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3 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

I think anyone buying 6 gladiators expecting to be able to take all of them through the entirety of 10th will have a rude awakening as soon as an errata is released...


don't let obvious mistakes that are not long for the world influence purchasing decisions

 Isn't it 18 to catch them all?

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12 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

I think anyone buying 6 gladiators expecting to be able to take all of them through the entirety of 10th will have a rude awakening as soon as an errata is released...

It wasn't a particularly serious comment, just highlighting the ridiculousness that is the mess of these Indexes, because of their harebrained decision to go with unnecessary duplicates.

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On 6/12/2023 at 3:31 AM, sandrorect said:


The chaplain on bike of th edataset is the primaris chaplain on bike, no the old one. In fact is because the old one go to legend the primaris keyword have disapered.


The ones with normal servoarmour is still with 2 options (primaris and firstborn) is because GW still sell both models. 



That makes sense.


I think, as long as the base is the same size, I should be able to field my Firstborn one. :)

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On inceptors the datasheet says they’re  armed with assault bolters, plural.

the stat line says assault bolter


so considering the listing as plural and the model getting 2 and the statline indicates the stats are for a singular weapon would it be correct to say they get 6 assault bolter shots?

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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1 hour ago, MaximusTL said:

I don't know if anyone caught this, but if you give an assault marine a special weapon, they don't get a close combat weapon profile. they re completely unable to make melee attacks . . . on a melee unit. 

yeah i emailed GW FAQs the day the index came out about that one lol.

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I've not looked through all 17 pages to check first, but have they got rid of the bolt rifle/heavy bolt rifle variants? While I will be a little bit pleased because it allows for mixing and matching the different types for aesthetic, I can't help but worry they'll change it back in a later edition, just like when IG sergeants used to be able to take lasguns before it became boltgun or pistol only for ranged.


Other than that, it looks interesting, and with the fresh new edition maybe I'll finally get some games in!

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1 hour ago, Viridia said:

I can't help but worry they'll change it back in a later edition

Oh, they definitely will. This is GW, and if the 10e Indexes show anything it's that they're inconsistent. Bolt Rifle variants will be back, hell, maybe even before 11e when they do Codex Marines 2.0 with updated cards :teehee:

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3 hours ago, Kallas said:

Oh, they definitely will. This is GW, and if the 10e Indexes show anything it's that they're inconsistent. Bolt Rifle variants will be back, hell, maybe even before 11e when they do Codex Marines 2.0 with updated cards :teehee:


Alongside a different version of Twin-Linked

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So now we have all the marine rules, any standouts from the Leviathan new toys? Im getting the marine half off a buddy but im mostly interested in building terminators, would be nice to know if there are any hot ticket units liable to sell easily rather than sitting in my pile of shame forever... (Feels the eyes of half the last starter on me :D ) 

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1 hour ago, Noserenda said:

So now we have all the marine rules, any standouts from the Leviathan new toys? Im getting the marine half off a buddy but im mostly interested in building terminators, would be nice to know if there are any hot ticket units liable to sell easily rather than sitting in my pile of shame forever... (Feels the eyes of half the last starter on me :D ) 

The Lieutenant isn't bad.   The Terminators should be pretty good this edition.

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yeah, tactical terminators seem excellent this edition, i'd rather have those than assault ones currently personally.


I'm not sure about the lieutenant, making him have a specifically anti-tyranid ability means he's cool and thematic but probably useless in most games.


Unrelated to leviathan, but I really really like the gravis captain, for gladius giving him artificer armour, or for blood angels giving him artisian of war seems excellent for a toughness 6 2+/4++ hero that halves all damage suffered and either has AP-3 weapons or a 5+++ depending on which detachment was used seems really good. Only downside is, it's a tough one in terms of unit he'd be best placed with. Aggressors feel like they got neutered pretty bad overall honestly - they'll need to be fairly cheap to feel worth it due to being pretty inaccurate (for marines) in combat and just not having quantity or quality of shooting anymore. Heavy intercessors might be alright with the rifle version though or even eradicators I guess (but they're probably going to be over costed for their actual damage potential too now).



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10 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

I'm not sure about the lieutenant, making him have a specifically anti-tyranid ability means he's cool and thematic but probably useless in most games.

I'm going to replace his right arm with another knife-wielding one and give him a Reiver helm. Boom, Reiver LT or LT w/combi, whichever I need. Probably neither...

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23 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

I meant his rules though.

Oh, no, he's pretty much useless aside from Crusade. The Priority Objective Identified ability is too situational to make it really useful, unless you decide to just have him sit back with some heavy weapons units and use him to give them re-rolls. Kinda the opposite of what he should be doing thematically- some sort of ability that gave a re-roll to Wound for any Astartes infantry against a unit he hit would make more sense- let him go skulk around and tag a unit with his combi-weapon so Eliminators/Sniper Scouts can blast it.

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7 minutes ago, Brother Christopher said:

1. Does the special rule of the Stormtalon justify it being so much more expensive than a Stormhawk (which has more weapons)?

I suppose there are more non-FLY units than FLY units, so +1 to hit non-FLY is more valuable?

But the 'Hawk has Twin AC and two main weapons vs the 'Talon's Twin AC and one main weapon; both have the option to Hover, and the 'Hawk is tougher.


Fantastic balancing :facepalm:


9 minutes ago, Brother Christopher said:

2. Is there any use for a Razorback as a transport vehicle?

Yes, just not for the mainline Firstborn unit (Tacticals). Devastators can use it well, and that will probably be the main use for it. Assault Squads and Vanguard (hah!) could use it (though no good benefit from the Fire Support rule, which is Shooting only) for actual transportation. Maybe Scouts for the 6" Scout move and their Heavy Bolter/Missile Launcher, or even Scout Snipers (no Scout move) to buff their Sniper Rifles.

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Some initial thoughts while skimming through the points:

- Seems like a nail in the coffin for VanVets now that we know they cost more than Assault Marines. 5 more points per model on foot, and 3 more in the air.

- Servitors at 55 points for a couple ablative wounds and a couple of heavy weapons? Not bad, but I'm not sure how much play they'll get since they can only be slapped onto Tacticals or run by themselves with a Techy

- Assault Centurions only being priced for min or max squads is particularly awkward, since you'd really want them in a transport, and the most efficient transport options are for 4 or 5 models. Meaning you either waste points or waste space

- Command Squads at 165? For 5 models? With limited options? No, just no.

- At least they made the ablative wounds of the additional 5 Devastators cheaper, but comparing the cost to the Tacticals, I don't think 10 man Dev squads are going to be running around

- Infiltrators and Incursors are cheaper than Intercessors? Seems like a no brainer to slot some in

- Hunter at 100 points has some potential

- Ballistus and the old dreads look like they may be worthwhile at those points. Not sure about the Brutalis and Redemptor at the higher costs

- Land Raiders are a big chunk of points, so probably a 1 of unit if taken. Repulsors being cheaper might make them a viable transport for heavy infantry that don't want to charge. Hell, the Stormraven seems a viable alternative too

- Jump Librarian being the same as foot Librarian is interesting

- Outriders are a significant points bump over regular bikes

- Sniper Scouts are definitely going to see some play at that cost to pick off the ubiquitous characters

- Stalker is 40 points more than a Hunter? Noooope

- Tacticals look good. Being stuck at 10 man sucks, but at least they won't break the points bank

- A 10 man Terminator block is going to be a pretty chunky points investment

- Thunderfire Cannons look like they're at a point cost where they'd be worth taking for some harrassment

- Special characters mostly look like they're a small bump in cost over the base leaders, so I expect to see some of the better ones played

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