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Faction Focus: Genestealer Cults

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19 minutes ago, sitnam said:

My bad, wasnt trying to imply anything negative. I just sound your response an interesting contrast to others in the threads

Yeah I get it lol. I'm kind of basing it on 30k experience since GSC seem to be a better version of the Unending Horde militia list wich kinda slaps. I'm super surprised that GW went that way instead of keeping crossfire and having them work to get bonuses like most of the other armies. 

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Seeing Crossfire go is a shame but understandable as it's basically LoV Grudge tokens but with extra steps. That said, I absolutely love the unending horde mechanic as it's insanely cool and in the right hands will do very well. As the edges of your opponent's army start to wear away, the Cult will slowly tighten the noose with hordes.


The Patriarch is an Epic Hero which is interesting as it means that it can't get any Enhancements. You could get 10 mortal wounds but it requires you to roll 5 sixes. The real benefit of the Patriarch is the Devastating wounds to the unit he's the leader of and also forcing a Battleshock test. If he can go in a squad of Abherrants, that's a crazy amount of MW potential

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Just to get this clear in my head. A neophyte squad is wiped out shooting phase turn one. I put down a token. That token is switched for a unit at the end of my opponents movement phase turn two, as long as none of their units gets within 9 inches. It seems like this will get stronger later in the game as more space opens up, more tokens on the board, and more units to choose from to redeploy. Which seems quite lore friendly, but we’ll have to see how balanced it is. I can imagine people will get fed up playing against an army that can grow back in the last two turns and swamp the table.

Edited by AnvilofFenris
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1 hour ago, AnvilofFenris said:

Just to get this clear in my head. A neophyte squad is wiped out shooting phase turn one. I put down a token. That token is switched for a unit at the end of my opponents movement phase turn two, as long as none of their units gets within 9 inches. It seems like this will get stronger later in the game as more space opens up, more tokens on the board, and more units to choose from to redeploy. Which seems quite lore friendly, but we’ll have to see how balanced it is. I can imagine people will get fed up playing against an army that can grow back in the last two turns and swamp the table.

That is my understanding of the rule.


Currently, GSC squads can get torn up pretty handily by one or two enemy units. And the enemy don’t have to touch the counter to remove it. So hopefully, it doesn’t become a NPE.


I think one way of using it will be to put markers in out of the way places so that the enemy has to spread out a bit more to deal with things, or get it’s flanks harassed by respawned units (the Crossfire thing might be useful for that)

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I was a bit negative from the start but I´m slowly turing around and feeling this could be some new intersting changes that will be fun to try out. I just hope weill soon will the rest of our army and all the cards. Then we can really do a jugdement on 10Ed.

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