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38 minutes ago, Brother Christopher said:

This looks more like an industrial-level effort than hobby time.


These enormous resin kits must be extremely challenging and, I'd imagine, somewhat stressful to put together. After all it's an expensive kit of heavy resin.


I've always found it quite ironic how these models are priced and how much work, effort, tools and skills is needed to put them together. It would've felt right if they were assembled or at least as easy to work with as plastic kits. But they clearly are a niche product for only the hardiest of hobbyists.


Also, I don't want to send negative vibes; I'm just oversharing my feelings about the irony of the price-to-effort ratio (which totally is a thing :P) of these kits. They must be a great experience to put together: a tornado of pride, concern, joy, frustration, satisfaction, annoyance and awe,


Good luck; I'm keeping an eye on this.


Brother, you hit all the points there! I don't take any negative vibes from this. The project as a whole has been a dream of mine since I first learned of the existence of this model. It's challenging, to say the least, but you know, as BT's, we accept those, no matter the odds!


By the way, now that I have fully appeased the machine spirits of my pict capture device (mislabled "phone" earlier, I shall pay penance for this), I can now show off this:

Cannon Arms Assembled.jpg


I don't know what happened to the rest of my WIP pics, but here they are, fully assembled. I've left the armor panels off the gatling blaster to paint separately. These things are as long as my forearm!


Next steps... magnets!

  • 3 weeks later...

Not much progress to speak of. I've been giving the magnet situation a LOT of thought, and I eventually concluded that the 1/4" magnets I had on hand were not going to be secure enough to mount the arms. I did find some great 3/4" ones yesterday though, so now...


I hope to have something to show this weekend.

  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, so, the next time I go get magnets, I should bring a ruler. I bought 1" magnets instead of 3/4". No matter though, I have the space to work with. No pics to show right now, but I'm trying to get the angles of the upper arms right before I go too much further. Every part of the upper arms has to be adjusted and angled just right to get the weapons to not hit against the hips/legs and not look awkward. 

I'm going to be using a combination of epoxy and tactically placed screws to ensure that the upper arms stay where they are supposed to go. I need more hands.

  • 1 month later...

So, not much in the way of progress yet. This past weekend did see some forward momentum that went a little like this:


I put the torso back on the legs. I pull out all the arm pieces. I begin to plot out the holes I'm going to need to make and start setting the angles. I finally work up the courage to pull out my drill and begin the first holes. I go to set the "place holder" screw to get the next angle...


Where are my screws? Look in my hobby box, my workshop, my vehicle. Sinking feeling sets in that I have accidentally discarded them in what I had believed to be an "empty bag".


Progress stalls.


Go to the hardware store and buy new screws in different sizes this time, plus some more magnets (the store finally got in more of the sizes I need).


Now, to work up the nerve to start drilling holes in my expensive resin again!

  • 1 month later...

So, progress report:


Honestly, the build took a step backwards. I brought out the torso to begin making marks on the arm pieces, and accidentally discovered that the screws I had used to secure the baneblade piece to the left foot were not long enough or strong enough to secure it well, and well... the titan has fallen down. Luckily, nothing broke or came apart other than the connection to the baneblade top, so no real damage done, and now I have the opportunity to build the scene of the destroyed tank without the overall titan in the way (this is why I have the fully assembled baneblade on the table next to it).


Unfortunately, at the time I decided to use the top piece, that was all I had to work with. Also, the overall model sat assembled in a hot room for a while, and things shifted out of level. While I have fixed the overall leveling issue, it does leave me now having to "flesh out" the baneblede more than I had originally anticipated in the beginning. I was able to fimd the top track guard sections online, but have to use plasticard to build out the sides and some other bits, as well as reinforce the base of it to support the titans weight over time. This is a long and tedious process, which I will be posting pics of soon.


That's where it stands (or not, as the legs are laying down) right now, 


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