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=] Call to Arms: Chaos Stronghold [=

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I also completed my vow. But I reserve the right to touch up a couple things tomorrow morning. I didn't do as good a job on the rust and verdigris this time and I'm not sure why, but they are definitely done. Now how big a file can I have 4.88 MB apparently...


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On 9/30/2023 at 6:18 PM, Boc said:

Those hazard stripes are incredibly well done 


Aye thanks, they were the hardest bit to do to be honest. A lot of faff with masking tape and bluetac.


Well done as well to everyone who contributed and who managed this event. I only wish I could have added more but I knew I'd have very limited time so the one vow was quite realistic and was the correct call. Once the transfers actually show up I'll post a better pic of them with all the extras done.

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AND WE ARE DONE!  Which makes this my final recap/review. 


@legoman and @gaurdian31, I'm really happy that you've been enjoying these and they helped keep you motivated, as well as thanks to all those who stated the same previously.  Knowing these were appreciated really helped me keep making them.


But really, the real thanks goes to @Grotsmasha for doing all the hard work to hold the event, and you guys for doing all the hard work in painting and posting your models for it.


And a special shout out to those who were able to pull it through and finish their vows in the final days after struggling with them earlier/throughout the event - @Muskie, @Trixie, @Cpt.Danjou and @Teetengee, all well done!


And now for the actual recap:


@crimsondave - Love your demon prince - very unique skin tone.  Glad you enjoyed the event - you had a fantastically productive run at it, with all of your models painted to a very high caliber and a new (for you) paint scheme for many of them to boot.


@sitnam - Thanks for the group photo, they all look great together.


@Brother Captain Arkley - Too bad you had to pull out of doing your berzerker but as we all know life happens.  Hopefully that doesn't invalidate your other vows - by my count, you already had 3 so as a 4th the 'zerker would have been an invalid vow anyway, so....


@Boc - That is one huge hoard of gribblies, well done!  And they look great!


@legoman - Good to see your completed Apostle, he's great!  How to you intend to do his lackies?  Also, a wonderful job on the Lord, particularly his face - you got a fabulous amount detail out of it.  He's been entered into the Lordiest Lord.


@Cpt.Danjou - Good job getting all your little smurfs and their princess done (including the escape artist), especially when they've been such a challenge to do.  Personally, I think they look great!


@Trixie - Great job sticking with it and getting those jet bikers done, they look fantastic - so clean!  As noted by Boc, the hazard stripes are particularly impressive.


@Dwango - Your Azrack is great and entered into the Lordiest Lord - I like how you combined the bone coloured bottom with the more traditional khornate red on the top.  Still not forgiving you for entering that terrain as xenos, though. :tongue:


@Muskie - Congratulations on pulling through and getting your models done just in time!  They look fantastic!


@Teetengee - Glad you were able to overcome life's distractions and get your juggerlord done in the nick of time!  He looks great - and thanks for the better picture.  He's been entered into the Lordiest Lord.


@Metzombie - That has to be the nurgliest spartan I have ever seen - great job and just in under the wire!


Thanks again to everyone who entered - you all put out some fabulous work.


As for Lordiest Lord, a full list of the entries is here - please let me know if I am missing anyone.  I'll give that a couple of days, and then try to set up a poll in the Hereticus Astartes subforum.

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18 hours ago, Boc said:

Grumble grumble Tyrant


Yes, yes I am. :tongue:  And yes, it is very lordy (you've done a gorgeous job) though it needs a better disguise to pass itself off as a heretic astartes chaos lord.  :biggrin:

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, well intentions was all I ended up having.  I apologize to the Chaos factions for my failure and accept the spawndom awaiting me.  A combination of procrastination, over commitment and real life issues meant I failed on all but my Imperium vow. 


I know redemption isn't a thing when it comes to the powers of the Warp but I shall endevour to still meet the demands I pledged to the dark powers soon.


Congrats to all those whom got their models done.  These events are always an opportunity to see what talent we have here on the B&C and the Chaos faction here certainly hasn't disappointed on that.


Good job on that again guys.

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Gorgeous - didn't realize the Cerastus was such a tall boy.  I also like how you used Christmas colours (red, white, green) without any of the models looking the least bit Christmasy, which is a real risk with those colours.

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