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1 hour ago, MithrilForge said:

Nice work here :thumbsup: you gotta love Raven Guard and respect to anyone who tackles white on a Black Model... :thumbsup:


Cheers, Mithril


P.S. I loved your Shrike Conversion :wub: 

Thank you! The white helmets are a bit thick for my liking but I’ve switched to working with a wet palette recently so I’m hoping that will help with this in the future.


Lots of reactions on this thread today; woke up to more notifications than I’ve ever seen lol… thanks everyone!

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The whole army right now:




If we call the bolter guys intercessors, the praetor a captain and the contemptor just a dreadnought with assault cannon, this is 1335 points for 40K. Adding the assault sqauad as assault intercessors with jump packs will take it to 1495.

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19 hours ago, TheArtilleryman said:

Thanks for the kind comments and for engaging with the thread.


So I’ll paint the assault squad up next, so the force is legal for HH.The Spartan is ready and undercoated, but I might hold off that one for a bit. Other models I have ready to build are:


5 more terminators (will build with claws)

20 more tacticals, which will probably have 10 plasmas and 10 meltas

… and a jetbike squadron, which I am really excited about because I find those models to be so cool.


In my other big box of Forge World joy there is a pair of lightning claws and a couple of jump packs, so I might also have a stab at kitbashing a jump praetor/centurion maybe.


Sounds like a good plan there. No problem on the support/engagement, that's what we are here for. Will you run those Terminators as Deliverers? 

I look forward to seeing that kitbash, your work is awesome.


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Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, calgar101 said:


Sounds like a good plan there. No problem on the support/engagement, that's what we are here for. Will you run those Terminators as Deliverers? 

I look forward to seeing that kitbash, your work is awesome.


Cheers! Yeah that’s my plan for the second squad. 

Kit-bash-wise, only issue is I don’t have any spare MK VI legs/bodies, because I have plans for the remaining tacticals, so I’m not sure what I’ll use. There are some MK III and IV bodies but I feel like they’d look a bit out of place in this army as everything else on the heresy side is MK VI. Will have to have a good old think…


Edit: ooh some sanguinary guard legs in my general bits box - but they are obviously MK VII…IMG_3860.thumb.jpeg.4774f79e70b358911c2694d12b6147fd.jpeg A crazy plan is forming…



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:thumbsup: Can't wait to see what happens


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Posted (edited)

So legs got chopped up to try and make them look more MK VI ish:



Here’s a collection of bits:




And here’s what they have turned into:




Claws are from the Forge Workd MK IV close combat weapons set, jump pack is a MK III? I think. The torso came off a Spartan accessory sprue (tank sprues are so useful) The helmet is a spare from one of the AoD praetors and the head spike is off a Chaos Warriors Slanneshi star - shhh don’t tell anyone…



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8 minutes ago, WAR said:

I was about to ask how you chopped up the mk vi torso....Maybe I need to stop making tank commanders in my tanks


I never use the tank commander bits on the tanks, because they are so handy for building extra marines. Especially those skull and star shoulder pads you get in the 40K rhino kits. I did a whole veteran squad using those pads at one time.

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