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WIP thread - 711th CCAB (Chocochip Rats)


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Heavy Weapons Teams are now complete. They are based on my home made mdf bases and the lasgunner can be removed as a wound and this has the added bonus that if I decide not to use the HWTs then by simply adding another 4 guardsmen I have another infantry squad ;)




I will try to get an army shot to update the 711th fluff thread tomorrow.


Next week I will be tidying up the painting corner of a few small projects I have put off for too long then I will start ETL prep beginning with the Blade ;)

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Thanks :)


The Glorious 711th will be parading at GW Hannover tomorrow as part of a massed, multi-player battle.


I don't really have any expectations of surviving for long as these sort of things tend to end up being titan heavy but it is about time they got some fresh air.


Pictures should be up this weekend ;) 

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Well, it is over...


6000 points a side: IG, Eldar and Tau vs Nids, Orks and Crons

Only a fun match and everyone had a good time but the forces of evil trampled the good guys into the ground by turn 4 although the Stormsword removed pizza plate sized groups of enemy until the combined firepower of the evil side finally removed the last hullpoint causing an explosion which removed even more enemy from the table.


Lesson learned: I need to learn my rules :( There where loads of things I forgot, mainly the priests traits and some pysker stuff.

The blob squad held the mega armoured Nobs and warboss in combat for 4 turns and a squad of Gaunts for 2 turns.


On with the photos. I will try to put them in some sort of order but there was so much happening it could all go wrong :P











Brave Ork Trukk











The blob squad holds the line







Lone Devil Dog faces down 3 Ork buggies, destroys one but its fiery heart is soon extinguished



It looks like the time has come for the 3 remaining veterans  - sell your lives dearly... For the Emperor



The Stormsword's defiance ends surrounded by enemies but it is determined to take some of them with it.


The Company Command Squad - valiant to the end.

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+++ Work in the Forge progresses +++


A previously unseen variant of the Hydra...


I am using the Puppetswar turret and Autocannon combination but I have lengthened the barrels using nails and raised the base of the turret to allow for clearance when the AC are elevated. It still needs some work tidying up and I plan to modify a Chimera to move the turret mount further to the rear. But that is all in the future...











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Glad to hear of your valiant efforts, the failure must have been down to a double crossing from the foul Xenos Eldar that fought with you.


The rules will come with practice, the priest and psyker phase will come and hopefully improve your odds in future games.


Glad you had fun though.



As for the Hydra, looks good so far and I look forward to a more mid/rear mounting for it.

Maybe it needs more "imperialising" if you understand.

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Comrades, cast your eyes over those pictures to see why fully painted armies are the work of the Emperor! Wonderful to see! :D Not bad for a first outing, Apoc is a tricky beast that you can only learn the hard way. Learning the rules is important but again is best done by playing the game regularly :)


I'm sure you have some ideas of what you need to add to the CCAB too ;)

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Work has been delayed on the prep-work on the Blade for the ETL due to a hectic work week leading to lack of interest when I eventually got home :(


Work WILL be starting next week... this is a promise from the Commissariat! Damn you real life...


I will also try to prep a couple of russes just for something extra to do. :P

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Wouldn't worry too much, you don't want to suffer hobby burn out!


Not done anything myself since the painting comps due to life needs, such as interviews and family etc. Been feeling the burn too so took a step back so I will feel revitalised for the ETL.

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Thanks fellow Guardsmen


Work has started on the Blade for the ETL, the turret is ready for primer with the main weapons magnetised, drilled out the 3 recesses in the heavy stubber bracket and will magnetise it tomorrow. The inner hull is assembled and I have started on the outer track guards but will have to magnetise them tomorrow.


As a side project I am converting a Wyvern chassis into a Jagdpanzer IV for my son using stuff from my bits box in exchange I am getting the Wyvern bits for another project I have planned. Hopefully it will end up looking like a 40K version of this:



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I have been chained in the painting corner for the last few evenings but the time has not been used in vain....

The Baneblade is now ready for priming with all the magnetisation done and as an added bonus I will be able to do this... Bah hahahahaha


And I have been working on the Jagdpanzer - not forgetting that I have limited myself to just raiding my bits box this is what I have come up with. I just need to do a bit of sanding on the filler for the mantlet and barrel then I will be able to hand it across to my son for painting. I have purposely kept it low profile :wink:



Now the observant of you can play spot the part ;)

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