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Deathwing Knights Leak

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13 hours ago, Robbienw said:

I’d prefer they were part of the actual kit, 3D printed /3rd part chapter iconography is rarely up to spec.

I can vouch for it's quality. A certain conversion bits creator with a proven reputation for quality makes them not some remixer learned blender two weeks ago but maybe GW will make an effort to fill that niche since they designed the new terminators to have easily swappable leg armour. Pretty sure they know full well by now people want more upgrade sprues.

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Maybe it's just me, but the helmets on these guys remind me of the days before the Grey Knights plastics where if people wanted knight-styled helmets they would carve the front off regular terminator helmets.


I think these guys are okay, better in some respects to the old kit (stature/proportions, quality of the sculpts) and in some ways worse (could do with some iconography on the legs, and I personally prefer the old style of mace). If it were me, I'd stick with the robed heads for sure.

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9 hours ago, OttoVonAwesome said:

I can vouch for it's quality. A certain conversion bits creator with a proven reputation for quality makes them not some remixer learned blender two weeks ago but maybe GW will make an effort to fill that niche since they designed the new terminators to have easily swappable leg armour. Pretty sure they know full well by now people want more upgrade sprues.

Who is the bits creator?  I will check them out and see.

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1 hour ago, FoursCompany said:

Cant see the designer on these very well. Who does these sculpts?

They have a storefront here. The bits I got were really high quality resin, I bought their Krieg Grenadier conversion kit for the plastic Krieg Veterans and the M60 inspired volley gun.

Edited by MoriyaSchism
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As I mentioned down on the DA forum, looks like new decals to me on the tilting plates, especially on the sword-wielding ones. So I think there'll be a new Dark Angels transfer sheet. It's sorely needed, as the current one doesn't include the decals you need for Bladeguard Veterans, for example.


Hopefully this means a decal refresh for all the separate chapters. Space Wolves especially could use a new one with more great companies, and perhaps Wolfspear folded in. The new standard Space Marine one is vastly superior to its predecessor, as an example.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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4 hours ago, OttoVonAwesome said:

40k transfer sheets are anemic at best. They really need to up thier game on em. 


I think their transfers are getting better. The World Eaters one looks great and I like the Cities of Sigmar one for AoS a lot. 

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