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GreenScorpion's Build, Paint, Discover Hobby Challenge 2023

Go to solution Solved by GreenScorpion,

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Brother Tyler
This post was recognized by Brother Tyler!

"Thank you for running the community event."

GreenScorpion was awarded the badge 'Crux 1' and 1 points.



Welcome to the 1st Edition of GreenScorpion's Build, Paint, Discover Event, an Astra Militarum Hobby Challenge!


Complete as many hobby related tasks by January 7th.


The focus of the event is in 3 different categories:

large.bpd_event_build_small.png.cf6d290324f641502d104bc45a9b6acd.png    Build, which includes pledges for building, converting, sculpting, scratch building and so on;


large.bpd_event_paint_small.png.91c27fdd0b944c338001f08da843c8fa.png    Paint, which includes painting, repainting, basing and other decorative tasks like decals and so on;

large.bpd_event_discover_small.png.d4bd3a766e101372199a3bc694e8d522.png    Discover, which includes reading books from Black Library (or listening in the case of audio books), reading fluff in the codex, writing your own fluff and so on;



Critical dates:


  • Sign up period - October 1st - December 31st
    • This is an open event, so participants can pledge or add to their pledges throughout the entire period of the event.
    • Once you have made your pledge and posted your before picture or relevant information on the pledged activities, you may start with the particular activities that you have pledged to perform
    • To enter, post your before picture/relevant information with your pledge:
      • "In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander <name> of the <regiment>, shall <particular tasks(s)> by January 7th."
  •    October 1st - January 7th: Hobby period
    • Hobby in earnest! WIP and update posts are encouraged!
  •    January 7th : End of event
    • Pictures, links or other proof of the completed task must be posted by 23:59 in your local time


Those who successfully carry out these tasks, will be provided a medal honouring their service to the Emperor and Imperial Guard.



Event notes:


  • You can pledge at any time throughout the event. There is no minimum or maximum pledge.
  • Miniatures can be pledged in various levels of WIP, as long as the task is clear and the initial state of the miniature is shown as part of the pledge.
    • This includes partially built and partially painted miniatures.
  • During this event you can pledge for any valid unit or model from the current Astra Militarum range.
    • This includes kit bashes, conversions, sculpted miniatures and scratch built miniatures.
  • You may also pledge terrain features / buildings for this event.
    • This includes kit bashes, conversions, sculpted miniatures and scratch built miniatures.
  • Badges will be issued at the end of the event that can be added to your signature.
    • These badges will indicate different levels of completed tasks per type or overall.
  • Badges will be earned per each of the three task types, based on the amount of tasks completed, regardless of the complexity of the task itself, so for example pledging to build 100 models as a task would earn the same badge as pledging to convert a character.

    • The idea is to get people pledging small feasible tasks in order to complete more than if they just go with a single huge task.


Any questions can be directed to me either in the thread or over private message.

Carry on and good luck to all!

Edited by GreenScorpion
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Participant List:

  • Trokair: Completed: Build 5
  • MedicMike0708
    • Expand the Mordian 19th - Pledge
      • Build - 6 field ordnance batteries, 2 sentinels, finish assembly of 1 Macharius Vulcan, x Cadians - Task
      • Paint - 6 field ordnance batteries, 4 sentinels, 1 Macharius Vulcan, x Cadians - Task
  • Bonehead
    • Expand the Yantar 8th regiment - Pledge Rough Rider models didn't arrive in time so it was cancelled
      • Build - 2 squads of rough riders - Task
      • Paint - 2 squads of rough riders - Task
    • Expand rogue trader guard regiment - Pledge
      • Build - 1 grenadier sergeant, 2 heavy bolter gunners, 7 heavy weapon loaders - Task
      • Paint - 1 grenadier sergeant, 2 heavy bolter gunners, 7 heavy weapon loaders - Task
    • Expand Astra Militarum Force
      • Paint - 1 infantry platoon - Task
  • Arikel
    • Expand the 39th Iron Pacification Division - Pledge
      • Build - 1 ministorum priest - Task
  • DemonGSides: Completed: Build 1
    • Expand Astra Militarum Force - Pledge
      • Build - 1 Rogal Dorn Tank, 20 Cadian Shock Troopers, 1 Cadian Command Squad - Task - Completed
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch: Completed: Paint 1
  • TheArtilleryman: Completed: Paint 1
    • Paint the 413th Maybury Hill Rifles - Pledge
      • Paint - 56 infantry, 6 heavy weapon teams, 1 sentinel and 4 tanks - Task - Completed
  • Focslain: Completed: Build 1 Paint 1
  • Brother Argent: Completed: Discover 1
    • Create an Index Astra Militarum article in the Liber on a new Imperial Guard Regiment - Pledge
Edited by GreenScorpion
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Since it is the 1st edition of the hobby challenge in this format I have decided to create the thread early to give people time to ask questions and clarify doubts before the event starts officially, so I can add more information to the first post of the thread based on things that need more clarity or need to mention in addition to the current information.
In the meantime, you can start thinking about your pledges and although I won't count any progress before the 1st of October, if you wish to submit a pledge before the starting date that won't be an issue.


If you have any questions let me know and I hope you enjoy this event :smile:

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6 hours ago, Spyboy said:

Can you pledge a half built model?

This event is mostly about motivating people to finish tasks, so half built models, partially painted and things in various states of WIP are acceptable.

The important thing is to be honest about what you are pledging to do and what was your starting point :smile:

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Well, this is good timing! I've got some horsey lads incoming from Victorial Mini's kickstarter due roughly right in the middle of this one. Should be a big help to get them done. And I've found a bit more time for the RT guard recently too. Got a lot of bases to do for them, and this could be just the motivation I need. This is a very welcome development, mr Scorpatron. Nice one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a reminder that the event starts in less than 1 week from now, so if you wish to participate you should start deciding what you want to pledge :smile:

If you wish to submit an early pledge you can do so, as long as you only start working on it from the 1st of October onwards.


I have discussed with one of the admins about the possibility of putting the event on the site banner and made some changes to the banner to fit the current dimensions, so the thread should be publicized globally around the time the event starts.


In the meantime, if there are any doubts or questions about the event feel free to let me know.

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"In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander Trokair of the 7th Rhûnish Dragoons, shall in some combination of Build, Paint and/or Discover so as to further the existence of the 7th Rhûnish Dragoons by January 7th."



I only discovered this thread yesterday on account of the forum banner, so I don’t have a specific pledge ready to roll, but I do intend to partake to some extent. I’ll post a specific pledge as and when I am ready to start one.


The 7th Rhûnish Dragoons as a concept is one I have had for many a year, and last year/very beginning of this year I engaged in a little proof of concept conversion and painting. Partially for a Kill Team build and paint event here on the B&C and partially for the Barracks Event here in the Guard section.


This is what I have built so far:





1 Armoured Fist squad (the Kill Team plus a converted chimera), 1 Enginseer and 1 Devil Dog.


My eventual goal is to have a 1000p or thereabouts.

Units I have vaguely planned

  • 10 Rough Riders
  • Another  Armoured Fist squad
  • A Lord Solar Count As
  • A Hydra Flack Tank
  • A Rogal Dorn
  • A Sentinel*
  • A Field Battery*

* Mostly because I happened to get the new kits in a trade.



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@Trokair No worries, the event officially started today, so you still have a lot of time to think about the details of your pledge. Let me know if you have any doubts about the rules or your pledge. The thread was created in advance merely to clarify doubts and allow people to prepare their pledges, since it is the first edition, so there will certainly some things to fix during the event. If you wish to edit the details of your pledge in your current post, please mention me so I can get notified of the change :smile:



For everyone else
The event is officially open so pledge freely and direct any questions to me here or over pm. If you have anything that you want to bring to my attention please mention @GreenScorpion so that I get notified by the forum to make sure I don't miss anything. I usually go through the posts in detail, but in some cases I might be a shorter on time and miss some small details on the first pass, so a mention makes sure I don't forget to recheck it :smile:

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Time to get this properly started.


My first task, under my overall vow above, will be a Build task, specifically 10 Rough Riders.



Starting point, 2 boxes worth of Easterling Kataphracts, which gives me 12 riders/horses, so will have two spare at the end. Might use them for characters or there is vague idea I would need to explore a bit more that might use them. Also plenty of left over Krieg Guardsmen kits kindly donated by friend, plus whatever I can find in my bits box to go along with this.



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Autumn is an exceedingly busy time of year, but the urge to paint and model is overwhelming. Normally the hobby fever doesn't hit until the depths of winter, but I'm happy to report I'm busy building and painting away. 

"In the name of the Emperor and Lord Commander , I Commander MedicMike of the Mordian 19th, shall assemble and paint 6 field ordnance batteries, 4 sentinels (2 built 2 on sprue), paint and finish assembly of a Macharius Vulcan, and some Cadians (amounts TBD) by January 7th."

I may have (read: definitely did) gone a little overboard with buying some second hand and used models recently. the shame pile grows, efforts must be taken to increase enlistment.

soldiers fall 2023.jpg

soldiers fall 2023 2.jpg

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@MedicMike0708 I have updated the list with your pledge and split it into a Build and a Paint task, since each category is tracked separately. If you want me to split the individual items into smaller tasks let me know, otherwise I will leave it as it is at the moment. Once you have made a decision on the amount of cadians let me know and I will update the pledge accordingly.

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Ok. I'm pledging to build and paint two squads of VM rough riders for my Yantar 8th regiment- when they arrive, that is. I also pledge to build and paint one grenadier sergeant, two heavy bolter gunners, and seven heavy weapon loaders for my rogue trader guard regiment. I've got a bunch more on the go but I'm not really in a position to pledge any more than that so I'll come back and add more once I know what I'm doing. Probably it'll be finishing a centaur and two chimeras for the RT guys to ride in, but it all depends on things I don't control so I won't commit yet.

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@Bonehead I have added your pledge, I considered the Yantar and the rogue trader regiments as separate pledged tasks, given your wording, please check the pledge list and let me know in case I should change something. Also keep in mind that if you finish the current pledge, you can always pledge more later :smile:

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I hereby declare 10 Rough Riders built.




I know the picture quality is not that great, so a quick rundown.


All models have a Lasgun, whether in their hand (for two of them) or on their back or on the horse/saddle. Almost everybody has some grenades as well amongst their imperial gubbins.


Sergeant had a power sabre and fancy pistol from the AdMech Cav kit, there is a power maul (from the AdMech cav) and a power fist (from the Scion kit) as stand in for the Goad Lance (stats seem reasonably similar) and then five spear armed ones to represent hunting lances.  Two of the horses have head replacements, one of each type from the AdMech Cav.  





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51 minutes ago, GreenScorpion said:

@Trokair First completion added to the list, let me know if you want to define a new task for tracking.

I also have some painting commitments this month, so might not have much time for more building, but might as well have something on the to do list.


So my second will be another Build task, this time a Filed Ordnance unit. Not a fan of the multi mortar setup, so it will be one of the other two.  


The Bombast Gun looks cool, but I am not sure I like its profile, so I guess it will be the lascannons.






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Things are really crazy here at home, but it has led to me being off work for awhile. I am going to start off with a really small build vow, and go from there.


In the name of the Emperor and LordCommander , I Commander Arikel of the 39th Iron Pacification Division, shall build one Ministorum Priest by January 7th."


Pic of the starting parts below, he will likely get a touch more bling


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21 minutes ago, GreenScorpion said:

I think option B looks more natural since the horses would be pulling mostly horizontally and not making so much effort vertically as in option A.


The first harness attempt did have the carriage connecting lower, but I could not get it to work. So I carved a second one from some sprue, and the sprue gate on the top side had just the right dimension to fit the end of the carriage, while the lower side sprue gate/spacer is a bit smaller, but I think it should still look ok, especially if I can find a bit to act as a lock mechanism. Then the harness can look like wooden crossbar with metal rod that connects to gun carriage.

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10 hours ago, Trokair said:

I have been doing a little tinkering with the Field Ordanance kit, and the two spare horses.


Which looks better?

Option A with the gun carriage connecting on the top side of the make shift harness, or option B where it connects on the bottom of the harness.



Honestly if you wanted to do it right, the main bar should be in front of the horses. Adding an extension to the gun carriage and flipping the bar to the front would be better and more accurate. 

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Just the motivation I needed to finish building my things.

Right now, i'm Vowing;


1 Rogal Dorn Tank

20 Cadian Shock Troopers

1 Cadian Command Squad

I'm hoping to get more, especially with the Battleforce, so eventualyl I'm hoping to add another 20 Cadians, another command squad, and 2 more RD's but I don't have it yet.

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