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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2024 [=

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Well that sucks.  I was on target to just scrape through over the last couple of days but a series of fire calls that each lasted close to 12 hours put paid to that.  Still, such is life, as the infamous outlaw Ned Kelly said before they hung him.


Still I got some done:


I got six of these beasties done.  I know its a hopeless photo and I don't know why it has done what it has but, eh. I'll try for a better one when I get all eleven sorted.  I also got this guy done:


Colours are washed out a little from the blue white light I use for photos and the white back ground but still a better photo then the last.


I nearly got other five done but didn't quite get there.  Another few hours and they will be done.  But its a few hours that may be hard to find this month because:


I, Brother Argent, vow to stoke the Argent Forge high this month and embark on a 'March for March!' challenge. I vow to (likely fail horribly at) paint for the month of March:


1x Counts as Cadian Castellan

2x Commisars

5x Cadian Command Squad Members

20x Guardsman

2x Field Ordnance Batteries

1x Sentinel (Armoured or Scout)


I'll go into more details in my personal log (I may also start a March for March! Casual Challenge Thread) But these models will be my New Eden Rifles (ANZAC Guardsmen) thus the Victoria Minatures heads and hats.  If you look closely you can even see I prepared for the future with some Ogryn sized hats.


Wish me luck because (going off my struggle to paint more then a few models these past few months) I am going to need it I think.


EDIT: I've done it.  I've lost my marbles.  I'm throwing out there a spontaneous challenge for any whom want to join me.  Paint a Combat Patrol or 500 ish points of an army with me in my MARCH FOR MARCH Challenge

Edited by Brother Argent
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2 minutes ago, Dwango said:

@Grotsmasha is correct. FW dangles decal sheet. Left over from my 30k stuff. Definitely not got the skills for any freehanding!

I don’t think the respect is diminished for using a decal to be honest. Applying a decal that intricate on a surface that uneven is quite a skill.

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39 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

I don’t think the respect is diminished for using a decal to be honest. Applying a decal that intricate on a surface that uneven is quite a skill.


Can´t agree more. My decals always look crappy and out of place, even on flat surface. Here it is perfectly set and looks natural. 

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I, Bouargh, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete 1 Aeldari Serpent platform and 1 ooP EPIC Land Raider Company (i.e. 10 tiny LRs) by month's end.





Plaftform will allow legalizing my old Strorm Guardian squad and LR´s will go in IF livery.

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I posted my vow yesterday and I already have some progress to report. True that the poor/bad/awful weather conditons have helped (Orange warning level for flood, rain, snow & tidal waves. 40L/m2 yesterday... Great W.E. for sure.


So, here is the completed Serpent Platform:





I also optimize this post to redirect to some progrees on my Plodding Along vow, as published there:



The 10 tiny LRs´ have been primed, which might have been a bad idea seen the humidity around...

Edited by Bouargh
I do not know who is tOny. But micromacines are tIny
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I, Mr. Oddity. embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge , and for the month of March pledge to complete a test model for the Black Templars Chapter by converting an old push-fit Marine with flamer to a roughly true-scale Initiate. For the Emperor!




@Jolemai That classic Predator is a thing of beauty. Wonderful job reviving it!

Edited by Mr. Oddity
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