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=] Call to Arms: Chaos Stronghold [=

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I painted both Saturday and Sunday, more on the latter because during the week I don't have a lot of time and energy. I put a lot of fancy paint on these models, not sure I'd ever do that many coats of rust again, but who knows, people want me to do rust Nurglings. 

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A Monday report in and to recap, as I was too tired to do this yesterday. 


Finished my next 2 goat possessed - no the best picture (light wasn't the best), but hopefully I'll get a better one when they are based.




Hadn't intended for their poses to be so similar but I guess that's what worked best with the pieces I decided to throw together for each of them.


@sitnam & @crimsondave, thanks for the complements on my first goat possessed.  And crimsondave, don't let mine dissuade you from doing your own - mine are very slannesh, and I am sure your would look great while being quite different.  So please bring them on!


And now for the weekly recap!


@spiros14 - Your havocs look good, though I can imagine their champion eternally disappointed when nothing ever shows up within range of his meltagun. :laugh:


@gaurdian31 - Your dark apostle and minders looks great, and congrats on completing your first vow.  Any chances of a group shot of it all together?  And I look forward to your impending sorcerous vow.


@crimsondave - Makes sense to have flexible cultists that you can field as part of one force another - also helps with keeping them motley when you don't have to worry about making them match a given force.  Excellent job on the vindicator - especially like how you have done the dirt/weathering on the dozer blade and the hazard stripes more generally.  Your predator is very nice as well, and at least from the photos you provided the stripes on it look fine.  Looking forward to seeing Abaddon.


@legoman - Your venomcrawler is great, including its poor guardsmen.  I take it you you only have said guardsmen left on that model?


@sitnam - Nicely done on the chariot and congrats on finishing your vow!  I still really love your goatgionaries - so characterful.  Also looking forward to seeing what you do with the biggest of goats that you've just vowed.


@Brother Captain Arkley - Nice, the khorne termie lord!  Look forward to seeing what you do to him.


@Tallarn Commander - Nice progress on your motley chaos crew.


@Muskie - I like the effects you are getting with your new "fancy" paints - I eagerly the final results.


@Trixie - Welcome back!  Nice not to have to relegate your name to the bottom of the post this week.  Your first jet bike looks great and the stripes are nicely done!


@Celtic_cauldron - Very nice and congrats on the completed vow, Mortarion in partcular is fantastic (loving his wings).



A whole bunch of people we haven't heard from this week - hopefully they are all busy painting up their vows!  @Brother Argent@Cpt.Danjou@renegadeguard@Boc@Valkia the Bloody@Metzombie,  and @Teetengee - Come on by and let us know how we can keep you encouraged!

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Abaddon completed.  Vow 2 completed!

Thanks to Peachy for his tutorial.  Other than the blood/armor damage effects and a slight violet shade on the sword I followed it every step.

I’ll do my last vow but I’m gonna take a break for a few days.  Working for the power company with a hurricane inbound can cut into your painting time in a major way so I better see how that turns out first.







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As I am done with my second vow and really don't have the time for a third, I am considering myself done for this year. All chaos minis at the moment are already partly painted before  the event started. I can't get new minis till I have shrunk my pile of shame a bit, and it is almost a meter tall if I pile all the sprues on top of each other, and I have 5 half painted units on my desk atm.  Here is what i am working right now, but it is not a vow, as they have been on my desk since x-mas







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2 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:


@Brother Captain Arkley - Nice, the khorne termie lord!  Look forward to seeing what you do to him.



Pray to the Dark Gods and prayers get answered :P


On 8/26/2023 at 8:49 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

"I, Brother Captain Arkley, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint Azrakh the Annihilator x? pts for the Glory of the Warmaster and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 30th September, 2023 or bear the badge of failure until years end."




Azrakh is complete. I added some more bone to him.



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Venomcrawler 80% done, and as much as I can be bothered to do at the moment! Will probably go back at the end of September and add some extra highlights.


But a very fun model to paint. Now looking forward to getting on with the rest of my traitor guard! 


Ps need to add blood to the impaled guardsman, will do this when the PVA dries.





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Made some progress on the last item of my vow: the Deimos Predator. 

I've gotten the main colours on the tank chasis done, I'm happy with how the hazard stripes have come out at the front of the tank.



I'm going to drybrush plenty of dust and grime near the bottom of the tank to sell that this thing has been well used in recent days before counting the main chasis as finished. I'm hoping to get away with a lot of drybrushing on the sponsoons and main turret, as the colours for that were mainly black and silver.


I'm hoping to have this bad boy done by next Sunday!

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Great progress everyone!


Here's what I did this week....





I added Leadbelcher, gold, rust colors, and some washes to my 15 figures and I varnished them up.


All 15 minnies





Closeup of The Conductor




The Conductor on the right and Death Dealer (not a pledge miniature) on the left


Death Dealer is not part of the pledge. He's a completed trooper in the green and white livery. So this is a before and after shot.



And the "after" shot of Swordhiss (not part of the pledge) in black and yellow livery with the "before" Argument of Blood WiP on the right




WiP shot of Death Gaze




And the two squad champions side by side


Bone Picker on the left and Murder of Crows on the right


My current Warpborn livery is a green and black. But that doesn't show up too well in gaming halls so I'm going to go with a brighter livery. Either black and yellow or white and green.


Next step is to use good old AK chipping fluid and add chipped colors to the Legionaries.



I hope you enjoyed the pictures!



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Excellent from everyone on this !


As I am probably the slowest painter in the world, my progress is glacial...but it is happening. Lots more to do but will be done in time for the challenge, just lucky (or sensible) that I didn't pledge anything else xD.




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On 8/18/2023 at 2:17 AM, Stef Coudou said:







Unfortunately I don't have record of your Vow in either this thread, or the Chaos Rally Point, did you make a pledge prior to completing these?  If not, I will need to count them as an Out of Competition Vow which means the points won't count towards the Chaos Strongholds total points, BUT you will still be awarded any applicable badges and/or awards.

If you did vow prior, please point me to the post and I'll correct :thumbsup:


On 8/27/2023 at 8:26 AM, sitnam said:


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I, sitnam, pledge this monstrosity to the glory of Tzeentch for a to be determined amount of points!


id put this guy in the same points category as a Mutalith Vortex Beast, which I count him as. He is as tall as my Lord of Change, but without the wings he has far less bulk. I guess that’d be in the 6 to 8 point range?

Job's a Big'Un: 10pts  :thumbsup:

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@Grotsmashasorry I am sure you have said this somewhere, but do points only get added when a full pledge is complete? And at the end are points only awarded for fully completed pledges - for example mine was quite a large one (for me anyway!) but it's possible I may only complete say 90% of it. In that case would I not receive any points? Thanks! 

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29 minutes ago, legoman said:

@Grotsmashasorry I am sure you have said this somewhere, but do points only get added when a full pledge is complete? And at the end are points only awarded for fully completed pledges - for example mine was quite a large one (for me anyway!) but it's possible I may only complete say 90% of it. In that case would I not receive any points? Thanks! 

Yes, unfortunately it is all or nothing, but remember, Complete is your own definition, but basing is required, even if it's a coat of black paint on the base to bring it to a uniform colour :thumbsup:

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I, Cpt.Danjou, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1x Seeker of Slaanesh (2 points), and unit of Blue Horrors for 10 points for the Glory of Chaos and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 30th September, 2023 or bear the badge of failure until years end.






Edited by Cpt.Danjou
points edit x2
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Changed to two points, and I changed the horror unit to 5 points from 10, as a unit is only worth 5, even if it is minimum 10 models. I don't mind as Horrors are rather quick to paint.  :)




Edit: and I have changed the horrors to 10 points again  :)

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1 hour ago, Cpt.Danjou said:

Changed to two points, and I changed the horror unit to 5 points from 10, as a unit is only worth 5, even if it is minimum 10 models. I don't mind as Horrors are rather quick to paint.  :)



I believe the horrors are still worth 10 points frater. All my infantry so far have been rewarded per model


12 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

Job's a Big'Un: 10pts  :thumbsup:

 Nice:cool:. If I am correct, since he is a Big’Un does this mean I can complete a third smaller vow if I have the chance? 

I want to say I am proud of the Chaos stronghold. We might have the least number of participants and pledges, but the Dark Gods DEMAND completion and we are delivering. Also are trim to model ratio is just unfair:laugh:

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11 minutes ago, sitnam said:

I want to say I am proud of the Chaos stronghold. We might have the least number of participants and pledges, but the Dark Gods DEMAND completion and we are delivering. Also are trim to model ratio is just unfair:laugh:

I agree with this wholeheartedly, particularly about the trim! I reckon an average legionnaire, havoc etc takes twice as long as most other infantry. 


In other news i have put together my traitor guard and should do the bases and undercoat tonight, ready to get cracking on the painting tomorrow.


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