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10th ed Nids Rules thread

Brother Nathan

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Also from what else i can rememberbarbgaunts seemed to be t5 3 wounds and were indeed splitting fire and quite effective at slowing down marines just not killing much. 

Psycophage t8 and a bunch of wounds took a lot of damage and delt a fair bit. Fnp 5+

Shrike t6? And 5 attacks... wasnt great...

Von ryan leapers... 6 attacks each. T5 str 5 3 wounds sv 4+. No inv. May have had fnp though. Didnt even grt to charge and still fought pretty decently i thought.

What else did i miss?

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Leviathan data sheets now available to download see here.


No point copying them in but whats your thoughts etc. Im somewhat underwhelmed but til i see points. I also think is the neurogants squad leader missing or what?

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Putting aside my irritation at the SK only being T9…


Barbiegaunts should only get their Disruption effect if the whole brood targets a single enemy unit, IMO. At the moment we can tag three or four enemies with a fair degree of confidence. It’s not jus the effect on stuff moving towards us, things trying to manoeuvre away will also be affected.  Seems a little strong combined with their shooting profile.


Rippers getting to halve enemy OC is hilarious. I know they don’t have any of their own but combining them in with some that does have OC - like Monsters seems useful.


Our monsters only being OC 3 does seem a bit odd, while I think about it.


Psycho phage is decent into psykers and FNP means he should last long enough to whack them in melee (note he doesn’t degrade, either.)




Devourers seem to have lost assault, but I think when someone ran the numbers a while back they still pull ahead of FB. 

Neurotyrant seems like a must take with it’s ability to improve Psychic Scream (a once per game ability is going to need all the help it can get, IMO.)


And his Psychic Scream weapon should kill a couple of Marines every time he shoots.


VRLs are decent as long as they aren’t too expensive.


I still don’t see the point of Neurogaunts.


Winged Prime…if he ends up on his own does he still count as ‘leading a unit’? He’s not that impressive for a purely melee hero in Tyranids.



Edited by Zoatibix
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Cant say i disagree.sk thing seems to be that monsters are considerably lower toughness than tanks. Till we see everything(points) its hard to know hot they compare as we dont have much to hurt tanks easily. 


Barbs as is are powerful and potentially enough survivability to affect the battle but  they wont live too long at t4 2w 4+.curious as to cost still. 


Rippers... blah...


Monsters oc... i would  guess there  will be a build specifc for monster mash in new codex double oc or such. Probs more sensible our current nothing or 5 ones.


Physco seems decent enough though not amazing output wise. Good for survivability increases


Yeah i did brief math on gaunt weapons. Its slightly better but not much. Assault keyword may be key.



Neurotyrant i agree looks great. Im assuming neurothrope becomes unit upgrade for zoans and this replaces it as hq. Though cant join zoans so i may be wrong. 



Leaprs i think could be the hidden hero...


Neurogaunts agree seem useless and what even is the difference with the bigger one?  Something key is missing. Was hoping for it to be like a pocket stealer/synapse model in the unit...


Winged prime... yeah i dont see any purpose in it til we get shrikes or such. It dosent help anything in this build or it looses speed in warrior units...

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Yeah feels like there's more to the Neurogaunts then we're being told.


I'm actually okay with the Barbgaunts as I can't see then surviving too long, especially given how close you'll have to be to cause real havoc (though the thought of using them to reduce Death Guard to a crawl is amusing). Placement will be key to their survival.


Also poor rippers, they aren't even a legal unit within the box :laugh:

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I think that might be the combat patrol one that we get in a week or so? 


Is it wrong that I sometimes think they should be folded into a unit like that in the main game as well? Some extra attacks and extra wounds for the gaunts

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On 6/1/2023 at 8:37 AM, Brother nathan said:



These strats seems to be for a VARDENGHAST SWARM, which is I presume a specific detachment or formation for the models in the set, like quick start rules, or possibly the combat patrol that the nid half of the set makes - I presume these rules won't be in the standard datacards.

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1 hour ago, Xenith said:


These strats seems to be for a VARDENGHAST SWARM, which is I presume a specific detachment or formation for the models in the set, like quick start rules, or possibly the combat patrol that the nid half of the set makes - I presume these rules won't be in the standard datacards.

Yeah that's the name of the nid combat patrol. They may have something like it in the proper rules but I expect it to be slightly different.

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I'm pleasantly surprised at the basic gaunt weapon profiles...could spinefists FINALLY be worth something? Twin-linked should make up for the lower strength, and pistol (and thus being able to target foes in engagement range) means that they can potentially be very annoying to the foe as chaff/bubblewrap for more important critters. It'll probably all depend on the points costs when the Index drops.

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aye i think they all do preform relatively similarly normal output considered, changes in range and with assault on only some  probably brings them al to a pretty even point til you consider our army rules... multiple shots will likely make certain bonuses even better... 

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3 hours ago, Brother nathan said:

seen a few people worries as with the gw web site changes theres no listed battle line troops for nids... anyone else reconing thats cause everything that would be battle line is getting new models?

It is far more likely that the filter tags haven’t been properly applied.


I looked for Mandrakes under Scouts last night, and they didn’t show up.


I think it’s a work in progress.

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Yup a lot of "primes" have been folded into units as id guessed. Still no idea what the neurogaunts bigger gaunt does at all.... tbh i think nids are likely the least different  but need points to figure how balanced we can be with anti tank etc..  my boy trannofex still looki g good though

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