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A Time of Reaving Interest

Black Cohort

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1 hour ago, Mazer Rackham said:


A tip given to me by an old hand - immersion in boiled water. Pipes, blades, anything small or brittle that's plastic or resin.

I have had hot water (or hot air from a hair dryer) work for resin of all sorts, but never for hard plastics that the models are normally made of. I guess it depends on how the white stuff you used behaves. 



4 hours ago, Black Cohort said:

definately need Urauloth to reply to the Ensign before I push things ahead, but others are certainly welcome to post if they want as well before I reply.

Utu is content to keep a low profile for now. :teehee:

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11 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

It's sooo cute..!


That er...large er big er, massive barrel looks a bit...er...crestfallen, though, Tro.


It's just the angle, right?




While the Autocannon barrel is a little bent, it is a horizontal deflection*, and therefore in the picture I think it is just the angle of the picture that you are referring to.
It probably does not help that he is holding it in a more relaxed pose. I thought I had a matching set of arms (left over from the Brynjarr build) and that the gun would therefore fit in nicely, but I was mistaken and both arms needed a little bit of work (thankfully mostly hidden by the shoulder pads) to fit. Or perhaps the MkII torso, helmet and shoulder pads (from the vehicle accessory sprue) have slightly different dimensions to the older plastic MkIII plastic and resin bits.     


*The end of the barrel is on the same plane as the main body of the gun, perfectly in line when viewed from the side, but if you imagine looking down the barrel then you see it is about 1° off the central axes as it would come out of the main body. I don’t think it is really noticeable, and so far I think the risk of making it worse in some way if I were to heat it to fix it is greater than just leaving it as is.  


Here is another shot from a different angle.



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1 hour ago, Black Cohort said:


A tech-use test with a -10, the bigger problem is that there is currently no weapon mounted, mounting something would take an additional standard tech use test.



As long as the engine works and there is space to stand and the maglock boots can engage... 



On a less silly note, even if we don’t have a heavy weapon to mount on it could still serve as a supply carrier for the squad.  


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Question on reloads: I know you've told us we've started with 2 clips for any ranged weapons we are carrying.


Is that like in regular DW where a gun is considered to start fully loaded so we have 2 spares... or is it 1 in the gun and 1 spare?


Edit: and I was wondering about Req when we start doing missions, but presumably we will only have access to what is on the Armoury Sheet and that's it? Does the list include other gear, tools, etc?


(I was thinking, if Elvrit ends up being the techmarine-lite guy, I'd like to get hold of a combi-tool to improve his odds a little. Maybe he could pinch one off the other guys working on the forward void shields? :biggrin:)



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5 hours ago, Lysimachus said:

Question on reloads: I know you've told us we've started with 2 clips for any ranged weapons we are carrying.


Is that like in regular DW where a gun is considered to start fully loaded so we have 2 spares... or is it 1 in the gun and 1 spare?


Edit: and I was wondering about Req when we start doing missions, but presumably we will only have access to what is on the Armoury Sheet and that's it? Does the list include other gear, tools, etc?


(I was thinking, if Elvrit ends up being the techmarine-lite guy, I'd like to get hold of a combi-tool to improve his odds a little. Maybe he could pinch one off the other guys working on the forward void shields? :biggrin:)




one in the gun and one spare.


Correct whatever your armoury has is fair game, your early missions will probably be focused on "acquiring" gear and ammo.

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22 minutes ago, Black Cohort said:


one in the gun and one spare.



In that case I need to go and adjust my character sheet, I had assumed it was one in the gun and 2 spare when I made the initial character stats post in this thread.


Edit: correct count therefore is 40 Autocannon rounds and 28 bolter rounds.



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What kind of fabric have we got access to, and how much?


I have Tactics (Recon & Stealth) and I'm good at stitching using the sewing machine I've got bolted to my arm (kidding).


But no, seriously, we've got two days, and I can sew.


Why am I asking?


Where's Waldo? Space Marine Edition:




It isn't chameleoline, but it's something...?

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