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THE MARCH FOR MARCH! Painting Challenge- A casual month long painting event.

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A casual painting Challege from the Argent Forge


Greeting my fellow Brothers and Sisters of the B&C. Welcome to my March for March thread and/or challenge/invitation to you all.


As most of you know I am quite mad.  Madder then a World Eater thats had to watch the same re-run episode of My Little Pony or Care Bears for three thousands times while being strapped in a room filled with nothing but the softest pillows. 


Well being the generous guy that I am I would like to share some of that madness with you all.  


I have set myself a challenge.  To paint 500(ish) points of Astra Millitarum in the Month of March.  A bold goal.  A heroic goal.  A totally unrealistic goal.  But when have I ever had any grasp on reality?


In order to help motivate myself and maybe share the madness just that little bit more I would like to invite/challenge some of you illustrious people to do the same.  I am laying down the gauntlet for any that are interested to take up my March for March


What is the Challenge exactly?


I hear you ask.  I maybe thats just the voices in my head.  No matter.


I challenge people to either:

A) Paint a 500pts force of their chosen army, or;

B) Paint a full Combat Patrol force of their chosen army.


And post pics and then for bonus points


- Play and post results (doesn't have to be full report but kudos if it is) of a game with that force.


If enough people want to take up this challenge I will make some some simple signature banners maybe.


Because we are already into the month and a challenge like this probably takes some fore thought and planning (unless your name is Brother Argent...) the challenge stands till the end of the Month of March and I give people 31 days from the time of their vow to complete.


I encourage anyone that want to participate to share WIP progress here.  Maybe set a weekly update schedule goal like I am. 


So how do I participate?


Well provided the mods allow me this bot of madness all you need do is post in this thread a vow along the lines of:


"I, <insert name here> vow to embrace my madness and complete <insert goal here> of <insert faction here> in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!"


Provide a before pic in this thread. And a unit break down if you want. But no need if not, this is a casual thing after all.


So, join me (or not) on my mad MARCH FOR MARCH!  


The Ranks of the Mad Marchers


  • Brother Argent - 500(ish) points - ASTRA MILITARUM (New Eden Rifles) - VOW (1/3) - COMPLETION (due 31/3) FAILED!
  • TheArtilleryman - 500(ish) points - T'AU EMPIRE  - VOW (2/3) - COMPLETION (due 1/4) FAILED!
  • guardian31 - 500(ish) points - CHAOS ASTARTES (Red Corsairs) - VOW (2/3) COMPLETION (due 1/4) FAILED!
  • Kennyjapan - 500(ish) points - HERESY ULTRAMARINES - VOW (3/3) COMPLETION (due 2/4)
  • mini_painting_mike - 500(ish) points - SISTERS OF BATTLE - VOW (4/3) COMPLETION (due 3/4) FAILED!
  • Casual Heresy - 500(ish) points - ADEPTUS ASTARTES (Covenant of Fire 9th Company) - VOW (5/3) COMPLETION (due 4/4) FAILED!
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - 500(ish) points - NECRONTYR - VOW (6/3) COMPLETION (due 5/4)

  • Reclusiarch Jolemai - 500(ish) points - ADEPTUS ASTARTES (Blood Angels) - VOW (6/3) COMPLETION (due 5/4)

  • TrawlingCleaner - 500(ish) points - CHAOS ASTARTES (Red Corsairs) - VOW (7/3) COMPLETION (due 6/4)

  • Praetorian of Inwit - 500(ish) points - ADEPTUS ASTARTES (Imperial Fists) - VOW (16/3) COMPLETION (due 15/4)

  • Dwango - 500(ish) points ( And then some) - ADEPTUS ASTARTES (Dark Angels) - VOW (17/3) COMPLETION (due 16/4)

  • Mr Oddity - 500(ish) points - NECRONTYR - VOW (31/3) COMPLETION (due 2/5) FAILED!

Edited by Brother Argent

I, Brother Argent, Master of Madness, Keeper of the Argent Forge, Maker Upper of Really Long and Pretentious Sounding Titles that Just Frustrate Everyone, vow to embrace my madness and complete 500ish points of The New Eden Rifles (Astra Millitarum) in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!




Its this plus an old Hellhound if I can ever find the bloody thing to strip it... 

I'll most likely join up with some Red Corsairs to paint. If I have partial squads how would that work. I have a squad of terminators with one painted already, though I suppose I do have a terminator lord I could through in there.

One model or so from a squad painted would be fine mate.  Same as things in basecoat or started already.  Just not mostly finished obviously.  This is no hard and fast challenge, just a fun way to share in the madness.


I look forward to seeing what you vow, mate.

Sounds good! I have a Master of Executions, Master of Possession, 5 man Terminator Squad and 5 man Possessed squad that I'll vow for this. I'll get pictures as soon as I can and I think I'll throw the lord in terminator armor as squad leader of the squad so I can get him painted up too. That's 495 points. 

Oh no you’ve gone and done it now …


Reckon I can get away with pledging this little lot? It’s not technically a combat patrol as it has two units that are under strength, but it works out about 578 points. 5 pathfinders, 5 drones, 2 crisis battlesuits and a Stormsurge:




I, TheArtilleryman, vow to embrace my madness and complete 578 points of t’au empire in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!


The reason the units are not full units is because I’ve already painted some of the models. If I finish this lot then my whole t’au army will be done. Here is the force as it is:




Seeing as this is my whole plodding along vow for the 12 months of hobby it’s possible I might be getting a bit carried away …



Edited by TheArtilleryman

Getting carried away is what this challenge is all about mate.  It all looks good to me.  


What Sept are you doing?


And welcome to the challenge its first (other then me) challengers.

Edited by Brother Argent

I've literally set myself the challenge to paint the deathwing assault box in February! 


Do I attempt to do it again. I will be adding to the force with a redemptor and some bikes, but this feels like it would be cheating. It being a low model count and all. 


I may start at the end of the month and go into April. Gives me chance to look at what I've got to do. 


Good idea though! 

If you'll allow stuff already vowed for the 12monthsofhobby i'll gladly join on this madness as i've already been shoehorned into doing something similar by the cruel laughter of indifferent dice gods

9 hours ago, Brother Argent said:

Getting carried away is what this challenge is all about mate.  It all looks good to me.  


What Sept are you doing?


And welcome to the challenge its first (other then me) challengers.

Thanks! The scheme is my own but I’ve not chosen/named the sept or made up any lore. I used to use Vior’la sept rules in 9th but those are gone now. Will see what the new codex brings.

16 hours ago, Brother Argent said:

If its Combat patrol or 500 pts (ish) then its welcome.  I'm vowing my stuff for the 12MoH as it is.  I look forward to what you come up with.

Excellent! In that case i'll vow my 12month/hobby vow of roughly 900pts of:


1x Forge Lord

10x Nemesis Destroyers

6x Termies

1x Dread

2x Invictarii

5x Locutarus










EDIT: Added pictures and completely forgot about the 5 Locutarus!

Edited by Kennyjapan

"I, Brother Mike, vow to embrace my madness and complete 500pts of Sisters of Battle in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!"


This is a great idea and I'm excited to get involved! I've actually just embarked on upgrading my SoB combat Patrol to a full 1000pts force, so the timing of this is perfect! 


I don't have a 'before' pic to hand, but I can show off the first completed unit I just finished tonight as a taster! 


My list of bits to paint for this are


Paragon Warsuits


Battle Sister Squad 




Penitent Engine







IMG_6322 (1).jpg

Time to make it official:

"I, gaurdian31 vow to embrace my madness and complete a Master of Possession, Master of Executions, a 5 man squad of Possessed and a 5 man terminator squad (495 pts) of Chaos Space Marines in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!"




Since I've honed in on a recipe I like for the project, might as well add my pledge to get the Covenant of Fire (all infernus marine all the time!!) list off the ground.


"I, Casual Heresy vow to embrace my madness and complete 500ish pts of Covenant of Fire 9th Company in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!"


So I'll be pledging to finish the following:


1x Captain

1x Ancient

1x Lieutenant with Combi-weapon

1x Apothecary Biologis

2x 10 man Infernus Squads


I, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch, in my madness, join the March for March, and vow to complete 1 Monolith, 1 Ghost/Doomsday Ark conversion, and one of these three infantry units to push me over 500 points. May the Silent King punish me if I am to fail! Glory to the Eternal Empire! 

I am FINALLY getting to put my airbrush to use. Hoping that it makes painting this stuff a LOT easier. 


"I, Reclusiarch Jolemai vow to embrace my madness and complete 1x TDA Chaplain, 1x5 Vanguard Veterans with jump packs, 1x Ironclad Dreadnought, 1x Venerable Dreadnought (495 points) for the glory of the Blood Angels sub-forum and Chapter by 3rd April 2024* and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!"


* this vow is comprised of parts from my 12 Month Challenge March and Plodding vows. The April segment (Chaplain and VAS) need to be finished by the date listed to secure the Overtime badge


Ironclad, Venerable Dreadnought, Chaplain WIP





Yes, I know my setup is a mess right now :blush:


Vanguard WIP





Edited by Jolemai

I, TrawlingCleaner, vow to embrace my madness and complete 1 Chaos Lord in Terminator armour, 5 Chaos Terminators, 1 Vindicator and 2 Bikers of Red Corsairs (Chaos Space Marines) in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!



This comes at a great time for me as a Crusade starts that I'm hoping in on, I'll need some reinforcements! :biggrin:

Wish I had the time, but March isn't the best time of year for me. Best of luck to all the frater participating!

Edited by sitnam
On 3/3/2024 at 11:03 PM, mini_painting_mike said:

"I, Brother Mike, vow to embrace my madness and complete 500pts of Sisters of Battle in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!"


This is a great idea and I'm excited to get involved! I've actually just embarked on upgrading my SoB combat Patrol to a full 1000pts force, so the timing of this is perfect! 


I don't have a 'before' pic to hand, but I can show off the first completed unit I just finished tonight as a taster! 


My list of bits to paint for this are


Paragon Warsuits


Battle Sister Squad 




Penitent Engine







IMG_6322 (1).jpg

Update! Battle Sister Squad under way!!! 


On 3/4/2024 at 3:00 PM, jaxom said:

Alas, I'm going to be moving in a few months and am working on getting all my hobby stuff packed up.

I feel you! I moved house in early January and basically wasn't able to hobby for almost a whole month! 

@TrawlingCleaner, nice kitbashing on the new terminators!


In the spirit of sharing progress, the Stormsurge has got its trousers on:




More info and pictures on my blog: 


Edited by TheArtilleryman

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