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Id expect finecast characters to get updates within the next couple of years, but plastic probably not, remember one of the most recent release was an update to a 90's model for one of the most popular chapters!

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1 hour ago, Wispy said:

I expect all the special terminator characters currently in Finecast will be replaced in the short to medium term. Arjac, Njal, Belial, Lysander.


Belial even gets smacked down by Angron in the final AoO book so there is a perfect excuse for him to cross the Rubicon.

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1 hour ago, Halandaar said:


Major Buzzkill reporting for duty to remind you that sadly, the Space Marine equivalent of that sprue (the one with the Chaplain, Judiciar, Bladeguard Ancient, 3 Bladeguard and 3 Eradicators) was not included in the partwork magazine, presumably precisely because it would have been an almost unbelievable bargain.

I think it may come down to what is included on his sprue. My current thinking is that the terminators themselves will be on a completely separate sprue, allowing them and the captain to be included in the Elite/Commander starter sets. The Librarian will share with someone else like the veterans or gravis apothecary as I wondered earlier. 

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1 hour ago, Blindhamster said:

It’s not a tuft of beard, it’s silver and is the lower part of terminator helm


Looks like a chin puff to me!


Edit: alright, the usual suspects' emoji reactions got a legit sensible chuckle out of me this time. "GRR :angry:" meets "HURR? :wacko:" lol

Edited by phandaal
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Fingers crossed that all the units come on separate sprues this time around. Not unreasonable to assume this as then they have instant separate character releases further down the line. We won’t know til warhammer fest if there is indeed an ancient in the set (It’s a surprising choice if so, but then we did get a chaplain in the last starter set despite there being a multipart) 


Flamer marines and terminators can then be put in the smaller starter sets with the captain and lt. Stands to reason the squads will all get multipart releases with different combi weapons for the veterans, terminators with melee weapons, a heavier flamer option for the flamer unit and or course the all important option to swap out shoulder pads. 

(hoping for new scouts with kill team and multi-pose suppressors so they can retire the shadowspear kit further down the line)

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With regard to the head, i can see it being on a thin peg attached to another part, and when you push the two halves of the torso together, that part will sandwich in-between like some of the other ETB kits, Stormcast in Dominion for example.


Should be an easy swap if you can find a helmet that fits in the psychic hood without looking like its stuck

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3 hours ago, Shinespider said:

Between this and Magnus I'm getting really suspicious of people who see any chest decoration as "nipples." The human chest is symmetrical, it's aesthetically obvious to have two things on it. If you can't see anything other than "nipples" then that's on you. 

Would you prefer them described as twin-linked? 

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12 hours ago, Burni said:

The worry is that the characters could only be available on a shared sprue that they sell direct only and costs 75% of the launch box price (as has happened with Indominus and AoS Dominion).


This makes the fomo very real for me when the box launches… :confused:

Sorry I was talking about the Terminator unit, I think you could be right as Terminator Captain + Librarian are currently already in the range! I’m happy to be wrong though 

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I actually like the runes being added to Librarian models. The line between corruption and holy warrior is a blurry thin one and it's good to see that portrayed in the miniatures. Most of the Imperium distrusts psykers, including Space Marines, for a very good reason.

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