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10th ed Nids Rules thread

Brother Nathan

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I think Nidzilla could be quite viable. If we can run a brood of gun warriors with max heavy weapons and rippers up with the Monsters to reduce enemy OC :biggrin:


My only disappointment is the HVC. Not great and the d3 shots is poor. Max it a fixed three and it would be perfectly serviceable.

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Now that I've calmed down a bit from my previous "Khorne would be offering sedatives and a nice hot drink" state at what they did to my beloved Warriors, I'll say there's definitely something to work with. Swarmlord having a ranged attack is cool, and Tervigons turning Termagants into murder machines is very nice (even if the respawn ability seems kind of neutered). Zoanthropes look pretty tasty too. Oh, and deathspitters on Carnifexes actually look pretty good too!


The complete erasure of biomorphs is pretty crap though and I'm HOPING a lot of this will be added back in with the Codex.

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11 minutes ago, Brother nathan said:

LIm liking the new zoans... reminds me of the 4th ed zoan rules... cept now the whole unit is firing it... some stuff looks great others missing something... node beast in neurogaunts does what?

No one knows, at the moment it seems to be a cosmetic.


I'm hearing conflicting things about the codex release with some people saying that it was confirmed that the codex will only have new datasheets for the brand new units, and thus goes along with the index rules. It will also supposedly add new enhancement + detachment options. While others speculate that we'll sew a bit more reworking of units (and some mad people who argue that the leviathan insert rules will reflect the actual codex rules)

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Have heard likewise. Think ill see how points goes and convert one of ny 9th lists accross to 10th to see how it does. Exocrine tfex soand and tyrant look great. Worried my tyrant wont cut it without shardgullet so may chanfe thst up. Broodlord and stealers looking more viable too. 


To add to the interesting thoughtd the new sporemines with the barbgaunts can drastically slow down armys if placed well... 

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I did a quick run through of the data cards.


I had a couple of initial reactions which I’ve love feedback on.  I won’t get a chance to look through again until maybe tomorrow.


- A lack of anti-Tank.  I feel like tanks have been in the T11 or 12 range.  Not many of our weapons get there.  Especially ranged.  The TFex is the only stand out in that range and the damage is swingy.  The hive guards shock cannon is at least anti-vehicle but that is still 2 shots a piece.  Zoanthropes warp blast shot is s12 but 1 a piece and 24”.  Hive Crones tentaclids are another option and have MW output.  On the melee side the highest Strength is 14 (Haruspex, Old One Eye).  Then there are some S12 (Carnifex and Tervigon claws).  Leveraging the adaptation for lethal hits for vehicles may be necessary. Also a Broodlord and Genestealers with the crit wound on 5+ seems interesting.


- A good amount of anti-infantry.  Whether ranged (exocrine, venom cannons, maleceptor) or melee (raveners, mawloc, Genestealers).


I feel meh about hive tyrants.  I don’t think they’re bad but maybe a casualty of 10th edition’s stat revamp and push towards specialization.


- Our monsters have some toughness.  I had a fun reaction to the trygon and mawloc not being T6 or 7 or whatever they were.


some kits lost options they have models for.  Warriors don’t have rules for different melee weapons.  Carnifexes lost some head options.


Overall it’ll be interesting to see other armies, battle shock and OC actually play out and of course the other models that Nids will gain.  Despite above I do like that the stat and rule changes might be forcing more specialization and army crafting challenges.

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I’m not too fussed about some options being consolidated down. I’d rather just have one good, workable option than two or three that boil down to one being clearly better anyway.


But then Termagants bizarrely kept three different gun options. So go figure.


I am interested to see how we well we can deal with tanks - HVC was significantly reduced in AT capability but then one looks at the options other armies got and I find it a bit puzzling. GW seem to have decided that our damage out put should be random.  


So are we going to shred other armies in assault? We’re going to shred other armies in assault right? GW aren’t just going to make as points cheap and hope that we can wear the enemy down? Right? Bueller?


I do wonder what losses them to remove the Synapse keyword from Broodlords. He’s a focal point for forward deployed Genestealers, for The Sake of Feth, Lord of Invective.


Oh, and why did the Tyrannofex, a back line shooter get WS 3+? Give that to the generic Carnifex who is meant to be getting up front and more likely tussling in hand to hand combat. GW really seem to vacillate on the poor ‘fex. They let him have the tools to do his job for one edition then decide that ‘Hitting Good’ is way to powerful for an army that is slanted towards assault.

Edited by Zoatibix
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I think what many forget is we dont highly need anti tank weapons as we can just make our whole army 6s to hit auto wound veichles... im not worried about facing scew mech lists as much as balanced lists where we cant get enough of any tool.

If our stuff isnt cheep enough we will grt crushed but then we managed 9th very well with over priced troops and bad objectives because we still played a good vp game

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I was at My FLGS on the Weekend and got to hold and Look at the Screamer Killer Model... I used to play Nids but don't anymore, that model was close to pulling me back in :laugh:.  It's a Really great model, they Knocked it outta the park with him. I'm tempted to just get him one day to paint up (he was that good) 


Hope you guys get a good showing this edition :thumbsup: 



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I know will get it confirmed yoday but this points list is going around in the rumours. I doubt it but whats the conssus? Im very interested/excited in points today.



so this was very very wrong... points are up!



if true this cuts my list from 1500 points equivilent to 1300 roughtly(swapping neurothrope for neurotyrant) i do have my doubts on much of these but with certain armys being as touch as they appear it may be needed. 

Edited by Brother nathan
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So iv not got a good look but sofars my take....




Barbgaunts i was reluctant on these but they are bargain basement autotakes at 10 ppm. Exocrine also rediculously cheap. And hausperax tooo. Neurotyrant is bargain and oldoneeye is wow.  Deathleaper cheaper than expected. Leapers ... i need... also zoans... amazing



Biovores seem grand as does broodlord. Hiveguard may have play at that points both types of warriors seem on point. Tyrannofex should be solid. Tyrant guard will likely serve well with my neurotyrant




Fex on par with expected as are gargoyles lictors and hormagaunts

Malceptor may be too... mawlock should earn its keep. Psycophage looking solid. Pyrovores  and raveners too and termagaunts and trygon. Venomthropes... likely belong here...




Stealers went up more than they should have but broodlord makes them way better... hmm

Our flyers seem dear... tyrant... may not be an auto take... spores... ill pass. Neurogants  still seem blah at 4ppm... 5 for a squad leader that adds what?

Parasite lost a lot for gaining points...rippers are nopes

Screamer killer is much more than i expected. Terviagon and swarmlord and toxicrine. Prime... more than warrior squad? Nah



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