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Which geneseed does your DIY use?

Aurelius Rex

Which geneseed does your DIY use?  

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Wow! :rolleyes:


RT said that more eloquently than I could have. ^_^


But what the hell... When I decided on my Scions of Dorn - a good few years ago - the IA articles were ripe with how Dorn got smacked upside the head by Night Haunter, was arrogant and a sucker for taking on the Iron Warriors etc, etc. He seemed to be the whipping boy for all the GW writers, and it felt like he was hated by a lot of the frater.


RT is right that the Crimson Fists being my longtime fave GW chapter was the base inspiration for my chapter, but I also really like to back the underdog, and that just made it all the sweeter. :wacko:

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Based on this should Space Wolf be on this poll? Even though it's too late


of course i should be on this poll, i am THE man!!!! (check the sig, gents)

OMG :rolleyes: , Is this uh, Lord Albrecht or something like that (from the Rage CCG) as your Avatar? That was one of my favorite CCGs ever (along with Shadowrun)...

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But the thing is that the pendulum's swung the other way now and it seems that amongst the 40k community, Ultramarines are derided, lambasted and generally just disliked.

That's been the case since 2nd ed, in my experience at least, and GW is in no small way to blame for it. The Ultramarines are the very definition of ubiquitous - they featured on the cover of every boxset and a significant proportion of manuals and painting guides in 2nd ed and do in 4th as well. For that reason, they are usually the Marine army of choice for newcomers to the hobby (admittedly, except in 3rd ed, when BTs took their place).


Combine the fact that everyone knows at least one person who has (or has had) an UM army, the omnipresence in the packagaing and marketing and the (perhaps slightly unfair) 'goody two shoes' rep they've developed and you ain't getting a recipe for winning friends and influencing people.


The Ultras are always going to get a crappy deal as long GW pushes them as hard as they do.

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I'm a huge White Scar fan myself. Not the colour scheme but because they seem so humane. Well, as huma as a Space Marine can get. Not crazy pyschopaths or noble hombres but normal-ish people who get angry.


Oh, and the Great Khan reminds me so much of my military idolOrde Wingate :rolleyes: ........

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Dorn got smacked upside the head by Night Haunter


;) Thats why I love kurze. He was mental


I've always been of the opinion that the Ultramarins had more character than the Imperial fits. Recently i've found a bit more character but at first they seemed like ultramarine wannabees. You have the sneaky chapter[RG], hairy chapter[sW], bloody chapter[bA], secretive chapter[DA] etc. The Imperial fists didn't have a character and indeed Dorn is portayed as being some underling who just happened to miss the Epic battle and rescue the Emperor stealing the light form Sanguinius. He also had the habit of saying the wrong things to the wrong person, almost trying to boost his image as 'head boy' (I.e. Pertrubo and Konrad)


Obviously this is false and due to some recent discussions I have been able to find out more about the Imperial fists motivations etc and about Dorn's massive greiving process. I think he's a more interesting character after the Heresy than before to be honest. Its here that we see the real Dorn appear and see his life shattering before him.


As for the Ultra's well they held the Imperium together and without them the place would have been in ruin.


But im mumbling off topic now :P

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Interesting, Ultramarines ARE on top so far... strange, but good!


The problem with this poll (as someone mentioned) is that it discounts the idea that anyone but the original legions can found new chapters. Although you could in theory trace all geneseed back to the Nine (or Seven, as it should be for DIYs), doing so would be difficult. Anyone know where the White Consuls or White Panthers or Mantis Legion geneseed comes from, for example.

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Anyone know where the White Consuls or White Panthers or Mantis Legion geneseed comes from, for example.

White Consuls are second founding UM successors, as listed in the Apocrypha of Skaros (or the Space Marine Codex, if you want an easier-to-find source) :)

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I think the white consuls are UM successors.


The idea of the poll was to work out who the geneseed can ultimately be traced back to, be it Guilliman, Dorn or whoever.


On the subject that chapters can be derived from the geneseed, and are trained in their early stages by a successor chapter, then check out the 'Ultimate Chapter Creation' stickypost for a reasonable take on this.


Personally my chapter is a successor of the Crimson Fists, although they ultimately use the Dorn geneseed... :)

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I use Dorn's geneseed for the Knights of Kudra. Why? because I wanted a stable geneseed and was drawn to the whole noble/honourable thing his chapters seem to have (as opposed to the humane Salamanders and cookie-cutter Ultramarines)


Plus when I started the army (back during armageddon 3- and i still don't have 1000pts fully painted) it seemed that every marine and his dog had either space wolves or ultramarines (strangely enough the ultramarines were favourites of the dogs while space wolves were preferred by cats in my area). I didn't want to have explain a guilliman-based chapter as "ultramarines but not" every game. Actually, in one phase of their development they did use UM geneseed and I had to do just that.

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I find it surprising that so I am the only one who used BA, I had figured at least one other person had as well. I used BA because I like the theme around them, I made a succesor because I don't like playing first or second founding chapters. I want a bit more creative freedom.
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Can i play what if ;)


What or how about a ultra successor with blood angels traits the whole berserk fury blood lust or a white scar successor with a sallies humane feel a Imp fist chapter with a terrible secret ala the dark angel's do they work or are DIY stuck in the mold G.W's made.. of there gene father

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It depends, in short. Some of those traits are environmental rather than bound up in the geneseed. The Salamanders and the DA ones are both historical in nature rather than genetic. So in some cases, no things wouldn't be passed on by geneseed, but some would. Check out the Geneseed Discussion thread here for more information on what gets passed on and what doesn't.
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My Chapter, the Lords of Twilight are from an unknown Founding with unknown geneseed, and thus look up to and revere all the (loyal) Primarchs equally.


Of course, this could simply hide a terrible, dark secret about their true origins...or not, as the case may be :jaw:

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Dorn's gene-seed, as far as I'm concerned. Arrogance and pride were his downfall, and arrogance and pride were the downfall of my chapter. It was only fitting, in a Greek tragedy style. Besides, the Ultramarines don't have the "righteous" aura the Fists have.


And yup, right now, the poll is pretty much in tune with established fluff. Traitor marines really ought to have been left out, though.

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I will admit to having "unknown" geneseed for my chapter.


I wanted them to be:

1. A whole chapter created at the order of the Lords of Terra (not a split because another chapter grew too large).

2. Not have traits dependant on a "father chapter's" traits.

3. Be loyal to only the emperor (not to some primarch).

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Salamanders geneseed here. Basically because I played Salamanders in 3rd edition, and didn't like the change in 4th, so when I made a DIY to fit me I stuck with Vulcan as my Primarch.
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you know, during 2nd ed, I would totally agree with the claims that UM are "cookie cutter," "goody two-shoes," and "uncharacterful" (<--if thats a word :devil: )...but now i have to disagree. The Ultramarines are very much Roman in their styling. The simple fact that the Romans have influenced to this day much, if not most of western culture, merely makes them seem "drab" or "boring" because they are the smallest departure from what we would call our everyday culture. Personally I think the modelers at GW dont do enough with the UM. They are very clearly roman based, so they should make their models look roman based...the new vet squad and the honor guard, are an improvement tho....
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I've made four different DIY's and all with different gene-seeds just to mix things up and to break up the monotany.


Praetorian Fists: Obvious IF successor chapter because I was one of the guys who thought Dorn got a bum rap by GW. Always liked the idea of the pain glove and the fact that Dorn may have been seen as an ass, but because he always told the truth no matter the circumstance. The guy admitted he was a soldier and not a polititian, sort of like being the Patton to Guilliman's Eisenhower or Macarthur.


Warp Krakens: Used White Scars gene-seed for these guys mostly because at the time it wasn't big in DIY's being used. Also I used it sort of a nature or environment experiment. They started of in their history as a codex chapter with none of the traits of the WS's and seemed more like UM successors, but as their environment changed their genetic heritage took over and they became more and more like the WS's.


Shadows of Sokar: These guys were UM gene-seed just because the chapter their gene-seed was taken from was UM. Simple as that. Of course they became more like Space Wolves or BT's as their history unfolded.


My latest idea for a DIY is using Salamanders geneseed, but still workimg out the details.


Oh, and one of the earliest ideas for a DIY I ever had were the Storm Spiders, a Raven Guard successor chapter. They were like the Praetorian Fists in that they were pretty much just RG's with a paint change and a different history though.


Whenever I think of DIY ideas now though, gene-seed is one of the last things I think of for a chapter. Like a lot of the guys have stated in this forum time and again, gene-seed can give a chapter a little bit of character, but to set it apart and not seem like a knock-off of the old chapter, the gene-seed plays a very small part in the chapter overall.

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