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I've been waiting for Mk. II armor for what feels like a decade at this point. Despite having a backlog of projects, I think the rumored box would be a day one buy for me. The crusade armor exemplifies Marine legionaries and the pre-heresy era to me perhaps more than any other mark, probably due to the segmented plates giving me a Roman lorica segmentata vibe. On top of that, the Saturnine terminator armor isn't something I expected to see in plastic, so that's very intriguing. Always nice to see Iron Warriors and Salamanders get some love as well.

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I think plastic mkII is inevitable. In my collection of unbuilt Heresy models I have:

1 resin spartan - now in plastic

1 resin triaros - coming in plastic

3 resin castellax - coming in plastic

10 resin mkII assault marines - QED!! :biggrin:

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One of the big 30k YouTube channels mentioned they knew of 30k playtesting ongoing atm in a video they put out earlier today. 


Wasn't much that they mentioned beyond sooner than most people think 

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1 hour ago, Astartes Consul said:

Just to be a downer for a moment, the new 40k Space Marines transfers that came with Leviathan had Raptors transfers on them, yet we have yet to see them get any other special love.


They've some attention in the current 4th Nid war, they got a great short story a few weeks back as well.

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5 hours ago, Mr Farson said:

One of the big 30k YouTube channels mentioned they knew of 30k playtesting ongoing atm in a video they put out earlier today. 


Wasn't much that they mentioned beyond sooner than most people think 

Which channel is this?

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New Dreadnought? You know, I was thinking the other day, if the theme of this box is "old marks", which, assuming Saturnine means the MK1 Terminator, would track. Could new dread be like... an older Castraferrum? The earliest we've seen is Mark IV. Maybe Furibundus? I would kill for a Heresy plastic Castraferrum though, especially since I'm sure the Venerable Dread will eventually get axed...

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I mean. 


  • another Praetor is excellent.
  • more plastic Terminators (Indomitus-scale) is excellent. Design on the Saturnine in the air.
  • another new Dreadnought is excellent (be it another Deredeo set, Boxnaught, etc)
  • a "big gun emplacement" is also great from a hobby perspective, although the rules for most in HH2E aren't great

That's an all around win in my book.

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1 hour ago, Chapter Master Valrak said:

Update heard my whisper from the Warp regarding this, made a video about for those interested (has some 40K stuff in there too)


  Reveal hidden contents




- Plastic MK2 Praetor

- Plastic MK2 Marine

- Plastic Saturnine Terminators

- New Dreadnought

- New big gun emplacement 


I'm not the target audience for your videos, but I do very much appreciate you also putting down a breakdown in text on the forums. 

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Oh man if there's a Furibundus I'll be so happy. That dread was one of my fav minis back in the day. Will be interesting to see what they come up with for Saturnine Terminators.


I do wish we'd get the Arquitor in plastic before we get another type of artillery (assuming that's what a big gun is).


Just watched the video - not a Furibundus :(

Edited by Burni
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MKIV Ironclad or Mortis (or dual kit) would fit the 'siege' aspect of the setting that we are currently in, assuming the next book is still Siege of Terra related. 


Has either the Ironclad or Mortis been relegated to legends under those names, or were they just under the castraferrum banner? Has any unit relegated to legends ever come out of retirement?

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2 hours ago, Burni said:

Oh man if there's a Furibundus I'll be so happy. That dread was one of my fav minis back in the day. Will be interesting to see what they come up with for Saturnine Terminators.


I do wish we'd get the Arquitor in plastic before we get another type of artillery (assuming that's what a big gun is).


Just watched the video - not a Furibundus :(

To be fair, both the Contemptor and Deredeo look absolutely nothing like the classic Rogue Trader Dreads, this new dreadnought could easily adopt the Furibundus name.

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2 hours ago, Joe said:

I mean. 


  • another Praetor is excellent.
  • more plastic Terminators (Indomitus-scale) is excellent. Design on the Saturnine in the air.
  • another new Dreadnought is excellent (be it another Deredeo set, Boxnaught, etc)
  • a "big gun emplacement" is also great from a hobby perspective, although the rules for most in HH2E aren't great

That's an all around win in my book.

Another Praetor to go with the Mk2s is nice. I look forward to seeing mk2 in plastic but this is almost certainly going to be another tactical frame which means still no plastic Despoilers/Recons/Breachers. 

More Terminators are a massive L. There are already two plastic terminator units which struggle to see play. A power weapons/thunder hammers/command bling frame for the existing terminators would have been infinitely more useful. As is these are likely to either see little play at all or render the existing units obsolete. 

The Dreadnought is rumored to be bigger than a leviathan. This will render the already bad Knights and Demons obsolete at best and may have further implications for Leviathans and Thanatars. It doesn't address any niche whatsoever since there are 4 Dreadnought available in plastic and they are already plenty tough and scary. 

A Big Gun emplacement sounds interesting in principle but why one would release this instead of plastic rapiers is beyond me. 

Meanwhile, still no plastic Bikes, Speeders, Flyers or good Sicarans. 

This release would be a big time stinker

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