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I've got a gaming day coming up for the Corsair Gambit soon, so wanted to take along a Titan from the forgeworld we're fighting over. Here's current progress, using a set of Battle Bling armour upgrades.






Excuse the gaps – armour plates are just balanced in place for the shot. I'll glue 'em on after painting.



Edited by apologist
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54 minutes ago, apologist said:

Which set did you go for? I got sent the Traitor ones too – lovely details.




I ended up getting both, I wasn’t sure which one I wanted and figured I might as well snag the two of them and go from there. I’m planning on eventually doing a corrupted Mortis Maniple as deviation from my usual routine. I’m thinking of picking up their other armor kits, though I do wish the generic spiked one was available at the time of getting the others. 

Edited by DuskRaider
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I just multiplied my yearly total of painted minis :D


WIP, all painted to tabletop condition within three days. I wanted to have a LI / EA compatible force for demonstration games at Ropecon last weekend (ended up running some 20 hours of demos, great time). Very tight schedule, had to cut corners a lot. No flags, decals, proper damage, good NMM and so forth yet and the field guns are missing their whole crews. Still pretty happy with the general outlook.




Click spoilers for more!




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Originally I was just going to post these in my AT thread, but I figured I’d throw them here as well. 

I recently completed the remainder of my Death Guard infantry (3 X Infantry, 2 X Support + some Terminators my buddy gave me). I wanted to get all of it together and get some pictures of the progress I’ve made thus far, both to show the strength of the XIVth as it stands and also to give me the motivation to persevere through the terrain and tanks. 


So here’s the recently completed. I was lucky enough to find some extra 25mm bases on eBay and that allowed me to base my previously completed Assault Marines as well as give me enough for the extra Terminators. I enjoyed these for the most part, as tedious as it is doing such large batches of tiny models. I hate the Deredeos, though. The assembly was not fun on those. 



Here the XIVth stands in all its might (sans the Armored Company). This is… a lot. I don’t know if I’ll ever use some of it since it may not fit my style or the Legion per say, although Assault Marines jumping out of Thunderhawks does sound fun…



… and there we have the entire force in all its glory. I imagine this would be around the right size to represent the Legion, Legio and House during the Beta Garmon campaign (perhaps a little light on Astartes and Titans). This is a culmination of something like 6 years of collecting and painting. 

Perhaps it’s time for me to start a thread in the LI forum as well…


Let me know what you think!

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8 minutes ago, Sherrypie said:

Quite a force, @DuskRaider. It needs a worthy table to fight over, so persevere you must and get that terrain ready for proper war.

Ugh… yeah, I’m going to start on that today or tomorrow. I’ve still got a bunch of terrain I haven’t even built, including two boxes of the ruined Civitas. I better get a move on, lol

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2 hours ago, DuskRaider said:

Originally I was just going to post these in my AT thread, but I figured I’d throw them here as well. 

I recently completed the remainder of my Death Guard infantry (3 X Infantry, 2 X Support + some Terminators my buddy gave me). I wanted to get all of it together and get some pictures of the progress I’ve made thus far, both to show the strength of the XIVth as it stands and also to give me the motivation to persevere through the terrain and tanks. 


So here’s the recently completed. I was lucky enough to find some extra 25mm bases on eBay and that allowed me to base my previously completed Assault Marines as well as give me enough for the extra Terminators. I enjoyed these for the most part, as tedious as it is doing such large batches of tiny models. I hate the Deredeos, though. The assembly was not fun on those. 



Here the XIVth stands in all its might (sans the Armored Company). This is… a lot. I don’t know if I’ll ever use some of it since it may not fit my style or the Legion per say, although Assault Marines jumping out of Thunderhawks does sound fun…



… and there we have the entire force in all its glory. I imagine this would be around the right size to represent the Legion, Legio and House during the Beta Garmon campaign (perhaps a little light on Astartes and Titans). This is a culmination of something like 6 years of collecting and painting. 

Perhaps it’s time for me to start a thread in the LI forum as well…


Let me know what you think!

No point starting a thread, what are you going to add to that epic force?


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You joke but I have something like 18 Spartans, a bunch of Predators in various stages of paint, 20 or so Rhinos, more Sicarans… a whole other Thunderhawk… it just doesn’t end lol

The worst part is I’m considering more fliers as well. I kinda like the idea of an entire Jump Infantry HALO Diver Formation leaping out of Thunderhawks and Storm Eagles. I may see if my buddy can print me out Drop Pods as well, I’m not paying for an entire Formation’s worth of GW ‘Pods. 

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So I’m slapping together the rest of my terrain and I’ve realized something… the Civitas buildings don’t fit perfectly over the foundations on the Realm of Battle board. Granted, many of the buildings I’ve put together weren’t built for this purpose (I don’t know why), but even ones that SHOULD fit… uh… don’t. I don’t know if the molds shrank when they made the tiles or what, but they’re slightly off, resulting in the remaining structures I build having to be slightly smaller than the foundation that they’re supposed to sit on. It’s not a huge deal but still pretty annoying. 

I suppose it’s better this way, I need to focus on making more smaller structures for the purposes of infantry than I do these large, tall monoliths like I was previously. 

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