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  • 1 year later...

I'm resurrecting this thread as I'd like some advice.


I got the Hive Tyrant kit a month or so ago with the intention of buying a spare torso piece so I could build both a normal Tyrant and a flying one, but while I was there, the guy at the shop (it was a FLGS to clarify) recommended that I instead magnetise everything (which i was thinking of doing anyway so I could have a Swarmlord and a Hive Tyrant with every option) and use the flying legs to represent the Hive Tyrant "jumping" into action. So my question is, which option is better?


My concern with taking the second approach is the feet on the flying legs look atrophied compared to the normal ones, so it might look odd when it's not the flying option. I've got time on my side as I'm returning to my beloved tyranids with quite a few additions (20 Hormagaunts! 9 more Leapers! Another 5 Barbagaunts! And any thing else I grab, hoping to snag a lictor or a Tyrannofex). 


So any ideas?

I am terrible at magnetizing things. So it depends, are you good at that or feel confident in it? This is a little extreme maybe but you could also magnetize his body. On with legs attached and one with meaty legs attached.

  • 1 month later...

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