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Continuing my Ravenwing from last month, I vow to paint Ravenwing Support Squadron, consisting of one Land Speeder Typhoon and one Land Speeder with assault cannon, for a total of 175 points.





Vow finished:



Welcome back march10K and cielaq! Always good to see the veterans of September return to walk the Path! ...... and as the participation increases Captain Semper completes and keeps the numerator ticking along with the denominator!! Now, Denominator might be a nice name for a Dark Angel Armoured vehicle!!! :cuss




A call ro arms for Veterans of the September gone..... 82 Battle brother swore oaths of moment to the Lord of the First Legion of whom 53 kept their promises! Of these 53 fully 43 have returned to keep their faith with our primarch and our legion. Blessed be their souls!

I call to the 10 battle brothes, Veterans and Oathkeepers of September to heed this call and return once more thePath chosen by our Lord and the Emperor!

Never Give Up!!!!

Will the TEN step forward?

Will they keep their faith?

Will they continue to walk the Path of Redemption?

The Honoured Oath Makers

OCT: Total participants = 54 Oathkeepers = 07 (13.0%) Oathbreakers = 0 (0%)
Continuing on the Path to Redemption = 43 Returning to the Path to Redemption = 03 Newly arrived on the Path to Redemption = 08
Up to date as of 0100 GMT 14th of October 2012.

For the Lion and the Legion! Will you walk the Path?

  furioso-prime said:
YEAH, YEAH, I'M WORKING ON IT! yeah, it's been slow going, but I am chugging away. rest assured, I will not fail our Primarch.


You misunderstand Fusioso-Prime, the Call to Arms is for the MISSING TEN! :lol: Those who completed their vows in September but seem to have disappeared for October...no doubt chasing down some lead on the fallen.... but.... :cuss



Being deployed overseas... I can\'t finish my path to redemption until I get back. Here is my unfinished projects Dark Angels/Master of Ravenwing/RW. The Dark Angel & RW I was looking for was the medieval- pre heresy type.


As for the Master of the Ravenwing. He is shooting a Ork nob in the face with a plasma cannon, smacking down a other ork who accidentally shot his battle buddy with his rocket on the other side. While a another ork is going rambo on him completely missing him. I wanted to show the Orks viewer the childish character Orks display. I figured if it\'s the ONLY jet bike in the whole imperium. I add skull servitors to constantly monitor it flying with the jetbike. The flaming skull is so to represent one of the fallen heads. I wish I waited because now GW came out with the Plastic MoRW; I\'m so pissed off now messing with the metal one.



Dark Angel




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Master of Ravenwing




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I'll have to echo Furioso-Prime: Yeah yeah, I heard ya. :P

Seriously though, I vow to complete the paint work on my combat squad of bolter marines (not the bases):


Edit: And they are done!

Roughly, they need the following for me to consider them done paint-wise:

-All mold lines rescraped, repainted. -Check! Well, almost all mold lines, I think a couple were fiddly or didn't make themselves known until late.

-The guy missing his pauldron needs retraining on how to wear his armor and the squad's artificer serf needs shooting. Someone make a note to have a Librarian and Chaplain find a more competent, less "trying to get their master killed" serf for me. -Check! He was joined by a couple other Marines that had some armor issues, but they have all gotten themselves back together.

-Someone isn't even wearing their Chapter colors. This is unacceptable. -Check! All Marines now have their Chapter markings

-All units need greaves and helms repainted to proper black. -Check! All repainted

-Highlights. -Check! Armor has edge highlights.

-Squad markings. -Check! Tactical squad markings all applied.

-Company markings. -Check! All knee-pads or greaves have this applied.

-Campaign marking. -Check! All five members have the Quelling of Hybreon IV task force marking applied.

-Devotional text and any honor markings earned (knowing this bunch, that seems a little unlikely). -Check! Couple earned unique marks, several have devotional or Legion-honoring text applied to their armor.

Here we go!


5 man PA DA squads with no upgrades are going for 90 points a pop.

So, they are finally complete for the month! Some better images and close up/detail shots will be forth-coming on my Stoneburners thread tomorrow.

  Grim_Reaper46 said:
Being deployed overseas... I can\'t finish my path to redemption until I get back. Here is my unfinished projects Dark Angels/Master of Ravenwing/RW. The Dark Angel & RW I was looking for was the medieval- pre heresy type.


As for the Master of the Ravenwing. He is shooting a Ork nob in the face with a plasma cannon, smacking down a other ork who accidentally shot his battle buddy with his rocket on the other side. While a another ork is going rambo on him completely missing him. I wanted to show the Orks viewer the childish character Orks display. I figured if it\'s the ONLY jet bike in the whole imperium. I add skull servitors to constantly monitor it flying with the jetbike. The flaming skull is so to represent one of the fallen heads. I wish I waited because now GW came out with the Plastic MoRW; I\'m so pissed off now messing with the metal one.


Love the charging Dark Angels pose... the equipment and armour look more related to a Heresy Era warrior... but very dynamic nevertheless. The master of ravenwing is an excellent idea. i am not in favour of modelling gunflashes and plasma bolts on models as they look too static...but the plasma cannon taking off the orks head is absolutely great! I think the flash from the camera detracts from your paint work.



  Grim_Reaper46 said:
Hopefully here is my "Path to Redemption" making a Dark Angel mod for the Space Marine video game


if you did the DA mods then well done indeed. They do look very realisctic..... but that won't qualify for the Path to Redemption event. We'll wait until you are redeployed and get your brushes back in hand!! ;)



  Bryan Blaire said:
I'll have to echo Furioso-Prime: Yeah yeah, I heard ya. :)


Seriously though, I vow to complete the paint work on my combat squad of bolter marines (not the bases):


Roughly, they need the following for me to consider them done paint-wise:

-All mold lines rescraped, repainted.

-The guy missing his pauldron needs retraining on how to wear his armor and the squad's artificer serf needs shooting. Someone make a note to have a Librarian and Chaplain find a more competent, less "trying to get their master killed" serf for me.

-Someone isn't even wearing their Chapter colors. This is unacceptable.

-All units need greaves and helms repainted to proper black.


-Squad markings.

-Company markings.

-Campaign marking.

-Devotional text and any honor markings earned (knowing this bunch, that seems a little unlikely).


5 man PA DA squads with no upgrades are going for 90 points a pop.


Excellent...someone heard me shouting!!! :devil: Bryan, in your own inimicable style, instead of simply stating that you would complete a combat squad...you had to give us the exact detail of all the exquisite modelling you plan to do...attention to detail is something...but what you achieve with your models is entirely another thing!!! B) Nice to have you back!!



... and then there were NINE!.... :D


The Honoured Oath Makers

OCT: Total participants = 55 Oathkeepers = 07 (13.0%) Oathbreakers = 0 (0%)

Continuing on the Path to Redemption = 44 Returning to the Path to Redemption = 03 Newly arrived on the Path to Redemption = 08

Up to date as of 1830 GMT 14th of October 2012.


For the Lion and the Legion! Will you walk the Path?


  Reyner said:
I'm still trying to figure out what to Vow for October... I have all the DV stuff and some other assorted Angels but not sure what to paint!


Choices...choices.... :) Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue....:blink: .. er....green..... :devil:



As said before, I'm still in for the PotR :



First, the finished minis of my september vow :



And the WIP minis of september vow (still to paint the optics and finish 2 bases) :



And here is Asmodaï, still WIP (october vow) :



As I have 2 weeks to finish those minis, I hope to complete both my september and october vow ! ^^

  Avon Rekaes said:
Small note. THe Current year is 12.M3 (the year 0001 happened in M1.)

Meh...don't blame the plagiarist, I just copied and edited another brother's mistake :P

Oh...um, oath complete...stand by for another oath, since my last test is tomorrow, and then I'm relatively free for the rest of the month.

Tancrede, your winged sword on asmodai's shoulder is...exquisite! If only I had seen that before I started freehanding the chapter badge... 30+ shoulders down the road, I'm not likely to change my technique (although...why not, I already have three sorts...thirty-ish with the master of ravenwing shoulder pad, ten or twenty with the DA shoulder pad, and nearly fourty with my own inferior freehand chapter badge...)

All right...additional oath of moment for October:

I, march10k of the 5th company, Dark Angels Chapter, First Legion, do vow to complete the refurbishment of the fourth squad of the same company not later than the end of the current calendar month, as follows: Seven brothers are merely in need of rebasing (actually, two need their shoulder pads highlighted to match the rest of the squad) to match the new scheme prescribed for the army. One brother needs both a new base and new armament in the form of a plasma gun. One brother needs a base and new armament in the form of a multi-melta. The brother veteran sergeant is in need of no attention. The estimated points cost of the squad is 215 points, as the aforementioned sergeant bears a power fist.




(hobbyist's notes: the bases are the ones taken from the marines in my previous oath... and the 4th squad will eventually have a melta and a multimelta, the plasma gunner, once finished, will be swopped with a squad that currently has a melta and a plasma cannon. And if GW deigns to grace us with sergeants who have access to combi-bolters, the sergeant of the 4th will get a combi-melta and the squad a drop pod...the combi-melta will fill in for the melta on arrival, since that turn, they only get a snap shot from the big gun)


Second October oath complete! ten tacticals with plasma gun, multimelta, meltabombs, and powerfist comes to 220 points.

Thanks for coments, brothers.


@Avon Rekaes :

how did you get that gradiant effect on the power sword? I've been trying to do my power swords like that forever and I just can't do it.


Please, from one battle brother to another... teach me!

I don't have an unpainted model atm, so I can't make a tuto, but here is the recipe :

- base of all the blade in ice blue

- highlights with a very thinned mix of ice blue + white (up to a 25/75 mix)

- on the opposite, shadows are done with glazes of enchanted blue, to a last glaze of regal blue

- last, extreme edge highlighting with pure white.



As soon as possible, I'll try to make a tuto for those blades, as I'm happier with them than with my "traditionnal" method.

I tried, but I can't find my original post!! She's lost in 18 pages of greatness, so I'm being naughty and making a new one here...


My October vow is for a 210 point Tactical Squad; 10 man, power weapon, plasma gun, plasma cannon. Should be finished this weekend...



+ Ok, October Vow Complete!!! +

  skink said:
I tried, but I can't find my original post!! She's lost in 18 pages of greatness, so I'm being naughty and making a new one here...



....wait....my October vows were supposed to be appended to my September vow post??? Geez, that'd be a really long post, come February....


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