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Hello folks,


It's been a while. Haven't had much time or drive to do anything 40k-related in the past couple of years but I made a few purchases here and there, and the Pile of Grey grows larger. To try and combat that, I've set myself the task to paint every couple of days and to paint the stuff that I feel like painting. In the past, I've always pushed myself to paint models for a specific project with a relatively strict deadline and it never really worked out. I'm hoping this new, more fluid/flexible approach will work better.


Anyway, to start us off, I've been painting some Tyranids recently. I got the Leviathan box last year and slowly built up a 1000-point army list for an escalation league in the late summer that petered out after a few weeks. Now, in 2024, a friend of mine is getting into 40k with a fledgling Deathwatch army and I've felt motivated to put some paint onto my Tyranids with the hope that we'll be able to organise a game for some point next month.


Here's the result of the first few painting sessions:


- 10 Termagants




- a Winged Tyranid Prime




I'm currently working on the Screamer-Killer from the Leviathan box. I've also got plans to work on some Adeptus Titanicus scale models, some Necromunda gangers, and some Space Marines for both 30k and 40k.


Thanks for reading this far; take care!

Edited by Dosjetka
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again folks,


I've put down the basecoats on the Screamer-Killer but nothing really post-worthy so she'll likely feature in the next update. This week, I have something in power armour to share with you:




This fantastic, characterful conversion, based on the Maloghurst model Forge World released a couple of years back, was gifted to me by @Dagoth Ur for my birthday about a year-and-a-half ago. This fella has been waiting for his time and, as Hobby Butterfly Syndrome struck once again, today is his day.


The picture isn't great but I'm very happy with the final result of the model: he was a real joy to paint. It's the first time I use Speedpaints on a power armoured model and, despite some initial reservations, it turned out quite nicely. So much so that I'm tempted to paint up a few more loyalist Sons of Horus instead of focusing on my 30k Salamanders...


Anyway, I hope you'll like what you see and thank you for having a look! :)


On 4/14/2024 at 4:48 PM, Mazer Rackham said:

Inverted (kinda) Leviathan scheme is good on the little gribblies, but boy, it looks great on that gribblesaurus! :thumbsup:

Much appreciated, MR! Nice to see you're still around; it's been a while!


On 4/14/2024 at 9:41 PM, Trysanna said:

Some good looking bugs you got there Dos! I especially like the richness of the Primes carapace, it looks great. Can't wait to see this little horde grow.

Appreciate the kind words, Trys! Slowly but surely, the horde will grow...


...unless I get distracted by Space Marines again!

Edited by Dosjetka
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello folks,


Time for some actual WIP pictures!


I haven't made any further progress on my Tyranids so I'm hoping that posting a couple of pictures here of their current state might spur me onwards to giving them some attention.


The Screamer-Killer has the basecoats on her, bar the base, so now she need her highlights and other detail work done.




The next unit I'll need to paint is these five Bargaunts, on which you can see the grey spray basecoat and the subsequent white drybrush.




Rather than focus on the Tyranids seen above, last week I ended up painting a test model for my Horus Heresy-era Salamanders.




Very happy with the end result for a line Marine, especially considering the relatively low time it took to get the model to this stage. Characters and elite units will naturally see more embellishment and I'll have to figure out markings and such for all the models.


Anyway, thanks for your reactions and comments, and thank you for having a look. I'll be back in another couple of weeks with some updates. :)

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