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2 minutes ago, Kharn13 said:

WarCom mentioned a devine reveal this week… BA??


Next week on Warhammer Community, we’ve got articles about the Mechanicum and a divine reveal that cannot be missed. 


Or Horned Rat vs Sigmar, as the AoS starter set campaign preview is on saturday?

8 minutes ago, General Strike said:

Just to confirm, those are just regular assault intercessors and jump intercessors with a blood angels upgrade sprue and painted black, right?

And the Brutalis/DC dread too. The upgrade packs seem to mostly be a few weapons but mostly heads and shoulder pads I think

2 minutes ago, INKS said:

Very cool. now how much? How much of these going for nowadays with the codex and all?


The Deathwing Assault box which came out in January went for £135 from GW so slightly higher as we've just had a price rise, I think?

I like the look of the Lamartes, the helmet is really selling me on it. Not an upgrade on the previous model which was a masterwork but not a big downgrade either. I think he'd better without the pistol in his hand, an open hand to drive home the 'come at me' look would work better. Astorath looks great too, I wasn't really big on him when he was first introduced, seemed a little to "ow the edge" but now I can get behind it and I've really come to dig the Dracula armour. Looking forward to seeing the Sanguinor and Guard later own.

Lemartes is easily my favorite out of it, I really like the brutal look and pose they gave him. More Death Company options is always great too, I'll have to expand my Death Company. There's some nice heads in there, which I'm glad to see. Astorath is also quite nice, a faithful update to the previous model, although I think his model is outshone a bit by Lemartes.

8 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

The upgrade sprue seems really light for this one. Except the heads and shoulder pads I can only spot an Eviscerator, a backpack decoration and the death company symbol on the dread.

There's some belt decorations as well, blood vials, chalices, etc. It'll be nice to see a full sprue picture though.

2 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

Damn that looks great after some of the recent dross, probably my fave versions of both characters and the upgrade heads look sweet too.


Not a fan of the fangs though, i feel they dialled that up a bit too much with BA

Okay, I’m happy.


upgrade kit looks to be what I was hoping for, broadly speaking. Interested to see a proper full reveal.


both characters actually look excellent. Lemartes has exceeded my expectations significantly. Astorath looks superb to me, really like the pose as it’s got the slight twist to it.

Hmmm, not a fan of Lemartes' screaming vampyric skull or his pose. Why couldn't they leave it be, i.e. normal non-screaming? What's he supposed to be doing? A sonic attack? I hope it's possible tu get the gun arm into a more horizontal position. I would also prefere the halo on his helmet to be bigger. But he doesn't seem to have those obnoxious calf thrusters, so that's a massive plus in my book


Nothing noteworthy on the upgrade sprue from the looks of it. Especially nothing dedicated to DC, not even shoulder pads. Quite funny in a DC themed box. The chapter symbol on the pads seems even more aligned with the HH version, which is a shame, because I prefer the simplified 40k one.

I like the new Lemartes and Astorath but I am seriously underwhelmed by the upgrades. The heads and shoulder pads are nice but exactly as expected. The DC Dread is a big disappointment though. I was expecting a new front plate with skulls and saltires but it is just the regular Brutalis with a small skull and crossbones added.




Overall I am pretty disappointed on the levels of bling being displayed here. :down: I didn't necessarily want the new DC as busy as the old Firstborn kit but most of them seem to be just black Intercessors with free-handed saltires. Starting to reconsider buying this. I want the Codex and the data cards but I am really not excited about the actual models. I still have some ETB AIs from Indomitus knocking around that I might as well paint black and decorate with a few bits from the Firstborn DC kit.

I find myself wondering how hard it'd be to be de-blood Lemartes. I just want a jump chaplain...


EDIT: Oh, and I will end up with some eviscerators. One way or another.

Edited by Marshal Reinhard

It’s fun seeing the different reactions on the upgrades. To me it’s perfect because death company should just be black armoured blood angels. They don’t get extra gubbins when they go mad, they paint their armour black and paint crosses on as a sign of sorrow for the lost.


to me the upgrade sprue looks good because it will be useful for the rest of my army, not just death company. 

I can see:

- plenty of shoulder pads

- lots of little pendants and things - more than the DA kit I think, which is good imo.

- helmets with blood drops 

- some absolutely wonderful bare heads, the more feral of which seem a good choice for death company

- there’s a different looking chainsword on one 

- eviscerator 

- backpack thingies

- vehicle bling


i suspect there will be bits useful to other units as well on there.


lemartes has really nice armour I think, and a slightly different style jump pack.


the pose works much better than I expected and I like the angry look of the helm, though u do wonder at the practicality, I suppose it’s always in screaming pose.


astorath honestly looks like a faithful update with much crisper details and a subtle but still big improvement on the pose.


makes me really hopeful for the sanguinor, captain and sanguinary guard honestly. They’ve done a great job on the blood angel updates so far IMO

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