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That's right, the Call to Arms is returning for 2024 !!




WHEN: 15th June to 15th September 2024

The Stronghold threads will be posted and locked for two weeks prior to the Event to allow everyone to familiarize themselves with the rules and points value for the Event.


WHERE: The Forge

The Strongholds will once again be located in the PCA Forum in the Forge. Rally Points will be located in each Forum for Faction and will contain Faction specific points values, and may act as hub for strategising and organising the Forums efforts with a Stronghold. 


WHAT: For those who didn't participate previously, each model is assigned a points value, based on it's size, complexity, and time it takes to paint (generally).

For example, a Primaris Intercessor is worth 1 point, but a similary sized Primaris Captain is worth 5points, this is beacuse typically the Captain will have more detail, and generally be painted to a higher standard, taking more time. 


Models MUST be pledged to their a Stronghold, designated by the Forum's location within the B&C's structure, Imperium, Chaos, Xenos, and this year, The Heresy will gain it's own Stronghold rather than contributing to the Imperium or Chaos Strongholds as previously. It will contain Rally Points for Legions Imperialis, Adeptus Titanicus, Loyalists, and Traitors with Mechcanicum and Solar Auxilia being available to both Loyalists and Traitors.

You may participate in as many of the Strongholds as you wish, having 4 Vows per Stronghold, 3 Vows that must be completed sequentially, with them counting as all or nothing, and one Jobs' A Bigg'un Vow, this is for models woth 10+ points that are outside of the 3 normal vows as they may take the entire event to complete. This means you will have a Total of 16 Vows available to you.

Any models that fall outside of the Strongholds, such as Necromunda, Blackstone Fortress etc, may be pledged to ANY Stronghold.


For the duration of the Event, the Strongholds are competing amonst the Rally Points to pledge and complete the most points worth of models, with Badges and bragging rights going to the Victors.

Once the Event has concluded, the Stronghold will be measured against one another, for fancier badges, and ultimate bragging rights. Last year there were also a small selection of physical prizes, at this stage, prizes ARE NOT locked in for this year, BUT there is potential this may change come June, no promises however.


Here ae the three Strongholds from the 2023 Event for you to peruse to get a better idea of how it all works.






If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask.



Edited by Grotsmasha
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Last year I hoarded the old Necron Combat patrol and 30 (at the time) cheap Necron Warriors, waiting for this event. I hope the other Strongholds are ready, I'll be bringing a silver tide this year.


In Nihilakh turquoise and gold, of course

  On 5/2/2024 at 5:00 PM, sitnam said:

Last year I hoarded the old Necron Combat patrol and 30 (at the time) cheap Necron Warriors, waiting for this event. I hope the other Strongholds are ready, I'll be bringing a silver tide this year.


In Nihilakh turquoise and gold, of course


I'm planning on doing the nid half of the Leviathan box, so yeah let's hope the others are ready.

The timing of This may actually Help Me :laugh: I have some T'AU Units to make for this years challenge to myself, By having a deadline and accountability!, This may actually speed me up into a faster gear than Glacial :blush:



  On 5/2/2024 at 8:43 PM, Rusted Boltgun said:

I'd love to take part again but I'm intending to submit for all of the challenges in the Iron Gauntlet - a Call to Arms on top is probably more than I can manage :sad:


I'm in the same boat- just finished the final section of the Order History.


There's a chance I might pledge a unit or two- it might give me an opportunity to actually assemble and paint my immolator- I know I won't be able to finish it in time for the Iron Gauntlet, so I have other plans for that challenge... But it would be nice to use both challenges to add painted units to the same Crusade roster. I've got until June 15 to decide whether its feasible or not.

Hmm. Don't have much left besides Necromunda stuff...guess that will have to do. Should have at least a 15+ Van Saar gangers to paint, a basic Esher squad, some leftover Enforcer Subjagators, and some Hired Guns...plus an Ash Wastes vehicle or two. I could get all of my Necro backlog pretty much painted here. That seems doable, even if I have no Imperial Knights to paint. Maybe I can scrounge something up between here and June.

Edited by Lord_Ikka

Excited for this but I have yet to decide what to paint. There's a few options, mainly terrain but I want to get more minis done I think. I don't think I'll be able to as much as last year but still I'm hoping to get through a good chunk of my grey plastic. I find these events are great motivators. 

Very happy to see this back for this year @Grotsmasha:smile: I've a few options for participation in this - just wondering if terrain will be allowed; I've some Sector Mechanicus pieces I want to get done by mid September, so if they're allowed I might submit them.


Either way, I'm looking forward to this! :thumbsup:

  On 5/3/2024 at 7:56 AM, firestorm40k said:

Very happy to see this back for this year @Grotsmasha:smile: I've a few options for participation in this - just wondering if terrain will be allowed; I've some Sector Mechanicus pieces I want to get done by mid September, so if they're allowed I might submit them.


Either way, I'm looking forward to this! :thumbsup:


Terrain is absolutely included, and can be vowed for any Stronghold

Well that sets a deadline on when I should stop painting Battletech minis. :biggrin: I'll pull something out of my pile of potential when the time comes. Last year's Call was instrumental in finishing my BSF set so maybe it's time to add the Ambull?

  On 5/3/2024 at 9:22 PM, The Pounder said:

I’m all over this!

I’m thinking of working on my T’au and 30k Dark Angels at the same time if possible?


Would definitely help to make a dent in the pile of shame. 


Absolutely, you may participate any any/all of the Strongholds simultaneously :thumbsup:

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