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CSM 10th edition Unit of the week: Chosen

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CSM 10th edition Chosen


This is a topic about Chaos Space Marine Chosen in the 10th edition.


  • Do you use them?
  • How are you using them?
  • Do you think they perform well
  • How do you equip them?
  • Do you use any transports with them?
  • Do you attach any characters?
  • Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial?


Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below.


Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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For a long while I've been fielding chosen in units of ten, but have had to cut down to 5 due to points changes. I typically run them in a rhino with no characters (although personally one I've wanted to try for a while is Fabius Bile - the characteristic enhancements he could put on them would be mental).


Their wargear makes them a nearly perfect anti-elite unit, as S5 AP-2 accursed blades and anti-infantry 3+ combi-weapons will spell the end for anything up to perhaps gravis and centurions (though the combi-weapons will give a good go of it).

Their rule allowing them to "combat roll" out of CQC, shoot, then charge is a great tool for a forward shock troop. You get a massive amount of flexibility as you can leave combat for a more favourable target with impunity.


The only real downside is the lack of in invuln save means they can be gunned down quite quickly by an opponent who has dealt with their BS before. Therefore using transports and LoS-blocking terrain is a must.



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I should give smaller squads of Chosen a try. 


My squad of 10, 1st Claw, is consistently my best melee unit. I usually advance them on foot since my meta uses lots of terrain. I've found they don't really need a support character as much as my Legionaries do.


This weekend I'll be taking my Chosen to a tournament and I'll be using the Reavers Detachment. AP -3 when fighting on objectives sounds fun on paper.


In my experience, I haven't noticed the lack of an invulnerable save to really hurt them. This edition favors shooting so much that whatever the enemy shoots at usually dies regardless of having an invul. Termites, Possessed, etc die as fast as my Chosen to dedicated enemy firepower.:)

Edited by Tallarn Commander
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I've never used Chosen. I started building a squad pre 10th with combi-plasmas, but found the new combi-weapon rules to be so bad I never got back to them.

Do people mainly use them for assault? They seem far more deadly that way than shooting.

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8 hours ago, Gree said:

Chosen can shoot after advancing, can they not?


They can, but their shooting is just a little bonus as they don't have any options for great special weapon upgrades. Sure the Devastating wounds on the combi-weapon sounds juicy, but with only 4 of them in a full unit, they are not that great as they only are rapid fire 1. I take all the plasma pistols as they can shoot in close combat. Having them stuck in close combat is my main priority.


Cpt. Danjou

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I've gotten to use them once and I wish they could either take more combis or more dual accursed weapons. I do prefer legionnaires but if I have extra points I will bring them along. I also remember when they used to be able to take a heavy ranged weapon or two and wish they could again.

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Followup: over the course of 6 games at a tournament this weekend I can confirm that Chosen in a Renegade Raiders Detachment do

really well against enemies on objectives. And still perform well against enemies who are not on objectives.


This was the first time in months that I put my Chosen in a Rhino and I'm glad I did.


The new GW tournament terrain layouts are very dense and it's fairly easy to initially keep Chosen on foot out of sight. However, my Chosen did like taking a Rhino for added protection and mobility once they start moving up the board.

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