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First unit done!

(Well, not based yet, but that's next week's job)


I think I've said this before, but it's always worth repeating: Tyranids are prime targets for drybrushing.

I drybrushed moot green over the ork flesh, and genestealer purple over Leviathan purple. Then mixed white scar with both of them to brighten up the colours further. I focused the efforts to the top most parts.

I also highlighted the brains with a small drybrushing of white scar.


Going to start on the Neurogaunts tonight.

Finally got the purple on all the Neurogaunts done...and gave them all some nice teeth!


Still some annoying white spots left, I don't how how I'm missing them!



next stop: Drybrush town! Once these are done, I'll move on to the Termagaunts...in batches as tackling all 20 at once might make me go crazy.

Rippers are done, Neurogaunts...eh...they've had their first drybrush session at least?20230718_004201.thumb.jpg.757dabf9bc9ca269ab9b2b45cbcf15f3.jpg

close up on the Ripper swarm:


Currently, I'm thinking that the Neurogaunts will be done by Wednesday night/early Thursday morning. I had wanted them done earlier, but things are what they are I suppose. Either way, I definitely need to break up painting the Termagaunts, maybe groups of 5 will help move things along.

Thanks, got some more work done on the Neurogaunts last night, puts me in range of finishing in my next painting session:


not quite sure how the node beast escaped the paint brush but it won't happened again. 

I gave them the first pass over with Genestealer Purple and I wondered if I may have been better served by using that as the base colour for the Neurogaunts bone/armour, giving then a paler base to work from.


In all honesty, these will probably never see table time as I'm yet to be convinced by their utility. Still nice to paint though.

5 Termagaunts and 1 Barbagaunt is the order of the day!


They're still looking pretty rough as there is always patches I've overlooked for whatever reason:


I've tried using Dark Angels green for the weapons but it may need a 2nd coat to get the darkness I wanted. Its a lot more noticeable on the Barbgaunt mind.


Speaking of the Barbgaunt, I only just realised that it had exposed brains as well, matching the new theme of the nid range (Neurotyrant, Neurogaunts, Neuroloids, Norn Emissary, Neurolictor etc etc).

Friday night meant basing tike!




Thats the Neurotyrant (and Neuroloids), Neurogaunts and ripper swarms fully complete!


To top it off, while I was waiting for things to dry, I got these 6 ready for the drybrush stage:


All being well, I can start the next batch on Monday night.

Did I say Monday night? I really meant to say tonight:


base rims need more work (tried army painter white and i think it may have been worse than white scar!) But otherwise these are ready to be based!

1 hour ago, Jud Cottrell said:

Looking good!


Your Swarm is coming along at speed!



Started the next batch of Termagaunts (and 2 Barbagaunts) last night:


weapons and flesh clean up are done on all of them, one lucky gaunt got purple :laugh:

More Basing done this brings the swarm to 30/48 (I'm including my already completed parasite of motrex in with this).


In Call to Arms terms, its 29/47 which means im officially over the half way point. Lets see if I can keep the momentum up!


Thanks! I am loving the shared 'brains' elements on the new nid models.


The basing scheme has worked out quite well...but it has started turning green :laugh: which I think has something to do with the basing material underneath the Valhallan Blizzard technical paint. 


3rd batch of gaunts is under way:



Well, once the 3rd and 4th  batches of gaunts are done, that'll be both the Termagaunts and Barbgaunts done. All I'll have left for the vow is 3x Von Ryan's Leapers, the prime, the Screamer Killer and the psychophage. I'll be tackling the prime like I did the parasite, regarding the wings. I'm closing in on my first full 1000pts, all I need is another unit if Barbagaunts.


However, I managed to get a game in yesterday against my sons blood angels force. It was a low points game (about 750)20230730_175103.thumb.jpg.6e993e113f60a7817d1c4987a55f9925.jpg

Beginning of the game and not a lot had happened...until I got the Von Ryan's Leapers into combat with a five man squad of intercessors. Combat resulted in a dead marine and a wounded one  my leapers taking 1 wound in return due to poor rolling. On his turn, the combat continued and all the marines died. My 2nd turn, the Screamer Killer got close enough to charge and promptly massacred the assault intercessor squad. My Neurotyrant reduced the chaplain to a bloody mess with his psychic attack. The Barbgaunts did they're purpose and stalled units. The prime however...did almost nothing, scratch that, be did do nothing. The parasite was marginally better as it held up his death company.


Unless something changes, the prime will be something that is left out of future lists, once I've got a tyrant to lead the forces.

Your findings echo manys feelings on the prime..  it serves little purpose. I couldnt justify one last ed when on foot they had boneswords and venomcannons...  and were fearsome if given relic reaper...  ap-1 on a cc characters only weapons is poor. Cant even see its boost being worth its points to a squad of warriors either. 

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