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  • 3 weeks later...

I have begun work on my IRON GAUNTLET challenge. I’m hoping to get more then this done, but since the Call to Arms is starting I will be conservative with my plans

I plan on doing 11 Carnivores and a War Shaper as a base. If I get done quicker then I expect I’ll try and get more of the Kroot box done




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Looking good mate.  I have always loved the Kroot look, particularly alongside the super tech looking Tau.  And I know what you mean about delaying a little till the Call to Arms starts.  I have a tonne of orange boys to paint for the Call but as there is a month between when the Iron Gauntlet starts and the Call, it makes it difficult.  I may just need to use to the time to prep everything.  Or maybe push through one of the less point per model choices.


Keep up the good work.

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@Brother Argent I could conceivably enter my Kroot into Call To Arms as they are Xenos and I’m going to focus on Necrons, but I want each challenge to be totally dedicated to one faction. We’ll see what Kroot I can get done before I switch to my crons


Got the first carnivore done. I’m batch painting the squad, but typically when I batch paint I’ll get zealous and just tackle one guy after a couple of steps. So I put down all my Militarum green for the skin, then when I went to drybrush it I just started hitting everything on this guy. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn’t get as many painted on my vacation, but I’m making steady enough progress




The last guy with the green base I sprayed Death Guard Green as opposed to grey seer




I used all the same contrasts on him. It has some advantages, such as not having to bother as much with getting the small unseen crevices painted since they are green anyways. But it does change the shade of my leather cloth (Darkoath Flesh) and I have to touch up a bit more for the quills. 

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I have completed the carnivores, now onto my War Shaper




I converted this guy a bit with Eldar Corsair parts. Way back in the day Kroot met a used to be able to take other species weapons, and I’ve always loved that idea. I plan to eventually expand with another squad of Farstalkers, and I think I might try to deck them out with multiple alien weapons

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