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I feel like the tzangor relic hunter power is just awful. a bonus for having a close combat only unit stand on a objective instead of doing it job dying and tying up enemy units in combat.  now if they swapped the unit abilities of cultists and tzangor they would both be much more useful. Tzangor run at the enemy and get you command points if they kill units or die, and cultists can get you a few cabal points for sitting on strategic locations and doing some rituals. 

Initial thoughts after my first game with Thousand Sons in 10th:


(My 2000 pts list)

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- Devastating Sorcery and Ensorcelled Infusion is a hell of a combo on the right unit. Use Echoes from the Warp to bring the cost down to 1 CP if you can.


- Echoes of the Warp became my go-to ritual due to how scarce CP are in 10th. I often found myself using it twice every turn with Lord of Forbidden Lore. 


- Psychic Dominion is hilarious against things like a full unit of Zoanthropes. "You have no power here, Gandalf the Grey Hive Mind!"

- Helbrutes AKABI-aura didn't seem like much initially, but if it refunds you 2 CP then it's at least a free reroll per turn. 


- Infernal Masters Screamer Invocation is a great power, but can also be a bit of a trap, given that only 1 of the 3 potential Kindred Sorcery-buffs benefit him.


- Enlightened didn't really perform, but against Tyranids aren't really where they shine either. At least they're quite cheap at 150 pts for 6 + a Shaman. 


- Kindred Sorcery didn't really do much, but I boil that down to unlucky rolls and me simply forgetting it at times. 


- MVP 1: Mutalith Vortex Beast - An absolute beast indeed, and I expect him to get a pointincrease sometime in the future. Tanky, shooty, fighty and with a dangerous aura to boot. I foresee tourneyplayers getting 3 each of these which will only increase the chances of GW nerfing them. 


- MVP 2: Sorcerer in Terminator Armour - His power is decent and he gives his unit of SOT's Lethal Hits but the reason I'll bring him is for Marked by Fate: Giving a large portion of your army rerolls of 1 to hit (both with shooting and in melee) is amazing. A solid candidate for Lord of Forbidden Lore as well.

- MVP 3: Daemon Prince (on foot) - I knew he was gonna perform well and he did, and I didn't even utilize The Weave of Fate. A 6" Stealth-Aura is simply put amazing and frustrated my opponent to no end. An excellent candidate for Arcane Vortex as well, which will noticeably increase his prowess in close combat. Throw on Devastating Sorcery while you're at.


It should also be noted that I forgot that Rubrics have rerolls to wound most of the game, and that SOT's have the new transhuman for the entire game...
Stilled pulled of a win for Tzeentch though!

With that said, I can see us struggle alot against vehicle/monster-heavy lists. I was "only" up against 5 monsters yesterday (a Tyrant, an Exocrine, a Maleceptor, a Mawloc and a Tyrannofex) and I didn't even try to kill the Tyrannofex. 



Edited by Minsc

I was running an MVB, a helbrute and a Soul Grinder. Magnus on the field sometimes too. No issues with tanks and monsters really. Helbrute was clutch with the extra cabal points a couple of times. Might put a second MVB in instead for survivability though. I was running mostly minimum units of rubrics with Ahriman, 2 exalteds and an infernal master, and an SOT unit with the term sorc in varying configurations. I went 5-0 against folks in the store. I like the MVB soul grinder combo because while the mvb’s work their way up the field, you can drop the soul grinder via deep strike wherever it’s needed. The warp beam and cannon puts a big dent in a monster followed up by nasty melee. Then you can still use the long range firepower on big stuff as you clean up small stuff around you with melee. 

  On 6/15/2023 at 4:50 AM, Sorceress said:

I feel like the tzangor relic hunter power is just awful. a bonus for having a close combat only unit stand on a objective instead of doing it job dying and tying up enemy units in combat.  now if they swapped the unit abilities of cultists and tzangor they would both be much more useful. Tzangor run at the enemy and get you command points if they kill units or die, and cultists can get you a few cabal points for sitting on strategic locations and doing some rituals. 


Welcome to the very angry world of World Eaters. Our icons in our 23 ppm melee-only berzerker squads only do something if the unit is sitting on an objective, which is is absolutely what you want a relatively expensive melee only unit to be doing.

  On 6/18/2023 at 7:41 PM, Minsc said:

- Helbrutes AKABI-aura didn't seem like much initially, but if it refunds you 2 CP then it's at least a free reroll per turn. 


 I assume you meant cabal point, command points would put these at auto includes if they are not already. but even then having three in range of a couple of psykers is a cabal point discount. Doom bolt with a couple of points left over for weaver of fates to generate one more than it cost? Seems a little broken

  On 6/22/2023 at 5:20 AM, MDops said:

 I assume you meant cabal point, command points would put these at auto includes if they are not already. but even then having three in range of a couple of psykers is a cabal point discount. Doom bolt with a couple of points left over for weaver of fates to generate one more than it cost? Seems a little broken



Yes I mean Cabal Points.

I don't think the aura stacks though, since special rules tend to not stack with themselves. Essentially getting a 3 "CaP"-discount on every ritual would be pretty broken. 

  On 6/22/2023 at 8:50 AM, Minsc said:


Yes I mean Cabal Points.

I don't think the aura stacks though, since special rules tend to not stack with themselves. Essentially getting a 3 "CaP"-discount on every ritual would be pretty broken.


Yeah sadly rulebook (pg 38) kinda kills the dream, which I should have checked before. Must be my jank reading of the rule. Thought because it didn't have a one or more clause that it would work for each.

Tzaangor actually look alright for sitting on points. Plus they've got the shaman combo, that gives them 5+FNP and +1to-hit. 20 w/ shaman is "only" 190pts. Still, 41OC, 6+/6++/5+++ saves, a fair few 3+to-hit attacks with chainswords/pistols, reroll charges/ advance/ battleshock tests, and relic hunters as a freebie every once in a while. Add an Umbraelic Crystal(?) enhancement on the shaman and you've got a big unit to teleport to wherever you need. Teleport turn one *or* two, move 6", charge the final 3" (with reroll) seems pretty good as a basic infantry blob, with the OC to simply take points off most units. It's just another part of our alpha-strike potential.


A 65pt unit for 10(20 Objective Control) w/ rerolls of all-the-stuff isn't exactly bad either. At least they've got a 6++, even when cover doesn't help them, or -AS splats everything else like them.


As people have said, Vortex Beasts are nice, versatile, and probably slightly undercosted. Our Chaos Spawn are surprisingly good too, at 65pts for 2 with a 4+/5++/5+++ save and regen, for parking on backfield stuff and making our infantry suck slightly less in melee when run alongside them. It's good to make the opponent make decisions (hit the tanky thing doing the damage in melee, or the thing with 2OC per model that will take the point off you?).


Forgefiends are handy, in a "always vaguely useful weapon profile" kind of way for vs anything shooting (3x ectoplasm cannons). They're not Grav-Cannons, but they'll do in a pinch (they're sort-of missile launchers really, and the autocannons are Big Autocannons). Predators are our other "Devastators" equivalent unit now, except faster, you just have to choose if you want a big Lascannon or a big Autocannon in the unit (I'd probably go the autocannon, because it can have some lascannons anyway). I'd rather have all my missiles/ guns/ lasers working until something chunked through 10+ T10 wounds (even at -1tohit when near-dead), than half my guns being splatted off by 4-6 devastating/ wounds against T4 like with infantry heavy weapons squads (SM Devastators, etc). Lol.


((Just an aside: Or against Desolators..... We are one of the few factions that can just spam movement buffs to the point that you'll have 2x heavy weapons "units" firing at "your BullS*" stuff quickly. Or spam blocking you with melee, or both. Seriously, look into 2x Movements and large or small units. We wreck that s* in our own way).


Some of our abilities are great, and it's really easy to get 12+ cabal points in a list if you want it, and a double-cast of any particular ritual. While much of the discussion has been about "no armour saves" or "doombolts", I think "double move" for 5 cabal points is pretty good too, considering just how much stuff has movement of 8" + in the list, and reasonably heavy firepower/ modifiers. As is "I want a free strategem" for 6pts, because having an overwatch up your sleeve at any given time is good (we have lots of flamers and torrent weapons).


Also, remember, we get Tzeentch Daemons (500pts thereof) and Chaos Knights (1-3 thereof), so the list is actually a fair bit bigger than it looks. Some of them are rather nice too. Screamers are our jump-pack melee troops, blue horrors are our infiltrators, flamers are our deepstrike fast flamers, and pinks are almost medium infantry (seriously, just take rubrics though). There's even a spattering of characters for quirky stuff (I'm not saying I wouldn't deepstrike an Exalted Flamer, alone, just for a laugh). But you don't need more than 500pts of them, because they're not that good, but we *do* have these unit categories in the list. They do all Deep-strike though, so you're probably paying for it, but adding deployment options with any particular pick is good.


Here's a couple of very different lists to show some of the stuff you can do:

High Magic

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Just an MSU style, high cabal point list, with a bit of heavy firepower.


Honestly-not-a-Knight list:

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Why, yes, that is 10 War Dog equivalent units and some infantry in a 2000pt list. It even has a tiny bit of magic, and true teleporting to show, mostly for extra shenanigans.

Edited by Sambojin
Oh god, the app makes my eyes bleed...

I had my first game a 10th tonight.  1000 points. 

I had 

exalted sorcerer 

sorcerer in terminator armor

demon prince

5 scarab occult

10 rubric

5 rubric

5 rubric


my opponent was playing crimson fists (general space marines) he had

captain in Gravis with bolter drill 


6x aggressors

6x blade guard

5x intersessors 

gladiator Lancer

gladiator Lancer


the scarab occult preformed fantastic. it was a challenge but with some help from doombolt they managed to take out both of the Lancer by turn 4, this is the first time they have felt tough enough to feel happy spending 200 points on 5 models in a small game. I only lost 1 model in the unit by the end of the game. 


I kept myself in sustained hits 1 it seems generally the most useful if you don't have a reason to focus on the others, especially because so many of the psychic attacks already have devastating wounds in this list. 

the small rubric Squads did some chip damage, but no shock they did die pretty easy once the got focused on. 


as for rituals, turn 1 the big thing i used was letting my terminators move again to get them close enough to lend some firepower and get on a objective. 

I didn't bother canceling any armor saves even though I should have with the aggressors. 


I was very conservative with command points, aside from keeping 1 around to negate a single big attack on my demon prince I used them only on devastating sorcery and ensorceled bolts.


it was a good game next time I may swap the exalted sorcerer for a regular sorcerer. 

I am going to need to buy a second demon prince for bigger games, that aura of stealth is amazing. 

Congrats mate!


A funny little one, an army list, for the bloke with the 80-odd Tzaangor:


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It's, like, all the other stuff, kind-of. And heaps of gors. You might want to add some anti-tank in there, but you might not. I think this would be horribly annoying to play against, so that's a thing!


Orks might be able to set up a small.parking.lot, but that's not even Tzeentch's chuckle...


"Oh noes, whatever will I do with all my Tzaangor, now they have free equipment that gives amazing unit boosts, have a cheap-buff character, and are 6.5pts per model and 2OC for every one of them? In a list that nearly everything can Deep-strike, but we can do it the best?"


Also, "I don't know, our heavy jump-pack melee troops are expensive, but possibly slightly better than everyone else's. Is this our *thing*? No, no it isn't...."

Edited by Sambojin

I did come up with a 2000 point list called..oops all demon princes.


3x thousand sons demon prince

3x thousand sons demon prince with wings

2x allied chaos demon prince with wings

exactly 2000 points, 16 cabal points,  is it good,  no not likely, is it funny to drop on a friend and melee them down, yes yes it is. 

  On 6/24/2023 at 8:49 AM, Sorceress said:

I did come up with a 2000 point list called..oops all demon princes.


3x thousand sons demon prince

3x thousand sons demon prince with wings

2x allied chaos demon prince with wings

exactly 2000 points, 16 cabal points,  is it good,  no not likely, is it funny to drop on a friend and melee them down, yes yes it is. 


Used to have lots of success back in 8th with my 3-of-every-HQ-Sorcerer list. Could see this being a fun one!

Infernal Master is actually pretty good. Having Sustained Hits (on top of any potential Dev wounds) isn't bad, and his "always a 6 once" means he'll always chip off a mortal wound. Or two, with the Arcane Vortex enhancement. It turns double-doombolt'ing something (for ~10 dev wounds) into ~12 Dev wounds, and that's often the difference between blowing up a light/medium vehicle, and not. Or totally wrecking a unit, instead of having to mop stuff up (drops a 10-man SM unit under half strength, etc). The sustained wounds almost make inferno bolters a good weapon as well, even without strats or magic.


More-so a fun piece to slap strategems or magic on though (a 27" dev wounds flamer is pretty cool, as is using it with indirect fire). Also handy to help out units with overwatch (although, we've got access to plenty of flamers). It's sort-of a combo piece, both internally and externally, and is a pretty simple one to use, depending on the level of shenanigans required and the amount of resources you want to chuck at it. Seriously, arcane Vortex and big flamer is really that useful (2-4 mortals a turn is beyond handy, and you'll never care about the first hazardous fail).


It's not *that* powerful. There's plenty of stuff that can do as much or more for 75-90pts in the list. But it is fun, has a few synergies, and is a cheap cabal point battery. We've got lots of flavours of them, this is the "slightly more damage, with a psychic heavy flamer" flavour.


((I actually really like the TSons list. We have so many powerful combos and set pieces that it's actually kind of hard to work out which is the most efficient or powerful. The fact that they're mostly inherent to the list/ faction, just by taking a fair few cabal points and maybe 1-2 Enhancements, makes it a good, flexible list, that always has options and fall-back strategies. And none of our choices are "bad", they've all got a use in a particular list or situation. Undercosted things are only slightly so, same with overcosted stuff, so it's "averagely good and useful" for any particular choice or build. It'd be hard to make a truly bad list with TSons))

Edited by Sambojin

I look at the infernal master and I think, ok he dosen't benefit from sustained hits in most situations, adding him to a flamer squad won't help them so he has to get in a bolter squad. the other options are both excellent as well so he doesn't stand out in that way.  then there is the detachment rule, most of the psychic powers available already have devastating wounds, although it can be good to activate that when your going to need it the other two are better for the majority of psychic attacks. 


I agree he is not bad, he is just competing against a bunch of other great characters. 


also arcane vortex doesn't work with doombolt, it is not a psychic weapon they are equipped with you could use there auto 6 to max out the d3 roll from the doom bolt. 


it looks like the best character to add to a flamer based rubric Squad is ahriman which is a shame because it's going to become priority target #1.

Nah, I meant the Arcane Vortex for his Dev wounds flamer, then doombolt twice. It is two spells (14 cabal points), an enhancement for the double-cast on another model and vortex on the IM, and firing with one model (the infernal Master), but it's a surprisingly reliable ~12 Dev wounds. So not that great compared to all the other things we can do, but still a nice opening salvo considering you've still got an entire army to shoot with after it.


I'll agree that he doesn't synergize as well with Rubrics as other characters do, but he's still got his place. He'd be too cheap if he was under 75pts, but too expensive compared to other options if he was more.


But in the 75-95pts range?.... Well... That's like another small unit of something, or a real buff character... He's good, but so are all of them. A couple of Masters feel like a point saving, but a single one feels weak. And I'm not sure why... They're probably neither.

Edited by Sambojin

we are sorta spoiled for good characters and they can only join rubrics aside from the sorcerer in terminator armor, so they are really fighting for those spaces. 


on that note which of our detachment powers have people been mostly running? 


my one game i just stuck with sustained hits, so many buffs i didn't want to confuse myself.

Just as an aside, run devastating wounds, every-single-time/turn, unless it's really good not to. It makes their psychic weapons feel more powerful. We have ways of giving +1 to-hit/wound (which is "about'ish" the same as the others), but random amounts of dev-wounds just gets annoying.


It's only on psyker attacks, so not that big of a thing on any list, unless you spam them on a big rubric unit with a strat, or a big Termies unit. Basically choose your poison.


(Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Predators slowly move up the ranks on tiers compared to Mutalith Vortexes after points changes, or half the "competitive" lists are taking a Changeling for back field "it's mine" super-aloner stuff. It's pretty fluxed right now).



I don't think anyone has "got into their head" yet, just how powerful the "move twice" magic is. You can turn your 20 Tzaangor (maybe with a shaman) from a blob, into an entire movement-blocking emplacement (alongside non-charges and stuff, but rerolled advances) to really mess with stuff, with 1" coherency, in 1 movement phase. There is a lot, just there. 5 cabal points to turn a unit into ":cuss:, what just happened?", and "How can *my* charges happen now?, I wish I could do that....". So, it's priceless.


That every Tzaangor unit is able to do "spore-seeding" movement for 5 cabal points, is glorious. With rerolls on advances, etc for even more blobbiness.

Edited by Sambojin
fnp. Had to close some brackets

devastating wounds seems great for our powers, but most of them, including the most common of them already have it, I am not thinking about melee attacks because we mostly want to avoid that with sorcerers if possible. 

of the effects kindred sorcery grants 


Ahriman has none of them


Exalted Sorcerer has devastating wounds.


Exalted on disk has none of them and doesn't benefit from lethal or sustained hits


Infernal master has none of them, dosen't benefit from lethal or sustained hits, but grants sustained hits. 


Magnus has devastating on half his attacks. 


Aspiring sorcerers have devastating 


Scarab occult sorcerers have devastating


Sorcerer has sustained hits 3, and has/ grants lethal hits. 


Sorcerer in terminator armor has devastating and has/grants lethal


shaman has devastating. 


even though there are lots of devastating it still might be the best one when you consider using ensorceled infusion every turn.



  • 2 weeks later...

Yep. That's it. It's just so when you do want to use a +1S/psychic thing on any bigger blocks of bolter troops, you can. My above lists are probably a little too MSU for comfort, but having 1-2CP combos as backup is nice if you run rubrics or scarabs in bigger blocks.


It's like that warm feeling you get, from inferno bolts, fired right through stuff they shouldn't normally damage. So, yeah, lethal hits are nice, sustained hits are nice, on your basic psyker attacks. But having a potential "pop-up stall" of Dev wounds is really good sometimes too. It becomes a weird other threat factor, from what are normally just kinda tanky infantry blobs that are doing basic infantry things.


(It's honestly a bit expensive CP-wise, but whatever. Having 10 rubrics or scarabs with the potential option is nice around turn 3-4, depending on how things went before then)


((I'm still trying to run the good tactical uses of TSons Cultists through my head. I still haven't come up with many. Yes, it's only 65pts to probably get 1CP when they die, and they do scout. But, like, we've got Flamers or min-Tzaangor or characters or Spawn that sort-of do that due to good movement, just without the command points from dead thing. And one extra half-missile-launcher probably won't help. I don't know. Maybe useful? But I still can't see many scenarios where they're better than anything else, except everything else does stuff, and hopefully doesn't die while doing it, and is way more flexible than a 6" scout move. Maybe they're awesome though, just because of that. Doesn't seem it, but neither do most scouts. They do get free weapons, and will probably fly under the radar of threats. But, I'm pretty sure 2 spawn or an untargetable character would too. Maybe just having really cheap scouts with a grenade launcher/ flamer/ heavy stubber is good enough? Use to be determined later, but bonus points for none/dying? There's something there that's horribly synergistic alongside all our other movement, I just haven't worked it out yet. Is this our half-arsed redeploy option? Spend 1-2 bunches of 65pts when you realise they're a deepstrike or super-fast list, so there's speed bumps along the way/ you can mega-screen 1" coherency 3-9"+ away from your useful stuff? Like, 1-2 anti-stuff blobs?))


(((Psycho/pathological hints #1. Always bring 3 flamers to a game. They're not on your army list. Just pop them vaguely in your dice-box or somewhere in view, near where you'd keep reserves. Because it'll mess with people, thinking you could deepstrike at any time, but you can't. Don't do this. But you could....)))

Edited by Sambojin
  • 3 weeks later...

Depends on tournament legality, but Spindle Drones and Guardian Drones from the new Legends/Allies list look amazing.


35/45pt objective holders. Sure, it's only 4/2OC, but they're surprisingly tough little SoBs. And due to our army list, it's kinda common to have a handful of points leftover that you just fill with "whatever" enhancements or take the "nearly 2000pt but not" hit, or wishing you could move rubrics/ daemons/ whatever off a point in your gameplan to do something else. And, now we can. Imperials get way more options, but we do get these :)


((Oh, and if you're willing to do a bit of clipping or glueing or melting, we're also the cheapest faction to collect right now, with the new £65 marines vs tyranids starter set. Pink/blue/crimson Horrors from Termagants/rippers (just clip off weapons and paint), Exalted/Flamers (or Spawn) from Leapers (add arms/weapons as needed), Mutalith from Psychophage (more arms, or just bling?), Daemon Prince with Wings from Winged Prime (toothpick Soulreaper cannon, and paint to match). Marines as our own, warpflamers etc, and glue a teleport homer onto a terminator's shoulder as a havoc ML. 1000pt army, easily. Bargain!))


(((It's not good, but a 2k list is doable from 2 boxes

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Just need to stick the rippers and the Leapers onto a base, made from the cardboard boxes you just bought, and glue some toothpicks together. Sweet!

And, with all the deployment and movement options, every game will be different and fun)))

Edited by Sambojin
Being cheap is good. Really cheap
  On 7/25/2023 at 9:10 AM, Xenith said:

I'd be interested to see those conversions if you've done them, sounds rad! 



Not yet, but will soon. I did something fun like that with 7th edition "Battle for Skull Pass" WHFB single-pose minis, and got ninja goblins, awesome jumping spiders, ninja fanatics, and all kinds of other stuff out of the set, so these should be pretty easy to do.

(They'll also be way easier to paint than actual Thousand Sons, just gold trimming/weaponing stuff (like ultramarines, but with gold and green and glued on bits), and painting claws/ horns/ whatever-I-melt from the set onto marines, so that's a good thing too. Plus rest breaks by doing daemons or characters or Mutalith stuff. Divergent Magic Cult easy painting ftw!)


On more datasheet related stuff, our Rhinos now have Firing Deck 2, just like everyone else's! I still can't think of a single powerful/cheap thing we can do with it, but being able to fire a Soulreaper and a plasma pistol/flamer out of it almost makes it as good as a basic Chimera! Yay! Ok, we can magic-double-move our stuff, but that's not the point.

(Geez we could use some actual heavy weapons troops. I mean, we've got analogues, but all of ours are vehicles/ monsters/ daemons. Oh, for a basic squad of Devastators... SM don't know how good they've got it)

Edited by Sambojin

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