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Hey gang,


man did that stuff sell out fast.  I did end up ordering a starter from a different place than normal, but at least I have one coming.


i have watched Angry Joe and Battle Bunnies battle reports.  I enjoyed them both and really think I will like this game.  Seriously considering getting a second box as it gives so much more options.  Ethier way I think this is going to be a winner for me.


not to reignite the printer war, but I do have a resin printer.  So far I will say despite being a good 8K unit, it has been a real hassle,  I am printing 28mm WWII minis and it takes a lot of time and effort.  I might be tempered to do epic stuff but I am not sure where people find good files.  Most of the free stuff I find is pretty sketchy.  I am surprised when I see near replicas of the official minis.  So while I am glad that some 3D printers are having a lot of luck, I have found it to be a bit tricky.  (Thought my FDM printer is great for Terrain.). 



  On 11/20/2023 at 6:02 PM, MoriyaSchism said:

Thanks Brother. They look awesome and may sway me to do 1st Legion.


As another old person who doesn't Gram, is there a link to his website or sales site?

And is it just files or does he print?

Edited by Interrogator Stobz

100 page thread?! What is this? Dakka?


Turns out the biggest downside for release delay is that your wife insists these are now Christmas presents even though you’ve been ebaying things to buy them…


If I’m quick I might be able to pocket the rhino box before she sees the delivery has arrived!

  On 11/20/2023 at 7:22 PM, Burni said:

100 page thread?! What is this? Dakka?


Turns out the biggest downside for release delay is that your wife insists these are now Christmas presents even though you’ve been ebaying things to buy them…


If I’m quick I might be able to pocket the rhino box before she sees the delivery has arrived!


lol this is me… I don’t buy any new stuff these days unless I’ve eBayed something else :biggrin:

I am seriously looking at selling off the majorities of my Orks for 40K to help fund LI.  Orks just don't seem as Orky as they used too... ;(


Plus selling my board games and other things I just don't have room for anymore.  So said.  At least LI is small comparitively.  :)


Question:  I have been working on a spreadsheet of all the LI units, detachments, weapons, and formations.  Does anyone have any references to images showing the stuff from the rulebook now that the embargo is lifted?  I found the good Solar Auxilia leaks, so I mainly need Astartes and Titans and Knights.  Anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks!

  On 11/20/2023 at 8:28 PM, vadersson said:

I am seriously looking at selling off the majorities of my Orks for 40K to help fund LI.  Orks just don't seem as Orky as they used too... ;(


Plus selling my board games and other things I just don't have room for anymore.  So said.  At least LI is small comparitively.  :)




One possible bonus for you here, is if you ever branch off towards SM/Titan Legions (the game Legions is based on, and is pretty damned similar) Orks in that game are *the* most fun you will ever have with an Ork faction in any game. Just so characterful, and from an era when you had the different Clans and they all have their own personalities. That you will laugh as your gretchin crews fail to carry enough buckets of water and the Gargant explodes I think says everything :)

  On 11/20/2023 at 10:09 PM, Pacific81 said:


One possible bonus for you here, is if you ever branch off towards SM/Titan Legions (the game Legions is based on, and is pretty damned similar) Orks in that game are *the* most fun you will ever have with an Ork faction in any game. Just so characterful, and from an era when you had the different Clans and they all have their own personalities. That you will laugh as your gretchin crews fail to carry enough buckets of water and the Gargant explodes I think says everything :)



See, that is the kind of stuff I associate with orks.  Odd tech, weird rules.  I think in 40Ks competitive natural, a lot of that has been removed.  Once I have a LI army, it will be easier to look at things like the older Epic games.  However, I have never seen anyone play them in my area.  I am hoping LI will be different.

Yeah thats why i was really sad Titanicus never went xeno as Imperial/ork/Eldar (and i guess tyranid) titans all operate verrrrry differently and it would have been amazing, especially as they did apparently sketch out and playtest rules for them! 

  On 11/20/2023 at 10:09 PM, Pacific81 said:


One possible bonus for you here, is if you ever branch off towards SM/Titan Legions (the game Legions is based on, and is pretty damned similar) Orks in that game are *the* most fun you will ever have with an Ork faction in any game. Just so characterful, and from an era when you had the different Clans and they all have their own personalities. That you will laugh as your gretchin crews fail to carry enough buckets of water and the Gargant explodes I think says everything :)


Once the new scale has permeated to 3D printing I cannot wait to start my Great Crusade era Ullanor Orks. 


Another interesting bit about the Neutron Flux rule I missed the first time is that is references the Cybernetic Cortex special rule which isn't in the book at all. So not only do we have the Neutron flux rule which no unit in the book has, its about getting bonuses against units with a rule that isn't even in the book.
Neutron Flux:


Hits scored by a Neutron Flux weapon against a model with the Cybernetic Cortex special rule count as having the armourbane and shred traits


Cybernetic Cortex also screams Mechanicum to me which would make sense why its not in the book as they probably developed all the special rules but cut any that isn't Space Marines or Solar Auxilia from the book since other factions aren't announced yet. Neutron Flux and some other rules that aren't on any current model are fine to be in the book since they are from the SM/SA factions even if the models they come on aren't announced yet. But Cybernetic Cortex isn't in the book as the faction itself isn't announced yet.
But if that is true what it tells us is that the rules for Mechanicum where already developed together with the other stuff so it shouldn't take years until we get them as a faction.

I suspect Mechanicum will come out sometime in either 2024 or early 2025, both for Legions Imperialis and Age of Darkness.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
  On 11/21/2023 at 2:02 AM, WrathOfTheLion said:

I suspect Mechanicum will come out sometime in either 2024 or early 2025, both for Legions Imperialis and Age of Darkness.


If Solar Auxilia is the mystery release it’s an indication, at least to me, Legiones Astartes and Age of Darkness releases will now be Syncronized. Knights were supposed to originally drop with Legiones around August. So going forward I think the marketing push is to get you buy kits for your faction across systems. 

  On 11/21/2023 at 2:24 AM, Marshal Rohr said:

If Solar Auxilia is the mystery release it’s an indication, at least to me, Legiones Astartes and Age of Darkness releases will now be Syncronized. Knights were supposed to originally drop with Legiones around August. So going forward I think the marketing push is to get you buy kits for your faction across systems. 


I definitely agree. They may not come out at exactly the same time, but the differential shouldn't be that high.

To add, that'd simply be the most efficient use of their work. They need to design and approve them at the main scale, then handle them in the LI scale. Any properly run team would do that just to scale the two games. And we know from how they've done the sprues for 30k that they have a pretty strong grasp of scale, given their resources.


It's also why given their resources they picked 30k as the setting for LI. If they did a 40k Epic, they'd almost certainly have to get Jes Goodwin or someone else high up in the 40k design to approve everything they do. But those folks also have work to do, they have a job that isn't approving their stuff, so it could take days or weeks before they even look at it and review it, let alone get back to them if they request changes. Instead, they can have their lead designer to coordinate and approve things, which vastly speeds up development time.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
spelling and grammar
  On 11/21/2023 at 1:48 AM, Marshal Rohr said:

Once the new scale has permeated to 3D printing I cannot wait to start my Great Crusade era Ullanor Orks. 



Based on how big they got, just use 40k scale orks and knight rules for the basic orks :D

  On 11/21/2023 at 3:35 AM, 01RTB01 said:

Based on how big they got, just use 40k scale orks and knight rules for the basic orks :D


You’re a genius. I can do a King Kong Ork Warboss throwing a Lightning at a Warlord diorama. 

I had another look at the October White Dwarf battle report now that we know the formations in the book and as I already expected there are other formations used in that battlereport we don't have yet.

The Blood Angels army has a Sky Hunter Phalanx and a Drop pod Assault in addition to the known Armoured Company.


The Sky Hunter Phalanx in the battlereport focuses on bikes, jetbikes, javelins and proteus speeders which according to the symbols used are all vanguard slots for five slots used in total.
So while we don't know how many of those are compulsory and how many are optional we at least know that every compulsory slot in this formation is a vanguard slot as there are no non-vanguard units in this formation.
This formation makes sense since none of the current formations really allows big vanguard armies since we only have a single slot in the Demi-Company  and another single slot in the Aerial Assault.


The Drop Pod Assault formation seems to be close or the same to the Demi-Company just that it allows you to upgrade every detachment with Drop-Pods instead of Rhinos.


For anyone not yet knowing how Transports work, as far as I understood it unless the formation itself has a special Transport rule you need to use transport detachment slots for any transport you buy and since the Demi-Company is the only formation that even has transports slots for SM you won't be able to use any for the Garrison Force/Armoured Company/Aerial Assault. Transports bought in generic transport slots can be used for any detachment in the formation.
In addition any formation can have a special transport rule that allows you to upgrade your detachments with a transport without using a slot but the transport can only be used by the detachment is was purchased for in this case. The Demi-Company for example allows you to buy Rhinos for any Infantry only detachments and the Aerial Assault formation allows you to buy Storm Eagles and Thunderhawks as transports for any detachment in the formation (Though you could still bring them as Aerial Support detachments anyway)
The only questionmark for me is how the Deathguard player got rhinos for their Garrison Force in the Battlereport. The formation doesn't have any transport slots or transport rules and neither the rhino nor the Tactical detachment has a rule that allows them to be purchased together even if there are no Transport slots or special rules. Maybe the mission they played had a special rule or the Garrison Force will be changed in the expansion book or they just made a mistake, no idea

Edited by Matrindur

That's interesting @Matrindur - I wonder if the game allows you to purchase 'transport pool' units, as per Epic SM/Titan Legions, and then assign them to a unit? That was a process the previous game followed, although marines didn't need to do as they always came with enough Rhinos to ferry them about (one of that faction's big advantages) - most Guard and Ork companies (or even the chaos space marine units actually) meanwhile has to buy their transports separately, meaning if you wanted mechanised infantry you then lost out on other support cards. It might be the new game has a similar system?

  On 11/21/2023 at 7:27 AM, Pacific81 said:

That's interesting @Matrindur - I wonder if the game allows you to purchase 'transport pool' units, as per Epic SM/Titan Legions, and then assign them to a unit? That was a process the previous game followed, although marines didn't need to do as they always came with enough Rhinos to ferry them about (one of that faction's big advantages) - most Guard and Ork companies (or even the chaos space marine units actually) meanwhile has to buy their transports separately, meaning if you wanted mechanised infantry you then lost out on other support cards. It might be the new game has a similar system?



Of course I could be missing something since I'm just going by what I can see skipping through youtube videos but for what I saw there are only two options to get detachments with the transport role (which currently only include the Rhino and the Arvus, Thunderhawk and Storm Eagles are Air Support so can be taken through those slots)

You either use a transport slot in a formation which the SM Demi-Company has two of and the SA Sub-Cohort has three of. Each slot has a max size of 8 unless otherwise specified and these transport can be used by any detachment in the formation.

The second option is if a formation has a transport rule that allows you to take some as dedicated transports. These are specifically purchased for a detachment and can only be used by that detachment but don't need a slot in the formation. Currently there are two formations with such rules in the SM Demi-Company which allows you to buy as many rhinos as you need for infantry only detachments and the SM Aerial Assault which allows you to buy Storm Eagles and Thunderhawks for any detachment but also limits you in that any non-flyer detachment must start the game inside a flyer transport


Pictures of the rules:

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  On 11/21/2023 at 2:24 AM, Marshal Rohr said:

If Solar Auxilia is the mystery release it’s an indication, at least to me, Legiones Astartes and Age of Darkness releases will now be Syncronized. Knights were supposed to originally drop with Legiones around August. So going forward I think the marketing push is to get you buy kits for your faction across systems. 


Maybe it will go beyond marketing? There is precedent for supplements to cover more than one game system - maybe we’ll get that in the future. White Dwarf teased the cross-over campaign.


1. Do frater think this is likely?

2. Do frater think this is desirable?


I remember the original Slaves to Darkness very fondly, and that included WHFB, WHFR and 40k. A couple of Heresy Games together could share fluff much more easily.

  On 11/21/2023 at 8:41 AM, Matrindur said:


Of course I could be missing something since I'm just going by what I can see skipping through youtube videos but for what I saw there are only two options to get detachments with the transport role (which currently only include the Rhino and the Arvus, Thunderhawk and Storm Eagles are Air Support so can be taken through those slots)

You either use a transport slot in a formation which the SM Demi-Company has two of and the SA Sub-Cohort has three of. Each slot has a max size of 8 unless otherwise specified and these transport can be used by any detachment in the formation.

The second option is if a formation has a transport rule that allows you to take some as dedicated transports. These are specifically purchased for a detachment and can only be used by that detachment but don't need a slot in the formation. Currently there are two formations with such rules in the SM Demi-Company which allows you to buy as many rhinos as you need for infantry only detachments and the SM Aerial Assault which allows you to buy Storm Eagles and Thunderhawks for any detachment but also limits you in that any non-flyer detachment must start the game inside a flyer transport


Pictures of the rules:

  Reveal hidden contents



The game doesn't generally allow you to buy transports for detachments. None of the detachments themselves say anything like "you can have rhinos for these guys" or whatever.


The Demi-company is interesting in that it lets you buy rhinos for everyone, but it *also* has transport slots. Why would you use up those slots with rhinos you can have anyway? I think this is probably future-proofing to let them add things like Spartans and Land Raiders at a later date as transport options. It also has a rule that your compulsory Core slots have to be filled with tacticals, who are currently the *only* Core detachment. This, and one or two other things implies that there will be another Legion Infantry release in future. Will we get LI breachers before we get them for 30k?


The Garrison force has no transport options. In the batrep there are some Death Guard in a garrison detachment and they've got rhinos. I'm not sure how they did that - very possibly by mistake.


The airborne detachment includes an optional Vanguard detachment. The only vanguard units we've seen so far are bikes and speeders, which wouldn't fit inside planes. It's possible there will be something like recon squads in future, also in the Vanguard slot. 

  On 11/21/2023 at 10:19 AM, Mandragola said:

The Garrison force has no transport options. In the batrep there are some Death Guard in a garrison detachment and they've got rhinos. I'm not sure how they did that - very possibly by mistake.


Could this be part of the Death Guard rules?

Do tank loadouts matter in the game? I've noticed several people assembling Malcadors with both Battle and Demolisher cannons, even though it's an impossible combination in 40k. Was there a change in LI rulebook about that? Also, is there a "fluff" loadout for the Vanquisher variant specified? Does anyone know?

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