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WAR's Exorcists Chapter


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So I am long time Dorn Fan with 3rd edition Black Templars, 4-7th Edition Crimson Fists and now I am returning to Sons of Dorn with Exorcists. 7th edtion to current I have been playing Raptors and last few editions GW kept kicking my army down the curb. All Scout army, Nope can't do it, All Phobos, Nope can't do it. So I was boycotting Space Marines. So as I return to Marines, Exorcists was my go to. While in my Head Cannon Exorcists are not Sons of Dorn but GW say they are so ok.  


So the Army will be Terminator Heavy with scouts, some other units, and lots of Librarians


so here's my test model WIP





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More reinforcement added to Exorcists 





Libby and the other 4 terminators from Leviathan. 3d Printed craters to go on bases. 





  • Terminators 



  • Assault Terminators (I have another 10 Leviathan Terminators) 



  • Scouts (For Kill Team and once I get an extra model for regular game)



  • Board Action (found this for a good deal)



  • With the Gravis Captain being my Warlord I need a good weapon for his Relic Blade....



So far this 1165 points. 


I want to add another heavy intercessor squad, a squad of Eradicators, Reviers, infilitrators, more scouts, and loads more characters but we shall see as the build continues. 

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Ahhh looks like you will have a good looking army there, that red is gorgeous. I really enjoyed their write up in Badab and one of those 'mysterious' but very interesting chapters! 

That will make a very cool relic weapon. Will you convert up a Silas Alberec at all? The 3rd company Captain who led them in the Badab campaign?


Can't wait to see more.

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Ahhh looks like you will have a good looking army there, that red is gorgeous. I really enjoyed their write up in Badab and one of those 'mysterious' but very interesting chapters! 

That will make a very cool relic weapon. Will you convert up a Silas Alberec at all? The 3rd company Captain who led them in the Badab campaign?


Can't wait to see more.


No plans to do Silas Alberec (currently). Army build plans are for a bulk of the Army to be 5th Company, some 1st company, 10th company, and 12th company. 

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So I hit up the LGS Friday to get some paint but ended pickup Reiver LT, Reivers, and Kill Team Phobos marines too.








and Assault Terminators arrived 




and based the other models I had built 






Plus the Ballistus Dreadnought 



army shot.




Now to see what arrives today....

Edited by WAR
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