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CSM 10th edition Unit of the week: Legionaries


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CSM 10th edition Legionaries


This is a topic about Chaos Space Marine Legionaries in the 10th edition.


  • Do you use them?
  • How are you using them?
  • Do you think they perform well
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  • Do you use any transports with them?
  • Do you attach any characters?
  • Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial?
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These are our bread and butter boys, I never leave home without them, usually two full units in every game, many times I bring more. They have never let me down. I usually keep them kind of clean with maybe a reaper chaincannon, and a heavy melee weapon or two, just for the extra punch in close combat. Of course I always bring an icon, which my champion is carrying. These days I usually attach a Chaos lord, and often a Rhino.


I can't say if how well they perform in other detachments than Veterans of the Long War, Soulforged Warpack, and Pact-bound Zealots, but in all those detachments they have been useful. In the Soulforge Warpack my opponent got kind of surprised when the Rhino rushed straight through a building taking an objective an unloading a full brick of Legionaries. I usually don't use stratagems on them if I have not used a Battletactic stratagem earlier on a heavy hitter unit, so it does not matter for me if they are in a detachement that don't have any stratgems they can use, except the standard one.


Plus they look awesome.


Cpl. Danjou

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Not had a game yet with the codex but im planning fellhammer-

2 5 man squads. With all the extras. Either double heavy melee weapon or accursed and heavy. Balefire tome lascannon. Icon.  All in a rhino... possibly thinking a lord in one squad as well as cypher.... oh and swap all remaining bolters for chainswords


yeah its a lot of points but im thinking. 2 models can shoot out. Both las can shoot out. But thats just an added extra. The tomes can likely do more damage than bolters normally wound. But really these guys are for combat. They arnt stopping to shoot they just do to distract. 

Anyway if rhino gets the chance it can move full shoot las. . Squads all disembark and you have more options than a 10 man. You have more melee than a 10 man. And better shooting as you can double up technically and 2 tomes... you dont get the same benifit with strats. But the extra weapons and 2 squads over 1 for options  seems feasable. 

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Legionaries are great.  They are the base of any list. I use 25-35 in each list. Usually one 10 man of shooting and assault focused, with 5 man squads added to taste.

Shooting squads usually have heavy bolter/ chain cannon with the champion having an accursed weapon. I'll be adding autocannons and missile launchers someday. These guys are mainly used to take hold back objectives or move up into no mans land after other units soften up or take an objective.

Assault squads take all the plasma pistols and heavy weapons they can, they are great for assaulting objectives with their reroll wounds ability.

I've tried attaching a sorcerer to the 10 man shooting squads and want to use him more with them. The -1 to hit is pretty nice.

The large assault squad almost always has a MOE or Lord with them to increase their punch.

I almost always have 2 rhinos for these guys, one for the large assault squad, a second is for who needs it depending on the mission.



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