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Blood Angels In the company of death. The battle of Augustus 47

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Ramiel sighed as the still smouldering body of their last remaining astropath was dragged from the command centre.

"Well, that settles it, we are truly alone."

"Two dozen sub orbital craft, a handful of planet skippers." One of the auxilia officers read off a data slate. "We could make it to a handful of the other worlds or moons in the system."

Ramiel snorted.

"If any other world had the capability to carry life, we would already be there.

A murmur ran through the command post, Astartes officers and the mortals of the 411th Sanguine lifeguard both showing their unease.




A figure in black stepped into the corpselight of the tactical display.

Chaplain Selephiel his armour painted the sable black with crimson crosses, the ancient Baalite symbol of those who have resigned themselves to death in service. Around him, his followers too wore the black, his great executioners axe glinted in the darkness.

"Our hand is forced then, no more thoughts of withdrawal or survival. Only death, ours and theirs."

"I see you have already dressed for the occasion." Asbeel the moritat chuckled.

"Your levity is unwanted." The chaplain banged the pommle of his axe, the cave floor.

"I am not dying on this dustball!" Growled the crimson clad moritat.

Two black clad veterans stepped between the moritat and the chaplain, their lightening claws crackled a sickly green.

The moritat turned to face them slowly.

Ramiels metallic hand pressed against the moritat's breastplate.

"Leave them holstered, we have too few brothers remaining to waste on petty infighting." He glared back at the chaplain. "The Night Lords have taken more than enough of our brothers. It is time we repaid the debt."

The chaplain turned and left his retinue in tow.

"You know the men are starting to see things his way." Asbeel warned, the Praetor nodded.

"Deploy the lifeguard, we need to secure a water source as soon as possible." The praetor ordered. "And....find me some of that damned black paint."








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