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It's about time :)


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 Been converting & painting 40k since 2004, Prob haven't even played more than five games but always kept up with new lore and games released. Browsed plenty of topics on this forum over the years but somehow never joined. Glad to finally be a member alongside you great folks and look forward to future debates.


Till then, Always remember... Life is the Emperor's currency, spend it well. 

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Can highly recommend Kill Team if you have a scene for it locally. It's easier to get into in terms of building, painting and money, and way less frustrating as you don't have to play another three hours when you already figured out that you're going to lose ayway :D.


Edit: Spelling

Edited by ranulf the revenant
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That is the plan, During covid I had plenty of extra time and was able to get some terrain and a squad of marines done. Have a bad habit of getting bored of projects half way through and eyeing something new :) Tend to go a bit overboard lol.

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I too was a longtime browser before joining as member.


Yeah, if you have trouble sticking to any particular faction or paint scheme, kill team is definitely a good way to do that and still get some gaming in.  Our Kill Team forum is fairly quiet but the folks there are very supportive, so be sure to share your questions, models and battle experiences there.


If you drift over into the heresy side of things, come visit the Chaos forums and share your work - and if not, I'm sure the folks over in whatever faction forum is appropriate would appreciate seeing your models as you work on and complete them.


Or, if you want to keep your hobby progress all in one place, regardless of what faction or game it is for, feel free to start up your own threads in the Work in progress and/or (for completed models) the Hall of Honour forums.


Finally, there is the Call to Arms painting event going on right now until September 30 - its divided into 3 factions (ChaosImperium, and Xenos) so if you want to experience the encouragement and enthusiasm of your fellow faction mates, you should vow your (mostly - they can be base coated) unpainted models in the appropriate faction's stronghold.  Chaos in particular could use all the help you can give it. :biggrin:

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