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GreenScorpion's Build, Paint, Discover Hobby Challenge 2023

Go to solution Solved by GreenScorpion,

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On 10/19/2023 at 10:19 PM, DemonGSides said:

Just the motivation I needed to finish building my things.

Right now, i'm Vowing;


1 Rogal Dorn Tank

20 Cadian Shock Troopers

1 Cadian Command Squad

I'm hoping to get more, especially with the Battleforce, so eventualyl I'm hoping to add another 20 Cadians, another command squad, and 2 more RD's but I don't have it yet.


And finally done!  Here's the family picture with an extra two FOB and sentinel and part of the aegis defence line I'm working on now. Made a suitable command platform;



Quick Reminder:

The cut off date for pledging something is the 31st, so I will officially not consider anything pledged after roughly noon UK time in 1st of January (to accomodate time zones).
It is also important to note that there is little more than a week remaining till the end of the event, so please post your progress in the coming days.

Best of luck to all participants :smile:

Working on my FOBs but have encountered an ancient demon of the outer dark. May require inquisitorial intervention to continue the work. (2 of the FOBs are currently enveloped by the creature.)


Edited by MedicMike0708
Fingers faster than brain

Bugger.  Was hoping to add to my vow a single guardsman when my Combat Patrol set arrives.  Not that I think the extra bits will arrive in time.  It seems ridiculous that I am in Australia, ordering from an Australian company and the parts I wanted are going to get made in America and take 4 to 6 weeks to get here once shipped...


Oh well.  Better make the article more worth while then I guess.

@Brother Argent The event will end on the 7th, so it really doesn't make sense to allow new pledges throughout the final week, better to have people finish what was already pledged (the dates were also mentioned in the first post so they shouldn't be a complete surprise). Still if you manage to get the parts please share the end result, even if it won't count towards the event itself :smile:

Edited by GreenScorpion

Yeah.  I'm just a glutton for punishment.  Parts haven't even been shipped yet (the extra parts anyway) so I doubt I have any hope of getting things done any time soon.  All good.  I'll definitely try to get some pics of models up here when I do eventually get the parts.  Hopefully in time for another of the awesome events here in the Guard forum.  

I declare the Rogal Dorn built.





I know I have left of a lot of the optional stuff, including the track and mud guards and the various baggage stuff and such but I think I like the less cluttered look.


The sponsons as previously mentioned are magnetised. I also magnetised the main gun option, though it doesn’t sit as solidly as I would like, so I may have to go in there again and rework the exact magnet positions and such.  


I have also not glued the top side options on the turret, haven’t found a configuration that I want to commit to yet. The two stubber turret was a little experiment using spares from a HH tank accessory sprue and the stubber barrels that go where I had the lights on the hull.



Out of curiosity, while the last bit of glue was trying last night I started making an army list with everything that has been built to see how far I had gotten and found that I had actually broken past the 1,000 mark. A lot of that is due to the Rogal Dorn being 260 by itself.  So I have technically reached my goal to have a 1k army.


That said in I will still in the coming weeks (outside of this event unless it suddently gets extended to Feb) build the second armoured fist squad, as well as some extra infantry with different weapon options. I also intend to make some heavy weapons teams.   

On 1/5/2024 at 11:46 AM, GreenScorpion said:

@Trokair I tend to be strict with the dates for the events, but there is always the possibility of a follow up event if there is sufficient interest :smile:

Don’t do anything on my account.


I got done what I said I would do in terms of building in this event (even if it was less than I had mentally clocked it to be, but that was always a rough ballpark what do I envision the project will be), so thank you for the event and motivation, and also the other participants for your comments and some helpful suggestions.

So I am going to say I have achieved my goal.


See this article The New Eden Rifles aka New Eden Undesirables.


The article isn't finished.  I am having issues with coding and need to finish describing a few characters.  I also need feedback to polish things and, of course, such articles are never finished. 


I would be very much up for a follow up event.  Hopefully after my other bits arrive.  Maybe a March in March or something...

@TheArtilleryman Hopefully you can finish the last bits before the end, if not you still did a lot of things so you can be proud of yourself.


@Brother Argent I will collect feedback after this event and then decide whether or not there will be another event soon and if so in which format.


To the rest:

I will be closing the event officially in about 24 hours from this post in accordance to the initial plan defined.
Please submit your finished tasks until then to be considered for the event.

After closing I will spend 1 or 2 days checking the thread to make sure I didn't miss anything before issuing the badges.

Last 3 units done - here they are with the paint still wet:




So… pledge complete:




And still nearly 3 hours to go … phew!

Thanks @GreenScorpion for running this challenge. I’m so glad to have finally got this army painted. I am definitely never getting any more infantry squads :biggrin:


Edit: I do want a chimera and a hydra though to make it up to 2000 points :angel:

Edited by TheArtilleryman

well time's essentially up, I need to be awake in 8 hours to go to work, so here is what i completed. 4 of 6 FOBS. the Krieg proxy bits I ordered for my 2 DKoK arrived on Friday (customs due as they were label as machining tools?) but time just slipped away. I am going to base these guys next week, I really love these minis because its like a mini diorama with each one. I will post my interesting adventures in painting them as a Mordian 19th thread update. for those keeping track that's 4 Mordian FOBs (from and earlier challenge) and 4 Cadian FOBs, with 2 DKoK still to come. 

cadian FOBs.jpg

Official cut-off point for completion posts.

I will be reviewing the thread between today and tomorrow and will issue the badges based on the completed tasks of each participant.
Thanks to all participants and I hope that you liked the event, even if you didn't achieve your pledges.

Loved it @GreenScorpion. This was great. I had fun, got some of the good dopamine that I always get from painting minis. When I wasn’t painting I was planning so hopefully I can keep the momentum for my next projects. Especially before whenever GW releases the Krieg stuff from the advent calendar, and any range refresh with the codex. 

  • Solution

Rewards List:

  • Trokair: Completed Tasks: Build 5
    • Earned a badge for 5 Build tasks and for more tasks completed large.medal_build_level_5.png.4ab091362fae6bd112b3eca82b3534a0.pnglarge.medal_bpd_event_first_place.png.39b1e09011fb54fe0f6f8fb38bdc594b.png
  • DemonGSides: Completed Tasks: Build 1
    • Earned a badge for 1 Build task large.medal_build_level_1.png.a15807e61e0f2388d405c6cf5b5c9695.png
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch: Completed Tasks: Paint 1
    • Earned a badge for 1 Paint task large.medal_paint_level_1.png.3600e28a94f709ce4f85f3cce17ea4a0.png
  • TheArtilleryman: Completed Tasks: Paint 1
    • Earned a badge for 1 Paint task large.medal_paint_level_1.png.3600e28a94f709ce4f85f3cce17ea4a0.png
  • Focslain: Completed Tasks: Build 1 Paint 1
    • Earned a badge for 1 Build task and 1 Paint task large.medal_build_level_1.png.a15807e61e0f2388d405c6cf5b5c9695.pnglarge.medal_paint_level_1.png.3600e28a94f709ce4f85f3cce17ea4a0.png
  • Brother Argent: Completed Tasks: Discover 1
    • Earned a badge for 1 Discover task large.medal_discover_level_1.png.6dad54d31759758eb7b5c033190bde6d.png


Note: Partial completions of a task were not considered for a badge, but please let me know in case you think I missed a completion post somewhere and I will look into.

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