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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2024 [=

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So, I am currently commission-less, and *might* actually be able to paint some of my own models this year for Call to Arms.

I have three real options,

1- The Deathwing

2- Sisters Combat Patrol

3- AdMech Combat Patrol


Now, conveniently, all three schemes are variations of bone white an no one Faction will be any more or less of a challenge to complete.

What say you all, which of the three Factions would you like to see from me?

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2 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

So, I am currently commission-less, and *might* actually be able to paint some of my own models this year for Call to Arms.

I have three real options,

1- The Deathwing

2- Sisters Combat Patrol

3- AdMech Combat Patrol


Now, conveniently, all three schemes are variations of bone white an no one Faction will be any more or less of a challenge to complete.

What say you all, which of the three Factions would you like to see from me?


Tough choice, I'd vote Sisters of Battle with the Deathwing being a close second.

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3 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

So, I am currently commission-less, and *might* actually be able to paint some of my own models this year for Call to Arms.

I have three real options,

1- The Deathwing

2- Sisters Combat Patrol

3- AdMech Combat Patrol


Now, conveniently, all three schemes are variations of bone white an no one Faction will be any more or less of a challenge to complete.

What say you all, which of the three Factions would you like to see from me?


Erm, surely the obvious choice is to do all 3! 

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6 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

So, I am currently commission-less, and *might* actually be able to paint some of my own models this year for Call to Arms.

I have three real options,

1- The Deathwing

2- Sisters Combat Patrol

3- AdMech Combat Patrol


I would vote starting from 3 and going back to 2 and finally 1, in that order.


AdMech did not get so much Love in past CtA (or any past published paint jobs over the recent past years anyway), but I am biased as I plan to enlist some. Let´s say it can be a good emulatio in order to try to raise my level and getting a comparative point. :biggrin:

As SoB are recent, they may get some serious number of entries too; potentially. So more show! 

Deathwing, well, I am a little bit fed up of SM. These minis are great but I see more potential for creativity in the 2 other forces.


All matter of personal taste though.  

Edited by Bouargh
Love is in the air...
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5 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

So, I am currently commission-less, and *might* actually be able to paint some of my own models this year for Call to Arms.

I have three real options,

1- The Deathwing

2- Sisters Combat Patrol

3- AdMech Combat Patrol


Now, conveniently, all three schemes are variations of bone white an no one Faction will be any more or less of a challenge to complete.

What say you all, which of the three Factions would you like to see from me?

Really into Terminators right now so Deathwing.

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Posted (edited)

I've decided to start with The Deathwing for Call to Arms, I've got the following;


1x TDA Captain 

1x TDA Librarian 

5x DW Knights

15x DWT

1x Brutalis Dread

*1x Ballistus Dread*


This is only 41pts, and I'd like to hit closer to 100pts. I have a few things in my back pocket, but won't commit to anything unassembled, so I've got a few days to sort one or two of them out I guess.


*Decided to build the Ballistus as it's only push-fit and took ~10mins to do*




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3 hours ago, Grotsmasha said:

I've decided to start with The Deathwing for Call to Arms, I've got the following;


1x TDA Captain 

1x TDA Librarian 

5x DW Knights

15x DWT

1x Brutalis Dread


This is only 38pts, and I'd like to hit closer to 100pts. I have a few things in my back pocket, but won't commit to anything unassembled, so I've got a few days to sort one or two of them out I guess.


Sounds awesome.

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June has been a little busy so far, however having committed to the Call to Arms I have a bunch of models on the painting table, so I should be able to get at least one done this month.


Let’s say the flag bearer at the back.




2 hours ago, Trokair said:

I, Trokair, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 15 Guardsmen, 10 Rough Riders and 2 Field Ordnance Batteries  for 33 pts for the Glory of Imperial Guard and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


Start Picture, undercoated in Leadbelcher.





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On 6/12/2024 at 10:20 AM, Grotsmasha said:

I've decided to start with The Deathwing for Call to Arms, I've got the following;


1x TDA Captain 

1x TDA Librarian 

5x DW Knights

15x DWT

1x Brutalis Dread

*1x Ballistus Dread*


This is only 41pts, and I'd like to hit closer to 100pts. I have a few things in my back pocket, but won't commit to anything unassembled, so I've got a few days to sort one or two of them out I guess.


*Decided to build the Ballistus as it's only push-fit and took ~10mins to do*




Deathwing was the right choice — and blimey you have a lot of Deathwing!


I thought I’d post an update on my Plodding along vows. It was meant to be reaching 1000 points for each of these:

Heresy Alpha Legion: no progress

Heresy Blood Angels: no progress

Legio Defensor: I made some good headway on Warlord and Warhound, but lost my vintage decals I bought especially … waiting for them to turn up.

Legions Imperialis Emperor’s Children: progress!




now that’s <checks notes> 80 points! Out of 1000! 

The irony is, I’ve been painting a fair bit, for me, but not much on my pledges. I hope to show more soon though …

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Posted (edited)

Finally made my actual Call to Arms vow,



 It's time to make my own vow, 


"I, Grotsmasha, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint the following models;


The Lion (10pts) - Jobs a Big'un

Belial (5pts)

Centurion Company Master (counts-as Belial) (5pts) - Master of the Forge

Terminator Librarian (5pts)

8 Watchers in the Dark (8)

5 Deathwing Knights (5pts)

15 Deathwing Terminators (15pts)

4 Teleport Homers (4)

1 Brutalis Dreadnought (3)

1 Ballistus Dreadnought (3)

1 Chibi Space Marine (5)

1 Chibi Skitarii (5)


for 63pts for the Glory of The Lion and the Adeptus Astartes and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end."












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And My Plodding along is (the Emperor be blessed) completed. An unpleasant experience. No fun into this job.



This is clearly a kit I regrte I bought. Even before starting the painting and assembly. It costed me a lot of determination to resume its painting. 4 or 5 times. But here it is and all the components of the Plodding along are done. Case closed; until next pledge in July.

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1 hour ago, Rhavien said:

Rules question. How is it handled, if I didn't finish my last months vow completely? Can I re-vow it this month? Also I'm not quite sure if I managed to get at least the first five guys done in overtime as @Grotsmasha is in a very obscure timezone :biggrin:


First the winter times: 


On 1/31/2024 at 11:11 AM, Jolemai said:

Quick note with regards to the Last Minute and Overtime badges:


Last Minute: 31/01/24 1400 UTC - 01/02/24 1400 UTC

Overtime: 01/02/24 1400 UTC - 03/02/24 1400 UTC

  • PST 0600
  • EST 0900
  • GMT 1400
  • CET 1500
  • EET 1600
  • MSK 1700
  • JST/KST 2300
  • AEST 0000 (Grotsmasha's timezone)
  • AEDT 0100 (next day)


Then a note on summer times (which I clean forgot to update, but it's easy to work out if you follow Daylight Savings Time):


On 3/31/2024 at 11:49 AM, Jolemai said:


Reminder that as Grotsmasha's timezone doesn't change, the UTC time remains the same. Everyone in a country that uses Daylight Saving Time will though. 


(Will add the summer times when I'm next on a desktop)


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2 hours ago, Rhavien said:

Rules question. How is it handled, if I didn't finish my last months vow completely? Can I re-vow it this month? Also I'm not quite sure if I managed to get at least the first five guys done in overtime as @Grotsmasha is in a very obscure timezone :biggrin:


Unfinished models may be repledged for any month, and when completed will secure a Stubborn Badge. 

Last Minute/Overtime is judged by the B&Cs date per my timezone. So anything finished on my 2nd or 3rd will earn Overtime, if it falls on my 4th, I'll enter it to the following month as a Stubborn completion

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