (with Blast bonus)  at S5 (and BS3+ if stationary) is very solid.


They could chew up light infantry. Stuff like World Eaters might be forced to pick between their movement or punching buffs. 

I know this is in isolation but they need to be fairly costly, I think.


That said, if I can kill Marines with these while muttering about Aggressors…maybe I won’t feel too bad.

Edited by Zoatibix
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Thing is and we wont know til we see full stat line... they are gaunts... which means t3.... unless they arnt. Then they start competing with warriors. Not saying barbgaunts should even be hormagaunt price but if its much above 30 and warriors are in the 50 bracket then outputs compared could be a horse on arrival. If they are sitting on a biovore stats then what will the cost be... the distance reduction seems to be their key use and will be likely great against combat and fast targets. Like ill have and try but being a gaunt iv much more doubts on them than the leapers. Also noting how combat seems to be looking deadlier shooting nids may not land well this ed. I was hoping for a little more bite though.

As for those other things... they need to be cheap to do anything synapse or no. For to do little else apparently and be a worthwhile mid unit that needs to be cheaper than termagaunts tbh

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True. Dont know what leapers will do that lictors /raveners/hormagaunts dont... especially hard to tell with the changes to weaponry as this is obv only antipersonel now... what do we have that can/will actually kill the dreadnaught in the box? As our big gun s arnt that big im curious now

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